UK Government Contracts Scraper
Pay $5.00 for 1,000 results
UK Government Contracts Scraper
Pay $5.00 for 1,000 results
Automatically extract UK government contract data from Contracts Finder. Perfect for market analysis, bid monitoring, and public sector procurement insights. No configuration needed, just hit start and enjoy the data.
Scrape contract information from the UK Government's Contracts Finder website. The perfect tool for finding contract opportunities and performing market research.
- Scrape contract information from the UK Government's Contracts Finder website.
- Store the data in a dataset for further analysis.
No inputs required, just hit the start button and scrape all open contracts currently available on the UK Government's Contracts Finder website.
The output is a dataset with the contract containing the following fields:
- noticeIdentifier: Unique identifier for the notice.
- noticeType: Type of notice (e.g., Contract, Pipeline).
- organisationName: Name of the organisation issuing the notice.
- status: Current status of the notice (e.g., Open, Closed).
- publishedDate: Date and time when the notice was published.
- title: Title of the notice.
- description: Detailed description of the notice.
- nationwide: Indicates if the notice is nationwide.
- postcode: Postcode related to the notice.
- region: Region where the notice is applicable.
- cpvCodes: Common Procurement Vocabulary codes related to the notice.
- contactName: Name of the contact person for the notice.
- contactEmail: Email address of the contact person.
- contactAddress1: Primary address line of the contact person.
- contactAddress2: Secondary address line of the contact person.
- contactTown: Town of the contact person.
- contactPostcode: Postcode of the contact person.
- contactCountry: Country of the contact person.
- contactTelephone: Telephone number of the contact person.
- contactWebsite: Website of the contact person.
- attachments: List of attachments related to the notice.
- links: List of links related to the notice.
- additionalText: Any additional text related to the notice.
- startDate: Start date of the contract.
- endDate: End date of the contract.
- closingDate: Closing date for the notice.
- isSubContract: Indicates if the notice is for a subcontract.
- parentReference: Reference to the parent notice, if any.
- suitableForSME: Indicates if the notice is suitable for Small and Medium Enterprises.
- suitableForVCO: Indicates if the notice is suitable for Voluntary and Community Organisations.
- supplyChain: Indicates if the notice involves a supply chain.
- ojeuContractType: Type of OJEU contract.
- valueLow: Lower bound of the contract value.
- valueHigh: Upper bound of the contract value.
- awardedDate: Date when the contract was awarded.
- awardedValue: Value of the awarded contract.
- supplierContactName: Name of the supplier's contact person.
- contractStartDate: Start date of the contract.
- contractEndDate: End date of the contract.
- ojeuProcedureType: Type of OJEU procedure.
- acceleratedJustification: Justification for accelerated procedure, if any.
- closingTime: Closing time for the notice.
Example output
1{ 2 "noticeIdentifier": "Wetland restoration Part 1, Stanswood Valley on the Cadland Estate", 3 "noticeType": "Contract", 4 "organisationName": "New Forest National Park Authority", 5 "status": "Open", 6 "publishedDate": "2024-12-16T15:37:07Z", 7 "title": "Wetland restoration Part 1, Stanswood Valley on the Cadland Estate", 8 "description": "Background to the project:\r\n\r\nFunding has been allocated for habitat restoration work at Stanswood Valley which is owned by the Cadland Estate. The site is part of the North Solent SSSI and North Solent National Nature Reserve. The area this contract covers is included within part of SSSI Unit 50 and parts of Units 71 and 49 which supports fen, marsh and swamp habitats along with wet woodland. \r\nSSSI Units 50 and 71 have recently in 2023 been downgraded from 'favourable' SSSI' status to 'unfavourable no change' status due to scrub and tree encroachment which has developed over parts of the site over recent decades.", 9 "nationwide": null, 10 "postcode": "SO41 9ZG", 11 "region": null, 12 "cpvCodes": "70332100 77200000 90710000 ", 13 "contactName": "Tender Team", 14 "contactEmail": "", 15 "contactAddress1": "Town Hall", 16 "contactAddress2": null, 17 "contactTown": "LYMINGTON", 18 "contactPostcode": "SO419ZG", 19 "contactCountry": "England", 20 "contactTelephone": "01590 646678", 21 "contactWebsite": null, 22 "attachments": "NF SSF ITT Cadland wetland habitat restoration.docx SSF Cadland wetland restoration Part 1 Questionnaire 2024_25.docx Map 1. Wetland restoration areas Part 1.pdf General Standard Conditions of Contract Aug 24.pdf ", 23 "links": null, 24 "additionalText": null, 25 "startDate": "20/01/2025", 26 "endDate": "28/02/2025", 27 "closingDate": "10/01/2025", 28 "isSubContract": false, 29 "parentReference": null, 30 "suitableForSME": true, 31 "suitableForVCO": true, 32 "supplyChain": false, 33 "ojeuContractType": "Works", 34 "valueLow": 1000, 35 "valueHigh": null, 36 "awardedDate": null, 37 "awardedValue": null, 38 "supplierContactName": null, 39 "contractStartDate": null, 40 "contractEndDate": null, 41 "ojeuProcedureType": "OpenNonOJEU ", 42 "acceleratedJustification": null, 43 "closingTime": "12:05" 44}
Actor Metrics
1 monthly user
1 star
>99% runs succeeded
Created in Dec 2024
Modified a month ago