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Polymarket Markets Scraper

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Polymarket Markets Scraper

Polymarket Markets Scraper

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2 hours trial then $19.00/month - No credit card required now

This Polymarket scraper is your ultimate tool for gaining insights into prediction markets. It efficiently collects comprehensive market data, enabling real-time monitoring, historical analysis, and competitive intelligence. Perfect for traders, analysts, and researchers looking to stay ahead.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 14 monthly users

  • No reviews yet

  • 1 bookmark

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Dec 2024

  • Modified 3 months ago

Polymarket Events Scraper

This actor scrapes events data from the Polymarket Gamma API, providing valuable insights into prediction markets and their dynamics. By collecting comprehensive market data, it enables:

  • Market Research & Analysis: Track market sentiment, trading volumes, and price movements to identify trends and opportunities
  • Risk Assessment: Monitor liquidity levels and market activity to evaluate trading conditions
  • Historical Data Analysis: Access detailed historical data for backtesting strategies and understanding market behavior
  • Real-time Monitoring: Stay updated on market changes, new events, and trading activity
  • Competitive Intelligence: Compare different prediction markets and analyze their performance metrics
  • Data Integration: Export structured data for use in trading systems, analytics platforms, or custom applications

The scraper collects detailed information including market details, volumes, liquidity, dates, and other key metrics, storing everything in a clean, structured format ready for analysis or integration with other tools.


  • Comprehensive market data collection including:
    • Market details (ID, title, description, etc.)
    • Trading metrics (volume, liquidity, prices)
    • Temporal data (start/end dates, creation dates)
    • Market status (active, closed, archived)
    • Order book information
    • Tags and categories
  • Efficient batch processing with 500 events per request
  • Automatic pagination through all available events
  • Configurable filters and sorting options
  • Optional limit on total events to scrape
  • Structured data storage with customizable views


  • maxItems: Maximum number of events to scrape
  • order: Key to sort by
  • ascending: Sort direction, defaults to true, requires the order parameter
  • id: ID of a single event to query, can be used multiple times to fetch multiple events
  • slug: Slug of a single event to query, can be used multiple times to fetch multiple events
  • archived: Filter by archived status, defaults to false
  • active: Filter by active status, defaults to true
  • closed: Filter by closed status, defaults to false
  • liquidityMin: Filter by minimum liquidity
  • liquidityMax: Filter by maximum liquidity
  • volumeMin: Filter by minimum volume
  • volumeMax: Filter by maximum volume
  • startDateMin: Filter by minimum start date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • startDateMax: Filter by maximum start date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • endDateMin: Filter by minimum end date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • endDateMax: Filter by maximum end date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • tag: Filter by tag labels
  • tagId: Filter by tag ID
  • relatedTags: Include events with related tags, requires the tagId parameter
  • tagSlug: Filter by tag slug

Example input

2  "maxItems": 1000,
3  "order": "createdAt",
4  "ascending": true,
5  "archived": false,
6  "active": true,
7  "closed": false,
8  "liquidityMin": 1000,
9  "liquidityMax": 1000000,
10  "volumeMin": 1000,
11  "volumeMax": 1000000


