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3 days trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

One-stop-shop for all data on Extract job offers, list of companies, positions, locations... Job offers include salary, textual info, company, and more

Dataset type


Use this option if you want to scrape a whole dataset, not just specific URLs.

This option is ignored if Start URLs: are given

Value options:

"jobOffers": string"industries": string"professions": string"companies": string"languages": string"locations": string"partners": string

Default value of this property is "jobOffers"



If checked, the scraper will obtain more detailed info for job offers by visit the details page of each job offer.

If un-checked, only the data from the listing page is extracted.

For details, please refer to

Default value of this property is true

Search keywords (full-text search)


Comma-separated list of keywords. If given, only entries matching the keywords will be retrieved (full-text search)

Min salary


If set, only entries offering this much or more will be extracted

Min salary per hour/month


Choose if the minimum salary is in per hour or per month format

Value options:

"month": string"hour": string

Default value of this property is "month"

Type of employment


If set, only entries with this employment filter will be extracted

Value options:

"fte": string"pte": string"selfemploy": string"voluntary": string"internship": string

Remote vs On-site


If set, only entries with this type of remote work filter will be extracted

Value options:

"fullRemote": string"partialRemote": string"noRemote": string

Last N days


If set, only entries up to this much days old will be extracted. E.g. 7 = max 1 week old, 31 = max 1 month old, ...

Count the matched job offers


If checked, no data is extracted. Instead, the count of matched job offers is printed in the log.

Default value of this property is false

Extend Actor input from URL


Extend Actor input with a config from a URL.
For example, you can store your actor input in a source control, and import it here.
In case of a conflict (if a field is defined both in Actor input and in imported input) the Actor input overwrites the imported fields.
The URL is requested with GET method, and must point to a JSON file containing a single object (the config).
If you need to send a POST request or to modify the response further, use inputExtendFromFunction instead.

Extend Actor input from custom function


Extend Actor input with a config defined by a custom function.
For example, you can store your actor input in a source control, and import it here.
In case of a conflict (if a field is defined both in Actor input and in imported input) the Actor input overwrites the imported fields.
The function must return an object (the config).

Start URLs


List of URLs to scrape.

Start URLs from Dataset


Import URLs to scrape from an existing Dataset.
The dataset and the field to import from should be written as {datasetID}#{field}.
Example: datasetid123#url will take URLs from dataset datasetid123 from field url.

Start URLs from custom function


Import or generate URLs to scrape using a custom function.

Proxy configuration


Select proxies to be used by your crawler.

Include personal data


By default, fields that are potential personal data are censored. Toggle this option on to get the un-uncensored values.
WARNING: Turn this on ONLY if you have consent, legal basis for using the data, or at your own risk. Learn more

Default value of this property is false

Limit the number of requests


If set, only at most this many requests will be processed.
The count is determined from the RequestQueue that's used for the Actor run.
This means that if requestMaxEntries is set to 50, but the associated queue already handled 40 requests, then only 10 new requests will be handled.

Transform requests


Freely transform the request object using a custom function.
If not set, the request will remain as is.

Transform requests - Setup


Use this if you need to run one-time initialization code before requestTransform.

Transform requests - Teardown


Use this if you need to run one-time teardown code after requestTransform.

Filter requests


Decide which requests should be processed by using a custom function.
If not set, all requests will be included.
This is done after requestTransform.

Filter requests - Setup


Use this if you need to run one-time initialization code before requestFilter.

Filter requests - Teardown


Use this if you need to run one-time teardown code after requestFilter.

RequestQueue ID


By default, requests are stored in the default request queue. Set this option if you want to use a non-default queue. Learn more
NOTE: RequestQueue name can only contain letters 'a' through 'z', the digits '0' through '9', and the hyphen ('-') but only in the middle of the string (e.g. 'my-value-1')

Limit the number of scraped entries


If set, only at most this many entries will be scraped.
The count is determined from the Dataset that's used for the Actor run.
This means that if outputMaxEntries is set to 50, but the associated Dataset already has 40 items in it, then only 10 new entries will be saved.

Rename dataset fields


Rename fields (columns) of the output data.
If not set, all fields will have their original names.
This is done before outputPickFields.
Keys can be nested, e.g. "someProp.value[0]". Nested path is resolved using Lodash.get().

Pick dataset fields


Select a subset of fields of an entry that will be pushed to the dataset.
If not set, all fields on an entry will be pushed to the dataset.
This is done after outputRenameFields.
Keys can be nested, e.g. "someProp.value[0]". Nested path is resolved using Lodash.get().

Transform entries


Freely transform the output data object using a custom function.
If not set, the data will remain as is.
This is done after outputPickFields and outputRenameFields.

Transform entries - Setup


Use this if you need to run one-time initialization code before outputTransform.

Transform entries - Teardown


Use this if you need to run one-time teardown code after outputTransform.

