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Ebay Kleinanzeigen Scraper


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Ebay Kleinanzeigen Scraper

Ebay Kleinanzeigen Scraper


Developed by

Lexis Solutions

Maintained by Community

The eBay Kleinanzeigen Scraper retrieves public listings and data based on specific search criteria or direct URLs. / Der eBay Kleinanzeigen Scraper ruft öffentliche Anzeigen und Daten basierend auf spezifischen Suchkriterien oder direkten URLs ab.

5.0 (3)


$30.00/month + usage


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Last modified

3 months ago

Ebay-Kleinanzeigen Scraper


🔎 What is the Ebay-Kleinanzeigen Scraper?

Ebay-Kleinanzeigen is a classified advertising platform in Germany. It is one of the largest classified advertising websites in Germany, with millions of ads posted daily.

The Ebay-Kleinanzeigen Scraper is a web scraping tool that allows you to scrape Ebay-Kleinanzeigen search results. This actor uses the provided search query to fetch relevant listings and extracts specific fields of interest.

🧾 What data can the Ebay-Kleinanzeigen Scraper extract?

The Ebay-Kleinanzeigen Scraper can extract the following data from Ebay-Kleinanzeigen search results:

  • Title
  • Price
  • Size
  • Color
  • Brand
  • Condition
  • PriceCurrency
  • Address
  • Date
  • View count
  • Image URLs
  • Category URLs
  • Description
  • Seller Name
  • Seller URL

💼 What use cases does the Ebay-Kleinanzeigen Scraper?

The Ebay-Kleinanzeigen Scraper is a web scraping tool used for collecting data from classified ads on Germany's largest classified advertising website. It allows users to scrape data like title, price, location, date of posting, condition, mileage or other details based on the user’s need and according to predefined queries.

Use Cases:

  • Market Research: The tool can be used for conducting market research by scraping ad data from Ebay-Kleinanzeigen to understand what's currently trending, where your competitors are focusing their efforts etc. This information can be useful in making business decisions.
  • Price Comparisons: It can help users compare prices of similar items or services across different regions on the website.
  • Inventory Management: With data scraped from Ebay-Kleinanzeigen, businesses can keep track of their inventory and manage when to take actions like buying, selling or delaying based on the information available in the ads.
  • Price Optimization: By understanding how certain items or services are priced relative to one another, business owners can optimize their pricing strategy.
  • Competitor Analysis: Businesses can use this tool to analyze competitors' advertising activities and price strategies. This includes understanding how they advertise their products/services on Ebay-Kleinanzeigen and what target demographics they are likely focusing on.
  • Training & Development: It serves as a great tool for training purposes where one can learn about web scraping, HTML parsing, REST API usage etc., before applying them in real-life projects.

📖 How to use the Ebay-Kleinanzeigen Scraper?

  1. Create a free Apify account
  2. Open Ebay-Kleinanzeigen Scraper
  3. Add either a search URL or a search query
  4. Click Start and wait for the results
  5. Download the results in JSON, XML or CSV format or connect the actor to your backend via API

📥 Input

To run the actor, simply enter either a:

  • Search URL - the URL of the search you want to scrape (e.g. https://www.kleinanzeigen.de/s-berlin/basecap/k0l3331)

  • Search Query - the name of the object you want to search for (e.g. Basecap)

  • Maximum number of items - the maximum number of items to scrape. The actor will stop when it reaches this limit (e.g. 10)

  • Proxy configuration - choose between default proxy settings, Apify's RESIDENTIAL proxy or a custom proxy URL

You can customize the search further by using a startURL from a search you did directly on Ebay-Kleinanzeigen. This will also allow you to filter based on location. If you enter both a start URL and a search query, the actor will use perform both actions.

📤 Output

The results are stored in the default dataset associated with the actor. Each item is an ad, having the following format:

2  "url": "https://kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/drykorn-damenpullover-oversized-mit-alpaka-gr-s/2910159582-154-19706",
3  "id": "2910159582",
4  "title": "Drykorn, Damenpullover Oversized mit Alpaka Gr. S",
5  "price": "59.00",
6  "priceCurrency": "EUR",
7  "art": "Pullover",
8  "brand": "Drykorn",
9  "color": "Schwarz",
10  "size": "S (36)",
11  "shippingPrice": "5.00",
12  "kauferschutzPrice": "3.00",
13  "address": "74579 Baden-Württemberg - Fichtenau",
14  "date": "02.11.2024",
15  "viewsCount": 534,
16  "primaryImageURL": "https://img.kleinanzeigen.de/api/v1/prod-ads/images/8a/8a9d30b6-4c49-456b-9798-cd562c688f86?rule=$_59.JPG",
17  "imageURLs": [
18    "https://img.kleinanzeigen.de/api/v1/prod-ads/images/8a/8a9d30b6-4c49-456b-9798-cd562c688f86?rule=$_59.JPG",
19    "https://img.kleinanzeigen.de/api/v1/prod-ads/images/83/8343cc66-a74e-41d0-8911-c08dc130fd98?rule=$_59.JPG",
20    "https://img.kleinanzeigen.de/api/v1/prod-ads/images/14/14704c0f-eebc-4240-b122-3fc63f6f261a?rule=$_59.JPG"
21  ],
22  "categoryURLs": [
23    "https://kleinanzeigen.de/",
24    "https://kleinanzeigen.de/s-mode-beauty/c153",
25    "https://kleinanzeigen.de/s-kleidung-damen/c154"
26  ],
27  "descriptionText": "Beschreibung\n\nWunderschöner Damenpullover mit Alpaka der Marke Drykorn und Gr. S...",
28  "sellerName": "Rose St.",
29  "sellerURL": "https://kleinanzeigen.de/s-bestandsliste.html?userId=141166157"

How many results can I scrape?

The search uses a pagination system. This means that the actor will keep adding new pages until it reaches the last page of results or it reaches the maximum number of results specified on the input.

Why use the Ebay-Kleinanzeigen Scraper?

  • ⚡️ Fast - The scraper is fast and efficient, allowing you to scrape items in a programmatic way.

  • 🤙 Easy to use - The scraper is easy to use and requires no coding knowledge. All you need to do is input the query you want to scrape and the scraper will do the rest.

  • ☑️ Well-Maintained - The scraper is maintained by the Lexis Solutions team, ensuring that it is always up-to-date and working properly.


  • Is Scraping Ebay-Kleinanzeigen Legal?

    The current scraper only scrapes public data from Ebay-Kleinanzeigen. This means that the data is publicly available and can be accessed by anyone. However, we recommend that you check Ebay-Kleinanzeigen's Terms of Service before using the scraper.

  • How much does it cost?

    The cost for using the Ebay-Kleinanzeigen Scraper is shown on the top of this page. You can also check the Apify Store page for more information.

👀 p.s.

Got feedback or need an extension?

Lexis Solutions is a certified Apify Partner. We can help you with custom solutions or data extraction projects.

Contact us over Email or LinkedIn


Pricing model


To use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.

Free trial

1 day

