Tweet Scraper|$0.25/1K Tweets | Pay-Per Result | No Rate Limits
Pay $0.25 for 1,000 Tweets

Tweet Scraper|$0.25/1K Tweets | Pay-Per Result | No Rate Limits
Pay $0.25 for 1,000 Tweets
Only $0.25/1000 tweets for Twitter scraping, 100% reliability, swift data retrieval.This incredible low price is almost too good to be true.Thanks to our large-scale operations and efficient servers, we can offer you rock-bottom prices that no competitors can match. Don't miss this opportunity !
You can access the Tweet Scraper|$0.25/1K Tweets | Pay-Per Result | No Rate Limits programmatically from your own applications by using the Apify API. You can choose the language preference from below. To use the Apify API, you’ll need an Apify account and your API token, found in Integrations settings in Apify Console.
2 "openapi": "3.0.1",
3 "info": {
4 "version": "1.0",
5 "x-build-id": "8GfmOIIhLJ4fGqw5P"
6 },
7 "servers": [
8 {
9 "url": "https://api.apify.com/v2"
10 }
11 ],
12 "paths": {
13 "/acts/kaitoeasyapi~twitter-x-data-tweet-scraper-pay-per-result-cheapest/run-sync-get-dataset-items": {
14 "post": {
15 "operationId": "run-sync-get-dataset-items-kaitoeasyapi-twitter-x-data-tweet-scraper-pay-per-result-cheapest",
16 "x-openai-isConsequential": false,
17 "summary": "Executes an Actor, waits for its completion, and returns Actor's dataset items in response.",
18 "tags": [
19 "Run Actor"
20 ],
21 "requestBody": {
22 "required": true,
23 "content": {
24 "application/json": {
25 "schema": {
26 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/inputSchema"
27 }
28 }
29 }
30 },
31 "parameters": [
32 {
33 "name": "token",
34 "in": "query",
35 "required": true,
36 "schema": {
37 "type": "string"
38 },
39 "description": "Enter your Apify token here"
40 }
41 ],
42 "responses": {
43 "200": {
44 "description": "OK"
45 }
46 }
47 }
48 },
49 "/acts/kaitoeasyapi~twitter-x-data-tweet-scraper-pay-per-result-cheapest/runs": {
50 "post": {
51 "operationId": "runs-sync-kaitoeasyapi-twitter-x-data-tweet-scraper-pay-per-result-cheapest",
52 "x-openai-isConsequential": false,
53 "summary": "Executes an Actor and returns information about the initiated run in response.",
54 "tags": [
55 "Run Actor"
56 ],
57 "requestBody": {
58 "required": true,
59 "content": {
60 "application/json": {
61 "schema": {
62 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/inputSchema"
63 }
64 }
65 }
66 },
67 "parameters": [
68 {
69 "name": "token",
70 "in": "query",
71 "required": true,
72 "schema": {
73 "type": "string"
74 },
75 "description": "Enter your Apify token here"
76 }
77 ],
78 "responses": {
79 "200": {
80 "description": "OK",
81 "content": {
82 "application/json": {
83 "schema": {
84 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/runsResponseSchema"
85 }
86 }
87 }
88 }
89 }
90 }
91 },
92 "/acts/kaitoeasyapi~twitter-x-data-tweet-scraper-pay-per-result-cheapest/run-sync": {
93 "post": {
94 "operationId": "run-sync-kaitoeasyapi-twitter-x-data-tweet-scraper-pay-per-result-cheapest",
95 "x-openai-isConsequential": false,
96 "summary": "Executes an Actor, waits for completion, and returns the OUTPUT from Key-value store in response.",
97 "tags": [
98 "Run Actor"
99 ],
100 "requestBody": {
101 "required": true,
102 "content": {
103 "application/json": {
104 "schema": {
105 "$ref": "#/components/schemas/inputSchema"
106 }
107 }
108 }
109 },
110 "parameters": [
111 {
112 "name": "token",
113 "in": "query",
114 "required": true,
115 "schema": {
116 "type": "string"
117 },
118 "description": "Enter your Apify token here"
119 }
120 ],
121 "responses": {
122 "200": {
123 "description": "OK"
124 }
125 }
126 }
127 }
128 },
129 "components": {
130 "schemas": {
131 "inputSchema": {
132 "type": "object",
133 "required": [
134 "maxItems"
135 ],
136 "properties": {