  • id: ID of the event
  • ticker: Ticker of the event
  • slug: Slug of the event
  • title: Title of the event
  • description: Description of the event
  • startDate: Start date of the event
  • creationDate: Creation date of the event
  • endDate: End date of the event
  • image: Image of the event
  • icon: Icon of the event
  • active: Active status of the event
  • closed: Closed status of the event
  • archived: Archived status of the event
  • new: New status of the event
  • featured: Featured status of the event
  • restricted: Restricted status of the event
  • liquidity: Liquidity of the event
  • volume: Volume of the event
  • createdAt: Creation date of the event
  • updatedAt: Update date of the event
  • competitive: Competitive status of the event
  • volume24hr: Volume of the event in the last 24 hours
  • enableOrderBook: Enable order book status of the event
  • liquidityClob: Liquidity of the event
  • _sync: Sync status of the event
  • negRisk: Neg risk status of the event
  • negRiskMarketID: Neg risk market ID of the event
  • commentCount: Comment count of the event
  • markets: Markets of the event
    • id: ID of the market
    • question: Question of the market
    • conditionId: Condition ID of the market
    • slug: Slug of the market
    • resolutionSource: Resolution source of the market
    • endDate: End date of the market
    • startDate: Start date of the market
    • image: Image of the market
    • icon: Icon of the market
    • description: Description of the market
    • outcomes: Outcomes of the market
    • outcomePrices: Outcome prices of the market
    • volume: Volume of the market
    • active: Active status of the market
    • closed: Closed status of the market
    • marketMakerAddress: Market maker address of the market
    • createdAt: Creation date of the market
    • updatedAt: Update date of the market
    • closedTime: Closed time of the market
    • new: New status of the market
    • featured: Featured status of the market
    • submitted_by: Submitted by of the market
    • archived: Archived status of the market
    • resolvedBy: Resolved by of the market
    • restricted: Restricted status of the market
    • groupItemTitle: Group item title of the market
    • groupItemThreshold: Group item threshold of the market
    • questionID: Question ID of the market
    • umaEndDate: UMA end date of the market
    • enableOrderBook: Enable order book status of the market
    • orderPriceMinTickSize: Order price min tick size of the market
    • orderMinSize: Order min size of the market
    • umaResolutionStatus: UMA resolution status of the market
    • volumeNum: Volume of the market
    • endDateIso: End date of the market
    • startDateIso: Start date of the market
    • hasReviewedDates: Has reviewed dates status of the market
    • clobTokenIds: CLOB token IDs of the market
    • umaBond: UMA bond of the market
    • umaReward: UMA reward of the market
    • fpmmLive: FPMMLive status of the market
    • volumeClob: Volume of the market
    • acceptingOrders: Accepting orders status of the market
    • negRisk: Neg risk status of the market
    • negRiskMarketID: Neg risk market ID of the market
    • negRiskRequestID: Neg risk request ID of the market
    • _sync: Sync status of the market
    • ready: Ready status of the market
    • funded: Funded status of the market
    • cyom: Cyom status of the market
    • pagerDutyNotificationEnabled: PagerDuty notification enabled status of the market
    • approved: Approved status of the market
    • clobRewards: CLOB rewards of the market
      • id: ID of the CLOB reward
      • conditionId: Condition ID of the CLOB reward
      • assetAddress: Asset address of the CLOB reward
      • rewardsAmount: Rewards amount of the CLOB reward
      • rewardsDailyRate: Rewards daily rate of the CLOB reward
      • startDate: Start date of the CLOB reward
      • endDate: End date of the CLOB reward
    • rewardsMinSize: Rewards min size of the market
    • rewardsMaxSpread: Rewards max spread of the market
    • spread: Spread of the market
    • automaticallyResolved: Automatically resolved status of the market
    • oneDayPriceChange: One day price change of the market
    • lastTradePrice: Last trade price of the market
    • bestAsk: Best ask of the market
    • automaticallyActive: Automatically active status of the market
    • clearBookOnStart: Clear book on start status of the market
    • manualActivation: Manual activation status of the market
    • negRiskOther: Neg risk other status of the market

