Craigslist Scraper (Pay Per Result)
$10.00 / 1,000 results

Craigslist Scraper (Pay Per Result)
Extract data from classified advertisements on Craigslist. Scrape contact details from jobs, housing, items wanted, items for sale, services, community service, gigs, events and resumes listed on Craigslist. Download listings data in JSON, XML, Excel, and other versatile
0.0 (0)
$10.00 / 1,000 results
Monthly users
Runs succeeded
Response time
12 hours
Last modified
6 days ago
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Pricing model
Pay per resultThis Actor is paid per result. You are not charged for the Apify platform usage, but only a fixed price for each dataset of 1,000 items in the Actor outputs.
Price per 1,000 items