137 "tweetIDs": {
138 "title": "Tweet IDs",
139 "type": "array",
140 "description": "Enter the tweet ids you want to scrape. Case1: 1846987139428634858,1858743654778892784. Note: When this field has a value, all other filter conditions will be ignored.",
141 "items": {
142 "type": "string"
143 }
144 },
145 "twitterContent": {
146 "title": "Tweet Content",
147 "type": "string",
148 "description": "Enter the content of the tweet you want to scrape.case 1:nasa esa=>Containing both \"nasa\" and \"esa\". Spaces are implicit AND. Brackets can be used to group individual words if using other operators. case 2:nasa OR esa =>Either \"nasa\" or \"esa\". OR must be in uppercase. case 3:\"state of the art\" => The complete phrase \"state of the art\". Will also match \"state-of-the-art\". Also use quotes to prevent spelling correction. case 4:\"this is the * time this week\"=>A complete phrase with a wildcard. * does not work outside of a quoted phrase or without spaces. case 5:+radiooooo =>Force a term to be included as-is. Useful to prevent spelling correction. case 6:-love => - is used for excluding \"love\". Also applies to quoted phrases and other operators. case 7:-\"live laugh love\" => - also applies to quoted phrases and other operators. case 8:#tgif => A hashtag. case 9:$TWTR => A cashtag, like hashtags but for stock symbols. case 10:What ? =>Question marks are matched. case 11: :) OR :( => Some emoticons are matched, positive :) :-) :P :D or negative :-( :(. case 12: 👀 => Emoji searches are also matched. Usually needs another operator to work."
149 },
150 "searchTerms": {
151 "title": "Search Terms",
152 "type": "array",
153 "description": "Enter the search terms you want to scrape. Each term should follow Twitter's search syntax. Multiple terms will be processed separately. If set, this field will override the twitterContent field,and the field 'Maximum number of items on output' means the maximum number of items for each search term.",
154 "items": {
155 "type": "string"
156 }
157 },
158 "maxItems": {
159 "title": "Maximum number of items on output",
160 "minimum": 1,
161 "maximum": 1000000,
162 "type": "integer",
163 "description": "Maximum number of items that you want as output. When searchTerms is set, this field means the maximum number of items for each search term.",
164 "default": 200
165 },
166 "queryType": {
167 "title": "Query Type, support Latest,Top,Photos,Videos",
168 "enum": [
169 "Latest",
170 "Top",
171 "Photos",
172 "Videos"
173 ],
174 "type": "string",
175 "description": "This field determines the type of Twitter search to be performed. The options are 'Latest', 'Top', 'Photos', 'Photos', Videos'. 'Latest' will return the most recent tweets. 'Top' will return the most popular or relevant tweets according to Twitter's algorithm. 'Photos' will return tweets containing photos. 'Videos' will return tweets containing photos videos.",
176 "default": "Latest"
177 },
178 "lang": {
179 "title": "Language",
180 "enum": [
181 "am",
182 "ar",
183 "bg",
184 "bn",
185 "bo",
186 "ca",
187 "ch`",
188 "cs",
189 "da",
190 "de",
191 "dv",
192 "el",
193 "en",
194 "es",
195 "et",
196 "fa",
197 "fi",
198 "fr",
199 "gu",
200 "hi",
201 "ht",
202 "hu",
203 "hy",
204 "in",
205 "is",
206 "it",
207 "iu",
208 "iw",
209 "ja",
210 "ka",
211 "km",
212 "kn",
213 "ko",
214 "lo",
215 "lt",
216 "lv",
217 "ml",
218 "my",
219 "ne",
220 "nl",
221 "no",
222 "or",
223 "pa",
224 "pl",
225 "pt",
226 "ro",
227 "ru",
228 "si",
229 "sk",
230 "sl",
231 "sv",
232 "ta",
233 "te",
234 "th",
235 "tl",
236 "tr",
237 "uk",
238 "ur",
239 "vi",
240 "zh"
241 ],
242 "type": "string",
243 "description": "Search for tweets in specified language, not always accurate.Language is specified as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes."
