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Pinterest Explorer πŸ“Œ 🚧

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Pinterest Explorer πŸ“Œ 🚧

Pinterest Explorer πŸ“Œ 🚧

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7 days trial then $30.00/month - No credit card required now

πŸ’« Scrape [ 🚧 Under ongoing review and improvement 🚧] ✨

Welcome To Pinterest Explorer

don't be sad readme is here


enter image description here

Pinterest is an American image sharing and social media service designed to enable saving and discovery of information (specifically "ideas")[6] on the internet using images, and on a smaller scale, animated GIFs and videos,[7] in the form of pinboards.[8] The site was created by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp, and had 450 million global monthly active users as of December 2022.[5] It is operated by Pinterest, Inc., based in San Francisco.

πŸ“Œ About This Actor

Use this Actor to scrape data from, including profile, pins, boards, sections, search for pins visual similarity, etc.

🍿 Features :

  • ⭐ Scrape Profile, Pins, Boards, Section
  • ⭐ Scrape using URL
  • ⭐ Search for visual similarity (using URL)
  • ⭐ Sort images by similarity (coming soon)
  • ⭐ Generate Slide-Show
  • ⭐ Minimal input
  • ⭐ Fast like The Flash

πŸ“Œ Input Parameters

querystring arraySee below for possible query values
limitintegerNumber of results (per query)
gallerybooleanGenerate HTML gallery/viewer

πŸ“Œ HTTP Cookies

Some function may require a cookie value from your HTTP session. For example: products search, etc (see below). You may want to include additional HTTP cookie, for example your Login Cookie named _pinterest_sess (this is just example, use at your own risk!).

  • Login to, and get cookie value named: _pinterest_sess from domain:
  • Open ☒️ Advanced Options then copy paste:

enter image description here

πŸ“Œ Advanced Usage

🍿 Pinterest Query Language (PQL)

[ <COMMAND:> | # | @ ] [ <NAME> | <ID> | <KEYWORD> | <URL> ] [ /<SECTION> ]

🍿 Possible QUERY values

<KEYWORDS>wood furnitureSearch Anything
KEYWORDSsquare pantsSearch pins
videos:<KEYWORDS>videos:wooden chairsSearch videos
boards:<KEYWORDS>boards:yellow catsSearch boards
users:<KEYWORDS>users:apifySearch users
stories:<KEYWORDS>stories:gardenSearch stories
products:<KEYWORDS>products:computerSearch products
(cookie required)
#<TOPIC>#art or #961238559656Idea (topic/interest)
/info#art/infoTopic info and stats
/pins#art/pinsTopic related pins
/videos#art/videosTopic related videos
<PIN>1234567890Pin (post) Data
/info1234567890/infoPin info and stats
/related1234567890/relatedRelated pins
/comments1234567890/commentsPin comments
/visual1234567890/visualPin visual search
/products1234567890/productsPin related products
(cookie required)
@<USER>@microsoftUser Data
/info@microsoft/infoUser info
/followers@microsoft/followersUser followers
/following@microsoft/followingUser following
/pins@microsoft/pinsUser pins
/boards@walmart/boardsUser boards
/created@walmart/createdUser created pins
/products@amazon/productsUser (seller) products
@<USER>:<BOARD>@microsoft:travelBoard Data
board:<BOARD_ID>board:120013001Board Data (by board ID)
/infoboard:120013001/infoBoard info
/sectionsboard:120013001/sectionsBoard section (sub-folders)
/pinsboard:120013001/pinsBoard pins
/membersboard:120013001/membersBoard members (collaborators)
/followersboard:120013001/followersBoard followers
@<USER>:BOARD:SECTION@microsoft:travel:indiaSub-board Data
section:<SECTION_ID>section:310002100Sub-board (by section ID)
/infosection:310002100/infoSub-board info
/pinssection:310002100/pinsSub-board pins
https:<URL>https://* URL
/search/<TYPE>/?q=KEYWORDSearch for pins specific type
/ideas/<TOPIC>/<TOPIC_ID>Search specific topic/interest
/pin/<PIN> pin related
/pin/<PIN>/visual-searchUser pin visual search
/<USER> info
/<USER>/pinsUser pins
/<USER>/_createdUser created pins
/<USER>/_savedUser boards
/<USER>/<BOARD>Board pins
/<USER>/<BOARD>/<SECTION>Board sub-folder pins

