3 days trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now Scraper
3 days trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now
One-stop-shop for all data on Extract job offers, list of companies, positions, locations... Job offers include salary, textual info, company, and more
One-stop-shop for all data on Extract job offers, list of companies, professions, locations... Job offers include salary, textual info, company, and more.
What is Scraper and how it works?
Profesia - Is the leading Slovak job board in Slovakia.
With Scraper, you can extract:
- Job offers
- List of companies that have job offers
- List of industries that have job offers
- List of locations that have job offers
- List of professions
- List of advertised language requirements
- List of partners of
See the outputs section for a detailed description.
The data can be downloaded in JSON, JSONL, XML, CSV, Excel, or HTML formats.
This actor is a robust production-grade solution suitable for businesses and those that need reliability.
7 kinds of datasets
- Scrape details of job offers, companies, industries, locations, professions, languages or partners.
Fast or Detailed modes
- Scraping can be fast (data taken from listing page only) or detailed (visit each job offer page).
Filter support
- Filter the results by Keyword(s) (full-text search), Minimum salary (per month / per hour), Employment type (full-time, part-time, freelance, internship, voluntary), Remote status (remote, partial, on-site) or Job offer age (in days).
- Limit the number of results.
Blazing fast
- The actor doesn't use a browser, which means it's fast and cheap.
Proxy support
- You can use Apify's proxy, or your own, via Input.
Integrated data filtering and transformation
- Filter and modify scraped entries out of the box from within Apify UI, without needing other tools.
Integrated cache
- You can use cache together with custom filtering to e.g. save only NEW entries to the dataset. Save time and reduce cost.
- Cache automatically stores which entries were already scraped. Cache can persist between different scraper runs.
Custom crawler configuration
- For advanced needs, you can pass Crawler configuration via Input.
Tested daily for high reliability
- The actor is regularly tested end-to-end to minimize the risk of a broken integration.
Privacy-compliant (GDPR)
- By default, personal data is redacted to avoid privacy issues. You can opt-in to include un-censored data.
Pass scraped dataset to other actors
- Automatically trigger another actor when this one is done to process the scraped dataset.
- Metamorphing means that the dataset and key-value store is passed to another actor.
- Actor metamorph can be configure via actor input. No need to define custom actors just for that.
Error monitoring
- Errors from your runs are captured and surfaced in the
dataset. (See Storage > Dataset > Select dropdown). - Errors are also automatically reported to Sentry.
- Errors from your runs are captured and surfaced in the
How can you use the data scraped from (Examples)
- Analyse competitors' job offers and recruitment strategies.
- Create competitive salary packages + perks based on the information like salary or remote options.
- Analyze the effectiveness of job advertisements and optimize their recruitment marketing strategies.
- Automate the process of finding job offers for your clients.
- Analyze job market trends like salary expectations, popular job types, and in-demand skills.
- Study the regional job market trends.
How to use Scraper
- Create a free Apify account using your email
- Open Scraper
- In Input, select the dataset to scrape, and filters to apply.
- Click "Start" and wait for the data to be extracted.
- Download your data in JSON, JSONL, XML, CSV, Excel, or HTML format.
For details and examples for all input fields, please visit the Input tab.
How much does it cost to scrape
Job offers
1000 results | Full run (~ 21K results) | |
Fast run | $0.023 in 52s | $0.482 in 18m 12s |
Detailed run | $0.042 in 1m 44s | $0.87 in 36m 30s |
Full run (~ 6.2K results) | |
Run | $0.039 in 33s |
Full run (~ 40 results) | |
Run | $0.003 in 10s |
Full run (~ 200 results) | |
Run | $0.005 in 17s |
Full run (~ 500 results) | |
Run | $0.007 in 17s |
Full run (~ 30 results) | |
Run | $0.004 in 14s |
Full run (~ 70 results) | |
Run | $0.003 in 12s |
Checking for new job offers every day => costs less than $1 per month ($0.713 = 31 * $0.023).
NOTE: Prices for job offer data are only indicative, based on runs of 200 entries.
Remember that with the Apify Free plan, you have $5 free usage per month.
Other datasets
List of companies, professions, locations, industries, partners, etc, are all around $0.038 (24s) per run.
Input options
For details and examples for all input fields, please visit the Input tab.
Filter options
You can run Scraper as is, with the default options, to get a sample of the job offers entries (fast mode).
Otherwise, you can filter by:
- Keyword(s) (full-text search)
- Minimum salary (per month / per hour)
- Employment type (full-time, part-time, freelance, internship, voluntary)
- Remote status (remote, partial, on-site)
- Job offer age (in days)
Alternatively, you can set up a custom search filter,
and pass the resulting
search results URL
to the startUrls
input option.