244 },
245 "from": {
246 "title": "From User",
247 "type": "string",
248 "description": "Sent by a particular @username e.g. \"NASA\" .https://twitter.com/search?q=dogs%20from%3Anasa&src=typed_query&f=live"
249 },
250 "to": {
251 "title": "To User",
252 "type": "string",
253 "description": "Replying to a particular @username. eg. \"NASA\".https://twitter.com/search?q=%23MoonTunes%20to%3Anasa&src=typed_query&f=live"
254 },
255 "@": {
256 "title": "Mention User",
257 "type": "string",
258 "description": "Mentioning a particular @username. Combine with -from:username to get only mentions.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=%40cern%20-from%3Acern&src=typed_query&f=live"
259 },
260 "list": {
261 "title": "List",
262 "type": "string",
263 "description": "Tweets from members of this public list. Use the list ID from the API or with urls like twitter.com/i/lists/715919216927322112. List slug is for old list urls like twitter.com/esa/lists/astronauts."
264 },
265 "filter:verified": {
266 "title": "Filter Verified",
267 "type": "boolean",
268 "description": "Filter tweets from verified users only.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=filter%3Averified&src=typed_query&f=live",
269 "default": false
270 },
271 "filter:blue_verified": {
272 "title": "Filter Blue Verified",
273 "type": "boolean",
274 "description": "Filter tweets from blue verified users only.However, I found that using filter:blue_verified alone causes issues and needs to be used together with filter:verified, possibly due to a Twitter bug.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=filter%3Ablue_verified%20-filter%3Averified&src=typed_query&f=live",
275 "default": false
276 },
277 "near": {
278 "title": "Near",
279 "type": "string",
280 "description": "Geotagged in this place. Also supports Phrases, eg: near:\"The Hague\" . eg https://twitter.com/search?q=near%3A%22The%20Hague%22&src=typed_query&f=live"
281 },
282 "within": {
283 "title": "Within",
284 "type": "string",
285 "description": "Within specific radius of the \"near\" operator, to apply a limit. Can use km or mi. e.g. fire near:san-francisco within:10km.eg:https://twitter.com/search?q=fire%20near%3Asan-francisco%20within%3A10km&src=typed_query&f=live"
286 },
287 "geocode": {
288 "title": "Geo Code",
289 "type": "string",
290 "description": "Search within a specific radius of a coordinate. E.g. to get tweets 10km around twitters hq, use geocode:37.7764685,-122.4172004,10km.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=geocode%3A37.7764685%2C-122.4172004%2C10km&src=typed_query&f=live"
291 },
292 "since": {
293 "title": "Since",
294 "type": "string",
295 "description": "On or after (inclusive) a specified date and time in the specified timezone. 4 digit year, 2 digit month, 2 digit day separated by - dashes, an _ underscore separating the 24 hour clock format hours:minutes:seconds and timezone abbreviation.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=since%3A2019-06-12%20until%3A2019-06-28%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live"
296 },
297 "until": {
298 "title": "Until",
299 "type": "string",
300 "description": "Before (NOT inclusive) a specified date and time in the specified timezone. Combine with a \"since\" operator for dates between.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=%22%23NASA%22%20since%3A2022-10-13_00%3A00%3A00_UTC%20until%3A2022-10-14_00%3A02%3A00_UTC&src=typed_query&f=live"
301 },
302 "since_time": {
303 "title": "Since Time",
304 "type": "string",
305 "description": "On or after a specified unix timestamp in seconds. Combine with the \"Until Time\" operator for dates between. Maybe easier to use than since_id below.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=since_time%3A1561720321%20until_time%3A1562198400%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live"
306 },
307 "until_time": {
308 "title": "Until Time",
309 "type": "string",