Filter entries


Decide which scraped entries should be included in the output by using a custom function.
If not set, all scraped entries will be included.
This is done after outputPickFields, outputRenameFields, and outputTransform.

Filter entries - Setup


Use this if you need to run one-time initialization code before outputFilter.

Filter entries - Teardown


Use this if you need to run one-time teardown code after outputFilter.

Dataset ID


By default, data is written to Default dataset. Set this option if you want to write data to non-default dataset. Learn more
NOTE: Dataset name can only contain letters 'a' through 'z', the digits '0' through '9', and the hyphen ('-') but only in the middle of the string (e.g. 'my-value-1')

Cache ID


Set this option if you want to cache scraped entries in Apify's Key-value store.
This is useful for example when you want to scrape only NEW entries. In such case, you can use the outputFilter option to define a custom function to filter out entries already found in the cache. Learn more
NOTE: Cache name can only contain letters 'a' through 'z', the digits '0' through '9', and the hyphen ('-') but only in the middle of the string (e.g. 'my-value-1')

Cache primary keys


Specify fields that uniquely identify entries (primary keys), so entries can be compared against the cache.
NOTE: If not set, the entries are hashed based on all fields

Cache action on result


Specify whether scraped results should be added to, removed from, or overwrite the cache.
- add - Adds scraped results to the cache
- remove - Removes scraped results from the cache
- set - First clears all entries from the cache, then adds scraped results to the cache
NOTE: No action happens when this field is empty.

Value options:

"add": string"remove": string"overwrite": string



Indicates how many times the request is retried if BasicCrawlerOptions.requestHandler fails.



The maximum number of requests per minute the crawler should run. We can pass any positive, non-zero integer.



Maximum number of pages that the crawler will open. The crawl will stop when this limit is reached.
NOTE: In cases of parallel crawling, the actual number of pages visited might be slightly higher than this value.



Sets the minimum concurrency (parallelism) for the crawl.
WARNING: If we set this value too high with respect to the available system memory and CPU, our crawler will run extremely slow or crash. If not sure, it's better to keep the default value and the concurrency will scale up automatically.



Sets the maximum concurrency (parallelism) for the crawl.


Timeout in which the HTTP request to the resource needs to finish, given in seconds.



Timeout in which the function passed as BasicCrawlerOptions.requestHandler needs to finish, in seconds.



Allows to keep the crawler alive even if the RequestQueue gets empty. With keepAlive: true the crawler will keep running, waiting for more requests to come.



If set to true, SSL certificate errors will be ignored.



An array of MIME types you want the crawler to load and process. By default, only text/html and application/xhtml+xml MIME types are supported.



By default this crawler will extract correct encoding from the HTTP response headers. There are some websites which use invalid headers. Those are encoded using the UTF-8 encoding. If those sites actually use a different encoding, the response will be corrupted. You can use suggestResponseEncoding to fall back to a certain encoding, if you know that your target website uses it. To force a certain encoding, disregarding the response headers, use forceResponseEncoding.



By default this crawler will extract correct encoding from the HTTP response headers. Use forceResponseEncoding to force a certain encoding, disregarding the response headers. To only provide a default for missing encodings, use suggestResponseEncoding.

Batch requests


If set, multiple Requests will be handled by a single Actor instance.
Example: If set to 20, then up to 20 requests will be handled in a single "go", after which the actor instance will reset.
See Apify documentation.

Wait (in seconds) between processing requests in a single batch


How long to wait between entries within a single batch.
Increase this value if you're using batching and you're sending requests to the scraped website too fast.
Example: If set to 1, then after each entry in a batch, wait 1 second before continuing.

Log Level


Select how detailed should be the logging.

Value options:

"off": string"debug": string"info": string"warn": string"error": string

Default value of this property is "info"

Error reporting dataset ID


Dataset ID to which errors should be captured.
Default: 'REPORTING'.
NOTE: Dataset name can only contain letters 'a' through 'z', the digits '0' through '9', and the hyphen ('-') but only in the middle of the string (e.g. 'my-value-1')

Default value of this property is "REPORTING"

Send errors to Sentry


Whether to report actor errors to telemetry such as Sentry.
This info is used by the author of this actor to identify broken integrations, and track down and fix issues.

Default value of this property is true

Metamorph actor ID - metamorph to another actor at the end


Use this option if you want to run another actor with the same dataset after this actor has finished (AKA metamorph into another actor). Learn more
New actor is identified by its ID, e.g. "apify/web-scraper".

Metamorph actor build


Tag or number of the target actor build to metamorph into (e.g. 'beta' or '1.2.345')

Metamorph actor input


Input object passed to the follow-up (metamorph) actor. Learn more

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 2 monthly users

  • 1 star

  • 93% runs succeeded

  • Created in Apr 2023

  • Modified a year ago