Hence you can e.g. use Scraper to dynamically check for existence of certain job offers.
Limit options
To limit how many results you get, set outputMaxEntries
to desired amount.
Input examples
Example 1: Get summary of all job offers in last 20 days for full-time on-site cooks with salary 6+ eur/hr
1{ 2 "datasetType": "jobOffers", 3 "jobOfferFilterEmploymentType": "fte", 4 "jobOfferFilterLastNDays": 20, 5 "jobOfferFilterMinSalaryPeriod": "hour", 6 "jobOfferFilterMinSalaryValue": 6, 7 "jobOfferFilterQuery": "kuchar", 8 "jobOfferFilterRemoteWorkType": "noRemote", 9}
Example 2: Same as above, but specified by providing a custom search results URL
1{ 2 "startUrls": [ 3 "" 4 ], 5}
Example 3: (Advanced) Same as above, but re-configure the crawler to increase the request timeout to 5 min and request retries to 5
1{ 2 "startUrls": [ 3 "" 4 ], 5 "requestHandlerTimeoutSecs": 300, 6 "maxRequestRetries": 5, 7}
Once the actor is done, you can see the overview of results in the Output tab.
To export the data, head over to the Storage tab.
Sample output from Scraper
Job offers output
1{ 2 "listingUrl": "", 3 "employerName": null, 4 "employerUrl": "", 5 "employerLogoUrl": "", 6 "offerName": null, 7 "offerUrl": "", 8 "offerId": "O4563553", 9 "location": "Stará Ľubovňa", 10 "labels": [], 11 "lastChangeRelativeTime": "pred 11 hodinami", 12 "lastChangeType": "added", 13 "salaryRange": "2 000 EUR/mesiac", 14 "salaryRangeLower": 2000, 15 "salaryRangeUpper": null, 16 "salaryCurrency": "eur", 17 "salaryPeriod": "month", 18 // Only in detailed entry 19 "employmentTypes": [ 20 "selfemploy" 21 ], 22 // Only in detailed entry 23 "startDate": "Dohodou", 24 // Only in detailed entry 25 "phoneNumbers": [ 26 "+421123456789" 27 ], 28 // Only in detailed entry 29 "datePosted": "2023-04-22", 30 // Only in detailed entry 31 "jobInfoDeadline": null, 32 // Only in detailed entry 33 "jobInfoResponsibilities": "Ponúkame pracovné miesta v Starej Ľubovni, Kežmarku a v Spišskej Belej.Sme úspešná firma, plná úspešných ľudí!Chcete zažiť úspech? Ste tu správne! Sme PSS, Prvá stavebná sporiteľňa, s najvyšším podielom na trhu a zaradili sme sa do rebríčka TOP 3 finančných inštitúcií poskytujúcich produkty na financovanie bývania.Pridajte sa k nám a naučíme Vás, ako sa stať expertom na financovanie bývania.Čo bude Vaša úloha v tíme na pozícii obchodný zástupca:spravovať klientske portfólio PSSsamostatne viesť obchodné rokovaniavyhľadávať nových klientovaktívne hľadať a ponúkať klientom riešenia v oblasti financovania bývaniarealizovať obchodné ciele v oblasti sprostredkovania predaja produktov PSSbudovať tímovú spoluprácu", 34 // Only in detailed entry 35 "jobInfoBenefits": "Čo ponúkame:komplexné portfólio produktovstabilné pracovné miesto – kancelária, notebook, databáza klientovadministratívnu a právnu podporubezplatnú certifikáciu v NBSodborné vzdelávanie a školenia na rozvoj obchodného potenciáluatraktívnu províznu schému, motivačné súťaže, TOP klubyteambuildingypodporu pre začínajúcich obchodných zástupcov – finančná podpora, mentorvideoporadenstvo – online komunikácia s klientombezplatnú marketingovú podporuflexibilný pracovný časprácu na živnosť alebo ako právnická osoba", 36 // Only in detailed entry 37 "jobReqEducation": "stredoškolské s maturitou\nnadstavbové/vyššie odborné vzdelanie\nvysokoškolské I. stupňa\nvysokoškolské II. stupňa\nvysokoškolské III. stupňa", 38 // Only in detailed entry 39 "jobReqIndustry": "stredoškolské s maturitou\nnadstavbové/vyššie odborné vzdelanie\nvysokoškolské I. stupňa\nvysokoškolské II. stupňa\nvysokoškolské III. stupňa", 40 // Only in detailed entry 41 "jobReqOther": "Microsoft