310 "description": "Before a specified unix timestamp in seconds. Combine with a \"Since Time\" operator for dates between. Maybe easier to use than max_id below.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=since_time%3A1561720321%20until_time%3A1562198400%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live"
311 },
312 "since_id": {
313 "title": "Since ID",
314 "type": "string",
315 "description": "On or after a specified tweet ID. Combine with the \"Until ID\" operator for dates between. Maybe easier to use than since_time above.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=since_id%3A1138872932887924737%20max_id%3A1144730280353247233%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live"
316 },
317 "max_id": {
318 "title": "Max ID ",
319 "type": "string",
320 "description": "Before a specified tweet ID. Combine with a \"Since ID\" operator for dates between. Maybe easier to use than until_time above.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=since_id%3A1138872932887924737%20max_id%3A1144730280353247233%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live"
321 },
322 "within_time": {
323 "title": "Within Time",
324 "type": "string",
325 "description": "Search within the last number of days, hours, minutes, or seconds, eg: within:1h, within:1d, within:1m, within:1s.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=nasa%20within_time%3A30s&src=typed_query&f=live"
326 },
327 "filter:nativeretweets": {
328 "title": "Filter Native Retweets",
329 "type": "boolean",
330 "description": "Only retweets created using the retweet button. Works well combined with from: to show only retweets. Only works within the last 7-10 days or so.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Anasa%20filter%3Anativeretweets&src=typed_query&f=live",
331 "default": false
332 },
333 "include:nativeretweets": {
334 "title": "Include Native Retweets",
335 "type": "boolean",
336 "description": "Native retweets are excluded by default. This shows them. In contrast to filter:, which shows only retweets, this includes retweets in addition to other tweets. Only works within the last 7-10 days or so.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Anasa%20include%3Anativeretweets%20&src=typed_query&f=live",
337 "default": false
338 },
339 "filter:replies": {
340 "title": "Filter Retweets",
341 "type": "boolean",
342 "description": "Tweet is a reply to another Tweet. good for finding conversations, or threads if you add or remove to:user.eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Anasa%20filter%3Areplies%20-to%3Anasa&src=typed_query&f=live",
343 "default": false
344 },
345 "conversation_id": {
346 "title": "Conversation ID",
347 "type": "string",
348 "description": "Tweets that are part of a thread (direct replies and other replies).Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=conversation_id%3A1140437409710116865%20lang%3Aen&src=typed_query&f=live"
349 },
350 "filter:quote": {
351 "title": "Filter Quote",
352 "type": "boolean",
353 "description": "Contain Quote Tweets.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Anasa%20filter%3Aquote&src=typed_query&f=live",
354 "default": false
355 },
356 "quoted_tweet_id": {
357 "title": "Quoted Tweet ID",
358 "type": "string",
359 "description": "Search for quotes of a specific tweet.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=quoted_user_id%3A11348282&src=typed_query&f=live"
360 },
361 "quoted_user_id": {
362 "title": "Quoted User ID",
363 "type": "string",
364 "description": "Search for all quotes of a specific user, by numeric User ID.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=quoted_user_id%3A11348282&src=typed_query&f=live"
365 },
366 "card_name": {
367 "title": "Tweets containing polls type",
368 "enum": [
369 "poll2choice_text_only",
370 "poll3choice_text_only",
371 "poll4choice_text_only",
372 "poll2choice_image",
373 "poll3choice_image",
374 "poll4choice_image"
375 ],
376 "type": "string",
