SEC 13F Investment Quarterly Report Scraper avatar

SEC 13F Investment Quarterly Report Scraper

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SEC 13F Investment Quarterly Report Scraper

SEC 13F Investment Quarterly Report Scraper


Scrapes the quarterly report for a given investment's name and quarter year from Download your data as JSON, CSV, Excel, RSS and etc.

13F-Investment-Quarterly-Report-Scraper will enable you to get the quarterly report for the given investment and quarter year, that you don't need to go to to manually download the report and save to your system.

(Investment is an US Stock Symbol, the report includes the investors(companies) which invest on the US stock)

You can simply specify an investment's name and a quarter year, the output is same as the file format you can download from, like below (as of 2024-08-31)

Field NameExampleDescription
ManagerVANGUARD GROUP INCThe investor which hold the investment
Report Date6/30/2024The date which the investor reported the data on 13f
Value ($000)264966692


Investment Name: In order to download the data for the expected investment, you'd better to check the investment's name from website, and enter it correctly

Quarter Year: It must in the format of "Q2 2024"

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