Word - ZákladyMicrosoft Excel - Základy", 42 // Only in detailed entry 43 "jobReqSuitableForGraduate": "Áno", 44 // Only in detailed entry 45 "jobReqPersonalSkills": "Čím nás oslovíte:ste ľudský, empatický, sebavedomý, svedomitýmáte príjemné vystupovaniemáte obchodného duchachcete na sebe neustále pracovať a rozvíjať saviete pracovať samostatne, ale rozumiete dôležitosti tímovej spolupráceuž teraz sa tešíte na stretnutia s klientommáte minimálne SŠ vzdelanie s maturitou", 46 // Only in detailed entry 47 "jobReqExpertise": null, 48 // Only in detailed entry 49 "jobReqLanguage": null, 50 // Only in detailed entry 51 "jobReqDriversLicense": null, 52 // Only in detailed entry 53 "employerDescription": "Sme experti na financovanie bývania a na trhu pôsobíme už 30 rokov. Naše produkty využilo viac ako 2,5 milióna klientov, ktorým sme pomohli splniť si sen o vlastnom bývaní.\n\nZastávame hodnoty, ktoré zabezpečujú férový prístup ku klientom a aj k našim kolegom. Naše úspechy sú výsledkom tímovej spolupráce a práce kolegov motivovaných pestrým benefitným programom a adekvátnym finančným ohodnotením.\n\nAk sa chcete stať súčasťou tímu centrály PSS a nenašli ste pozíciu, ktorá by Vás oslovila, určite nám napíšte na [email protected] \nV prípade záujmu o prácu obchodného zástupcu v regióne, ktorý aktuálne nemá aktívnu inzerciu, prihláste sa prosím na nasledujúcom linku a uveďte svoje kontaktné údaje:\n\n\nNaši kolegovia sa Vám ozvú a preberú s Vami aktuálne možnosti, pretože v PSS si vážime každý jeden talent a vieme oceniť prínos každého kolegu!", 54 // Only in detailed entry 55 "employeeCount": "250-499 zamestnancov", 56 // Only in detailed entry 57 "employerContact": "Kontaktná osoba: Ing. Name RedactedTel.: +421123456789-mail: poslať životopis", 58 // Only in detailed entry 59 "locationCategs": [ 60 { 61 "url": "", 62 "name": "Stará Ľubovňa" 63 } 64 ], 65 // Only in detailed entry 66 "professionCategs": [ 67 { 68 "url": "", 69 "name": "Klientský pracovník" 70 }, 71 { 72 "url": "", 73 "name": "Obchodný zástupca" 74 } 75 ], 76 "metadata": { 77 "actorId": "xLwYqj7sxMcGRcYZt", 78 "actorRunId": "TzHJ97DLccjt41Vjf", 79 "actorRunUrl": "", 80 "contextId": "Zj3uHMtLtq", 81 "requestId": "Q1E7YC5MfacPnSa", 82 "originalUrl": "", 83 "loadedUrl": "", 84 "dateHandled": "2023-04-22T17:42:14.677Z", 85 "numberOfRetries": 0 86 }, 87}
Companies output
1{ 2 "url": "", 3 "name": "\"Americká rada\"", 4 "count": 1, 5 "metadata": { 6 "actorId": "xLwYqj7sxMcGRcYZt", 7 "actorRunId": "9NqzdWbldXDhnfr90", 8 "actorRunUrl": "", 9 "contextId": "STGbhv5vhC", 10 "requestId": "RlmnlCkaYRPDswZ", 11 "originalUrl": "", 12 "loadedUrl": "", 13 "dateHandled": "2023-05-03T08:22:25.763Z", 14 "numberOfRetries": 2 15 }, 16}
Industries output
1{ 2 "url": "", 3 "name": "Administratíva", 4 "count": 1987, 5 "metadata": { 6 "actorId": "xLwYqj7sxMcGRcYZt", 7 "actorRunId": "aXiYA7Fvhe9yc770e", 8 "actorRunUrl": "", 9 "contextId": "qrClMCZClt", 10 "requestId": "5pg1u9iBvSHT8Qj", 11 "originalUrl": "", 12 "loadedUrl": "", 13 "dateHandled": "2023-05-03T08:11:59.543Z", 14 "numberOfRetries": 0 15 }, 16}
Locations output
1{ 2 "url": "", 3 "name": "Bratislavský kraj", 4 "count": 7966, 5 "region": "Bratislavský kraj", 6 "country": "Slovenská republika", 7 "metadata": { 8 "actorId": "xLwYqj7sxMcGRcYZt", 9 "actorRunId": "lfAcMFtoU5viZUoCI", 10 "actorRunUrl": "", 11 "contextId": "Owb8eoeUH8", 12 "requestId": "1k0DgwIuJ2QoZ3D", 13 "originalUrl": "", 14 "loadedUrl": "", 15 "dateHandled": "2023-05-03T08:27:02.347Z", 16 "numberOfRetries": 1 17 }, 18}
Professions output