377 "description": "Tweets containing polls. For polls containing 2, 3, 4 choices, or image Polls.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=lang%3Aen%20card_name%3Apoll4choice_text_only%20OR%20card_name%3Apoll3choice_text_only%20OR%20card_name%3Apoll2choice_text_only&src=typed_query&f=live"
378 },
379 "filter:has_engagement": {
380 "title": "Filter Has Engagement",
381 "type": "boolean",
382 "description": "Has some engagement (replies, likes, retweets). Can be negated to find tweets with no engagement. Note all of these are mutually exclusive with filter:nativeretweets or include:nativeretweets, as they apply to the retweet, not the original tweet, so they won't work as expected.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=breaking%20filter%3Anews%20-filter%3Ahas_engagement&src=typed_query&f=live",
383 "default": false
384 },
385 "min_retweets": {
386 "title": "Minimum Retweets",
387 "minimum": 0,
388 "type": "integer",
389 "description": "Minimum number of retweets.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=min_retweets%3A5000%20nasa&src=typed_query&f=live",
390 "default": 0
391 },
392 "min_faves": {
393 "title": "Minimum Faves",
394 "minimum": 0,
395 "type": "integer",
396 "description": "Minimum number of favorites.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=min_faves%3A5000%20nasa&src=typed_query&f=live",
397 "default": 0
398 },
399 "min_replies": {
400 "title": "Minimum Replies",
401 "minimum": 0,
402 "type": "integer",
403 "description": "Minimum number of replies.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=min_replies%3A5000%20nasa&src=typed_query&f=live",
404 "default": 0
405 },
406 "-min_retweets": {
407 "title": "Maximum Retweets",
408 "minimum": 0,
409 "type": "integer",
410 "description": "A maximum number of Retweets.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=-min_retweets%3A5000%20nasa&src=typed_query&f=live",
411 "default": 0
412 },
413 "-min_faves": {
414 "title": "Minimum Faves",
415 "minimum": 0,
416 "type": "integer",
417 "description": "A maximum number of Faves.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=-min_faves%3A5000%20nasa&src=typed_query&f=live",
418 "default": 0
419 },
420 "-min_replies": {
421 "title": "Minimum Replies",
422 "minimum": 0,
423 "type": "integer",
424 "description": "A maximum number of Replies.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=-min_replies%3A5000%20nasa&src=typed_query&f=live",
425 "default": 0
426 },
427 "filter:media": {
428 "title": "Filter Media",
429 "type": "boolean",
430 "description": "Filter tweets with media,All media types.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=filter%3Amedia%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live",
431 "default": false
432 },
433 "filter:twimg": {
434 "title": "Filter twimg",
435 "type": "boolean",
436 "description": "Native Twitter images (pic.twitter.com links).Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=filter%3Atwimg%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live",
437 "default": false
438 },
439 "filter:images": {
440 "title": "Filter Images",
441 "type": "boolean",
442 "description": "Filter tweets with images.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=filter%3Aimages%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live",
443 "default": false
444 },
445 "filter:videos": {
446 "title": "Filter Videos",
447 "type": "boolean",
448 "description": "All video types, including native Twitter video and external sources such as Youtube.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=filter%3Avideos%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live",
449 "default": false
450 },
451 "filter:native_video": {
452 "title": "Filter Native Video",
453 "type": "boolean",
454 "description": "All Twitter-owned video types (native video, vine, periscope).Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=filter%3Anative_video%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live",
455 "default": false
456 },
457 "filter:vine": {
458 "title": "Vines (RIP)",