πŸ“Œ Tutorial

🍿 Example #1: Searching

Searching for pins

{ "query": ["Window and Furniture"] }

Searching for videos only

{ "query": ["vidoes:Cat House"] }

Searching for products

{ "query": ["products:Square Pants"] }

🍿 Example #2: User Profile

User/profile info and stats

{ "query": ["@microsoft/info"] }

User boards list

{ "query": ["@microsoft/boards"] }

User products list

{ "query": ["@amazon/products"] }

🍿 Example #3: Number of Results

Use LIMIT to increase or limit number of results (per-query)

{ "query": ["@microsoft/pins"], "limit": 100 }

🍿 Example #4: Board and Section Pins

User Board pins

{ "query": ["@microsoft:travel/pins"], "limit": 100 }

User Board may have sub-boards (sections)

{ "query": ["@microsoft:travel:india/pins"], "limit": 100 }

For Board more detail info, use query board:<BOARD_ID>
Use query @USER/boards to get list of user boards and its ID

1{ "query": ["board:12300100002/info"] } 				# board info
2{ "query": ["board:12300100002/pins"], "limit": 100 } 	# board pins

Board sub-folders list

{ "query": ["board:12300100002/sections"], "limit": 100 }

🍿 Example #5: Pin Info

Pin info and statistics

{ "query": ["1234567890/info"] }

Pin related pins

{ "query": ["1234567890/related"], "limit": 50 }

Pin comments

{ "query": ["1234567890/comments"], "limit": 50 }

🍿 Example #6: URL

As last resort, you can copy and paste an URL

{ "query": [""] }

🍿 Example #7: Multiple Queries

Multiple user info

2	"query": [
3		"@google/info",
4		"@walmart/info",
5		"@apify/info"
6	]

Multiple user pins

2	"query": [
3		"@amazon/products",
4		"@walmart/products",
5		"@nike/products",
6		"@apify/pins",
7		"videos:yellow cat"
8	],
9	"limit": 10 # 10 results per-query

Different QUERY may have different attributes set.
You can combine different type of QUERY in a single request but not recommended.

2	"query": [
3		"@google/info",			
4		"120000199922/info", 	
5		"#art/info"
6	]

πŸ“Œ Output Samples

🍿 Sample #1: JSON Output

2    "board": {
3        "name": "LΖ°u nhanh",
4        "url": "/bch7946/_quick_saves/"
5    },
6    "created_at": "Tue, 14 Mar 2023 15:23:53 +0000",
7    "domain": "",
8    "grid_title": "Microsoft Ads Introduces Cookie-Based Experiment Feature",
9    "id": "1066438386741918409",
10    "image_crop": {
11        "max_y": 1
12    },
13    "image_signature": "1cc0030a7989dbcfe3b6b58d0f06f58c",
14    "images": {
15        "170x": {
16            "height": 123,
17            "url": "",
18            "width": 236
19        },
20        "236x": {
21            "height": 123,
22            "url": "",
23            "width": 236
24        },
25        "474x": {
26            "height": 248,
27            "url": "",
28            "width": 474
29        },
30        "736x": {
31            "height": 386,
32            "url": "",
33            "width": 736
34        },
35        "orig": {
36            "height": 840,
37            "url": "",
38            "width": 1600
39        }
40    },
41    "is_uploaded": true,
42    "link": "",
43    "pinner": {
44        "full_name": "TrΓ’m BΓ­ch",
45        "id": "1066438524171071800",
46        "image_large_url": "",
47        "image_medium_url": "",
48        "image_small_url": "",
49        "username": "bch7946"
50    },
51    "reaction_counts": {
52        "1": 1
53    },
54    "rich_summary": {
55        "display_description": "Microsoft Ads added an additional feature to the Experiment functionality launched last July: cookie-based audience specifications.",
56        "display_name": "Microsoft Ads Introduces Cookie-Based Experiment Feature",
57        "favicon_images": {
58            "orig": ""
59        },
60        "favicon_link": "",
61        "id": "0c15d83843dccc4039dbbb3091133efd",
62        "site_name": "Search Engine Journal",
63        "type": "richpingriddata",
64        "type_name": "article",
65        "url": ""
66    },
67    "type": "pin"

enter image description here

πŸ“Œ Support

  • ⚑️ Congratulation! you have mastered "How to scrape Pinterest using APIFY Pinterest Explorer"
  • ⚑️ Feel free to reach out to the developer for any issues or suggestions for improvement.
Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 4 monthly users


  • 99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Jun 2023

  • Modified a month ago