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Freelancer Scraper

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Freelancer Scraper

Freelancer Scraper

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🍂 About

Freelancer is an Australian freelance marketplace website, which allows potential employers to post jobs that freelancers can then bid to complete. Founded in 2009, its headquarters is located in Sydney, Australia, though it also has offices in Vancouver, London, Buenos Aires, Manila, and Jakarta.[1]

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Job Details

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6        "bid_count": 41
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20        "name": "US Dollar",
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23    "deleted": false,
24    "description": "Deploy the e-mission open source mobility platform ( This involves cloning the repository, setting up the environment, installing dependencies, and configuring the system. The project requires deploying the platform on a suitable infrastructure, ensuring proper functionality, implementing security measures, and testing. The ideal candidate should have skills in Python, JavaScript, mobile app development, server deployment, and data privacy practices.",
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84            "name": "Software Architecture",
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99    "preview_description": "Deploy the e-mission open source mobility platform ( This involves clo",
100    "project_reject_reason": {},
101    "seo_url": "python/Deploy-mission-Open-Source-Mobility",
102    "status": "active",
103    "submitdate": "2024-10-04T13:48:16Z",
104    "time_free_bids_expire": "2024-10-04T12:48:16Z",
105    "time_submitted": "2024-10-04T13:48:16Z",
106    "time_updated": "2024-10-04T13:48:16Z",
107    "title": "Deploy e-mission Open Source Mobility Platform",
108    "type": "fixed",
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112        "assisted": false,
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124        "recruiter": false,
125        "sealed": false,
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128    "urgent": false

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⚡️ Feel free to reach out to the developer for any issues or suggestions for improvement.

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Actor Metrics

  • 3 monthly users


  • 95% runs succeeded

  • Created in Sep 2022

  • Modified 4 months ago