459 "type": "boolean",
460 "description": "Vine videos.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=filter%3Avine%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live",
461 "default": false
462 },
463 "filter:consumer_video": {
464 "title": "Consumer Video",
465 "type": "boolean",
466 "description": "Twitter native video only.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=filter%3Aconsumer_video%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live",
467 "default": false
468 },
469 "filter:pro_video": {
470 "title": "Pro Video",
471 "type": "boolean",
472 "description": "Twitter pro video (Amplify) only.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=filter%3Apro_video%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live",
473 "default": false
474 },
475 "filter:spaces": {
476 "title": "Twitter Spaces only",
477 "type": "boolean",
478 "description": "Twitter Spaces only.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=filter%3Aspaces%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live",
479 "default": false
480 },
481 "filter:links": {
482 "title": "Filter Links",
483 "type": "boolean",
484 "description": "Only containing some URL, includes media. use -filter:media for urls that aren't media.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=filter%3Alinks%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live",
485 "default": false
486 },
487 "filter:mentions": {
488 "title": "Filter Mentions",
489 "type": "boolean",
490 "description": "Containing any sort of @mentions.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=filter%3Amentions%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live",
491 "default": false
492 },
493 "filter:news": {
494 "title": "Filter News",
495 "type": "boolean",
496 "description": "Containing link to a news story. Combine with a list operator to narrow the user set down further. Matches on a list of Domains.(See Note for full list :https://github.com/igorbrigadir/twitter-advanced-search?tab=readme-ov-file#news-sites)",
497 "default": false
498 },
499 "filter:safe": {
500 "title": "Filter Videos",
501 "type": "boolean",
502 "description": "Excluding NSFW content. Excludes content that users have marked as \"Potentially Sensitive\". Doesn't always guarantee SFW results.",
503 "default": false
504 },
505 "filter:hashtags": {
506 "title": "Filter Hashtags",
507 "type": "boolean",
508 "description": "Containing any sort of hashtags.Eg.https://twitter.com/search?q=filter%3Ahashtags%20%23nasamoontunes&src=typed_query&f=live",
509 "default": false
510 },
511 "url": {
512 "title": "Search for Tweets Containing Specific URLs.",
513 "type": "string",
514 "description": "urls are tokenized and matched, works very well for subdomains and domains, not so well for long urls, depends on url. Youtube ids work well. Works for both shortened and canonical urls, eg: gu.com shortener for theguardian.com. When searching for Domains with hyphens in it, you have to replace the hyphen by an underscore (like url:t_mobile.com) but underscores _ are also tokenized out, and may not match.Eg. https://twitter.com/search?q=url%3Agu.com&src=typed_query&f=live"
515 }
516 }
517 },
518 "runsResponseSchema": {
519 "type": "object",
520 "properties": {
521 "data": {
522 "type": "object",
523 "properties": {
524 "id": {
525 "type": "string"
526 },
527 "actId": {
528 "type": "string"
529 },
530 "userId": {
531 "type": "string"
532 },
533 "startedAt": {
534 "type": "string",
535 "format": "date-time",
536 "example": "2025-01-08T00:00:00.000Z"
537 },
538 "finishedAt": {
539 "type": "string",
540 "format": "date-time",
541 "example": "2025-01-08T00:00:00.000Z"
542 },
543 "status": {
544 "type": "string",
545 "example": "READY"
546 },
547 "meta": {
548 "type": "object",
549 "properties": {
550 "origin": {
551 "type": "string",
552 "example": "API"
553 },
554 "userAgent": {
555 "type": "string"
556 }
557 }
558 },
559 "stats": {
560 "type": "object",
561 "properties": {
562 "inputBodyLen": {
