Amazon Bestsellers Scraper
Pay $5.00 for 1,000 items

Amazon Bestsellers Scraper
Pay $5.00 for 1,000 items
Scrape the Amazon Best Sellers categories and extract details on top 100 most popular items on Amazon. Download product name, price, URL, and thumbnail image. Best used on .com, .co.uk, .de, .fr, .es, and .it domains. Download your data in various formats: HTML table, JSON, CSV, Excel, and more.
Actor Metrics
99 monthly users
4.3 / 5 (7)
98% runs succeeded
22 hours response time
Created in Mar 2023
Modified 13 hours ago
Can't Get Amazon Category Page
The Amazon Category Page has been changed. Unable to use this scraper any more.

Hi Junmian, we are currently in the process of completely rewriting this Actor, because it is currently in... well... not so good state :D We are probably going to finish and update everything in the next week. I will keep you updated here, thanks!

Update! You can test the updated version under beta
Note: it has some limits still... we didn't implement max items functionality and some other small stuff yet