1{ 2 "url": "", 3 "name": ".NET programátor", 4 "count": 84, 5 "metadata": { 6 "actorId": "xLwYqj7sxMcGRcYZt", 7 "actorRunId": "6M3q7QCbUUWBjp4zh", 8 "actorRunUrl": "", 9 "contextId": "pd32tdaf8d", 10 "requestId": "PwFXfeXgSpuftFt", 11 "originalUrl": "", 12 "loadedUrl": "", 13 "dateHandled": "2023-05-03T08:20:30.582Z", 14 "numberOfRetries": 1 15 }, 16}
Languages output
1{ 2 "url": "", 3 "name": "Anglický jazyk", 4 "count": 7877, 5 "metadata": { 6 "actorId": "xLwYqj7sxMcGRcYZt", 7 "actorRunId": "qZjKLARF76gcLAN4m", 8 "actorRunUrl": "", 9 "contextId": "iPbY5cpzya", 10 "requestId": "q50iTwf3pOgYUnO", 11 "originalUrl": "", 12 "loadedUrl": "", 13 "dateHandled": "2023-05-03T08:24:21.395Z", 14 "numberOfRetries": 0 15 }, 16}
Partners output
1{ 2 "name": "Absolventi.STUBA.SK", 3 "url": "", 4 "description": "Je určený všetkým absolventom, študentom, priateľom i priaznivcom STU v Bratislave. Jeho prostredníctvom môžete získať informácie o aktuálnom dianí, či hľadať medzi našimi čerstvými absolventmi perspektívnych zamestnancov pre svoje firmy. Práce na portáli a jeho definitívnej podobe ešte stále pokračujú.", 5 "logoUrl": "", 6 "category": "Špecializované servery", 7 "metadata": { 8 "actorId": "xLwYqj7sxMcGRcYZt", 9 "actorRunId": "vdcUN6FBBTEmwBE6T", 10 "actorRunUrl": "", 11 "contextId": "y7RcAIYVfY", 12 "requestId": "6DUFNu05KLfFoVN", 13 "originalUrl": "", 14 "loadedUrl": "", 15 "dateHandled": "2023-05-03T08:25:35.747Z", 16 "numberOfRetries": 1 17 }, 18}
How to integrate Scraper with other services, APIs or Actors
You can connect the actor with many of the integrations on the Apify platform. You can integrate with Make, Zapier, Slack, Airbyte, GitHub, Google Sheets, Google Drive, and more. Or you can use webhooks to carry out an action whenever an event occurs, e.g. get a notification whenever Instagram API Scraper successfully finishes a run.
Use Scraper with Apify API
The Apify API gives you programmatic access to the Apify platform. The API is organized around RESTful HTTP endpoints that enable you to manage, schedule and run Apify actors. The API also lets you access any datasets, monitor actor performance, fetch results, create and update versions, and more.
To access the API using Node.js, use the apify-client
NPM package.
To access the API using Python, use the apify-client
PyPI package.
Check out the Apify API reference docs for full details or click on the API tab for code examples.
Is it legal to scrape
It is legal to scrape publicly available data such as product descriptions, prices, or ratings. Read Apify's blog post on the legality of web scraping to learn more.
However, the following datasets include personal data:
- Job offers dataset includes info about employees.
- Fields: employerContact, phoneNumbers
- By default, this personal data is redacted, and in such case, it's safe to scrape the data.
To get the unredacted data, toggle on the "Include personal data" actor input.
Warning: Including personal data is done at your own risk. It is your responsibility to make sure you have obtained consent or have a legal basis for using the data.
By using this actor, you agree not to hold the author of this actor liable for privacy or data-related issues that may arise during its use.
Redacted fields may show a message like this instead of the actual value:
<Redacted property "email". To include the actual value, toggle ON the Actor input option "Include personal data">
Who can I contact for issues with actor?
To report issues and find help, head over to the Discord community, or email me at juraj[dot]oravec[dot]josefson[at]gmail[dot]com
Actor Metrics
5 monthly users
1 star
83% runs succeeded
Created in Apr 2023
Modified a year ago