563 "type": "integer",
564 "example": 2000
565 },
566 "rebootCount": {
567 "type": "integer",
568 "example": 0
569 },
570 "restartCount": {
571 "type": "integer",
572 "example": 0
573 },
574 "resurrectCount": {
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577 },
578 "computeUnits": {
579 "type": "integer",
580 "example": 0
581 }
582 }
583 },
584 "options": {
585 "type": "object",
586 "properties": {
587 "build": {
588 "type": "string",
589 "example": "latest"
590 },
591 "timeoutSecs": {
592 "type": "integer",
593 "example": 300
594 },
595 "memoryMbytes": {
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597 "example": 1024
598 },
599 "diskMbytes": {
600 "type": "integer",
601 "example": 2048
602 }
603 }
604 },
605 "buildId": {
606 "type": "string"
607 },
608 "defaultKeyValueStoreId": {
609 "type": "string"
610 },
611 "defaultDatasetId": {
612 "type": "string"
613 },
614 "defaultRequestQueueId": {
615 "type": "string"
616 },
617 "buildNumber": {
618 "type": "string",
619 "example": "1.0.0"
620 },
621 "containerUrl": {
622 "type": "string"
623 },
624 "usage": {
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626 "properties": {
628 "type": "integer",
629 "example": 0
630 },
632 "type": "integer",
633 "example": 0
634 },
636 "type": "integer",
637 "example": 0
638 },
640 "type": "integer",
641 "example": 0
642 },
644 "type": "integer",
645 "example": 1
646 },
648 "type": "integer",
649 "example": 0
650 },
652 "type": "integer",
653 "example": 0
654 },
656 "type": "integer",
657 "example": 0
658 },
660 "type": "integer",
661 "example": 0
662 },
664 "type": "integer",
665 "example": 0
666 },
668 "type": "integer",
669 "example": 0
670 },
671 "PROXY_SERPS": {
672 "type": "integer",
673 "example": 0
674 }
675 }
676 },
677 "usageTotalUsd": {
678 "type": "number",
679 "example": 0.00005
680 },
681 "usageUsd": {
682 "type": "object",
683 "properties": {
685 "type": "integer",
686 "example": 0
687 },
689 "type": "integer",
690 "example": 0
691 },
693 "type": "integer",
694 "example": 0
695 },
697 "type": "integer",
698 "example": 0
699 },
701 "type": "number",
702 "example": 0.00005
703 },
705 "type": "integer",
706 "example": 0
707 },
709 "type": "integer",
710 "example": 0
711 },
713 "type": "integer",
714 "example": 0
715 },
717 "type": "integer",
718 "example": 0
719 },
721 "type": "integer",
722 "example": 0
723 },
725 "type": "integer",
726 "example": 0
727 },
728 "PROXY_SERPS": {
729 "type": "integer",
730 "example": 0
731 }
732 }
733 }
734 }
735 }
736 }
737 }
738 }
739 }
Cheapest Twitter Scraper | $0.25 per 1000 Tweets OpenAPI definition
OpenAPI is a standard for designing and describing RESTful APIs, allowing developers to define API structure, endpoints, and data formats in a machine-readable way. It simplifies API development, integration, and documentation.
OpenAPI is effective when used with AI agents and GPTs by standardizing how these systems interact with various APIs, for reliable integrations and efficient communication.
By defining machine-readable API specifications, OpenAPI allows AI models like GPTs to understand and use varied data sources, improving accuracy. This accelerates development, reduces errors, and provides context-aware responses, making OpenAPI a core component for AI applications.
You can download the OpenAPI definitions for Tweet Scraper|$0.25/1K Tweets | Pay-Per Result | No Rate Limits from the options below:
If you’d like to learn more about how OpenAPI powers GPTs, read our blog post.
You can also check out our other API clients:
Tweet Scraper|$0.25/1K Tweets | Pay-Per Result | No Rate Limits API in Python
Tweet Scraper|$0.25/1K Tweets | Pay-Per Result | No Rate Limits API in JavaScript
Tweet Scraper|$0.25/1K Tweets | Pay-Per Result | No Rate Limits API through CLI
Tweet Scraper|$0.25/1K Tweets | Pay-Per Result | No Rate Limits API
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>99% runs succeeded
4.4 hours response time
Created in Oct 2024
Modified 3 hours ago