Example output

2	"id": "10047",
3	"ticker": "how-many-spacex-starship-launches-reach-space-in-2024",
4	"slug": "how-many-spacex-starship-launches-reach-space-in-2024",
5	"title": "How many SpaceX Starship launches reach space in 2024?",
6	"description": "This is a market on predicting the number of SpaceX Starship launches that successfully reach space in the year 2024.",
7	"startDate": "2024-03-20T22:19:43.869223Z",
8	"creationDate": "2024-03-20T22:19:43.869218Z",
9	"endDate": "2024-12-31T12:00:00Z",
10	"image": "https://polymarket-upload.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/how-many-spacex-starship-launches-reach-space-in-2024-dcc616d7-3d4f-4c93-8849-2e5168d68c44.png",
11	"icon": "https://polymarket-upload.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/how-many-spacex-starship-launches-reach-space-in-2024-dcc616d7-3d4f-4c93-8849-2e5168d68c44.png",
12	"active": true,
13	"closed": false,
14	"archived": false,
15	"new": false,
16	"featured": false,
17	"restricted": true,
18	"liquidity": 11799.38855,
19	"volume": 672201.916689,
20	"createdAt": "2024-03-15T16:22:12.439335Z",
21	"updatedAt": "2024-12-18T20:47:30.08155Z",
22	"competitive": 0.8584899505166393,
23	"volume24hr": 6167.128075,
24	"enableOrderBook": true,
25	"liquidityClob": 11799.38855,
26	"_sync": false,
27	"negRisk": true,
28	"negRiskMarketID": "0xdf7c8fe3a983dfc52969e9b811a0896d697dd81b4217d1912c28c1e9ef5f5e00",
29	"commentCount": 220,
30	"markets": [
31		{
32			"id": "500182",
33			"question": "Will one SpaceX Starship launch successfully reach outer space in 2024?",
34			"conditionId": "0x0ebad42a93eedfa8c4ad032ea6a2b5e68e34dbd1f16d5261eabe242c3811ec39",
35			"slug": "will-one-spacex-starship-launch-successfully-reach-outer-space-in-2024",
36			"resolutionSource": "",
37			"endDate": "2024-12-31T12:00:00Z",
38			"startDate": "2024-03-20T22:17:40.374Z",
39			"image": "https://polymarket-upload.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/will-one-spacex-starship-launch-successfully-reach-outer-space-in-2024-e59c3756-def5-4040-b0ac-b54aa5719c32.png",
40			"icon": "https://polymarket-upload.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/will-one-spacex-starship-launch-successfully-reach-outer-space-in-2024-e59c3756-def5-4040-b0ac-b54aa5719c32.png",
41			"description": "This market will resolve to \"Yes\" if exactly one SpaceX Starship launch successfully reaches an altitude of 62 miles above sea level between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024, 11:59 PM ET. Otherwise, this market will resolve to \"No\".\n\nA successful launch is defined as the Starship taking off from its launchpad and reaching a minimum altitude of 62 miles above sea level. Any subsequent anomaly (e.g., an explosion) after the vehicle reaches 62 miles will have no bearing on the outcome. \n\nThe primary resolution source for this market will be SpaceX’s official video feed of the launches (e.g. via SpaceX YouTube Channel), as well as secondary video feeds or written reports if necessary. However, a consensus of credible reporting may also be used.",
42			"outcomes": "[\"Yes\", \"No\"]",
43			"outcomePrices": "[\"0\", \"1\"]",
44			"volume": "73965.810263",
45			"active": true,
46			"closed": true,
47			"marketMakerAddress": "",
48			"createdAt": "2024-03-15T16:42:53.515253Z",
49			"updatedAt": "2024-09-01T12:41:12.777878Z",
50			"closedTime": "2024-08-31 16:04:49+00",
51			"new": true,
52			"featured": false,
53			"submitted_by": "0x91430CaD2d3975766499717fA0D66A78D814E5c5",
54			"archived": false,
55			"resolvedBy": "0x2F5e3684cb1F318ec51b00Edba38d79Ac2c0aA9d",
56			"restricted": true,
57			"groupItemTitle": "1",
58			"groupItemThreshold": "0",
59			"questionID": "0xdf7c8fe3a983dfc52969e9b811a0896d697dd81b4217d1912c28c1e9ef5f5e00",
60			"umaEndDate": "2024-08-31T16:04:49Z",
61			"enableOrderBook": true,
62			"orderPriceMinTickSize": 0.001,
63			"orderMinSize": 5,
64			"umaResolutionStatus": "resolved",
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66			"endDateIso": "2024-12-31",
67			"startDateIso": "2024-03-20",
68			"hasReviewedDates": true,
69			"clobTokenIds": "[\"4623155377964393576589554526625545166204866309274197710749887187221085295590\", \"10863219106533750258265956020161169076405450072839533370758039829719343048961\"]",
70			"umaBond": "500",
71			"umaReward": "5",
72			"fpmmLive": true,
73			"volumeClob": 73965.810263,
74			"acceptingOrders": false,
75			"negRisk": true,
76			"negRiskMarketID": "0xdf7c8fe3a983dfc52969e9b811a0896d697dd81b4217d1912c28c1e9ef5f5e00",
77			"negRiskRequestID": "0xc7e6d236420170d0a810c1c53fd93e530d344b0a2f503a467dfcc644d3854f16",
78			"_sync": false,
79			"ready": false,
80			"funded": false,
81			"cyom": false,
82			"pagerDutyNotificationEnabled": false,
83			"approved": true,
84			"clobRewards": [
85				{
86					"id": "585",
87					"conditionId": "0x0ebad42a93eedfa8c4ad032ea6a2b5e68e34dbd1f16d5261eabe242c3811ec39",
88					"assetAddress": "0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174",
89					"rewardsAmount": 0,
90					"rewardsDailyRate": 5,
91					"startDate": "2024-04-05",
92					"endDate": "2500-12-31"
93				}
94			],
95			"rewardsMinSize": 200,
96			"rewardsMaxSpread": 3.5,
97			"spread": 0.001,
98			"automaticallyResolved": true,
99			"oneDayPriceChange": -0.0115,
100			"lastTradePrice": 1,
101			"bestAsk": 0.001,
102			"automaticallyActive": true,
103			"clearBookOnStart": true,
104			"manualActivation": false,
105			"negRiskOther": false
106		},
107		{
108			"id": "500183",
109			"question": "Will two SpaceX Starship launches successfully reach outer space in 2024?",
110			"conditionId": "0x8ba020facbdb28e70792e5de86005dd98d47f29824ca602c4027b00e0e9a7e5a",
111			"slug": "will-two-spacex-starship-launches-successfully-reach-outer-space-in-2024",
112			"resolutionSource": "",
113			"endDate": "2024-12-30T12:00:00Z",
114			"startDate": "2024-03-20T22:17:37.083Z",
115			"image": "https://polymarket-upload.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/will-two-spacex-starship-launches-successfully-reach-outer-space-in-2024-6996ec47-7c12-4195-88ef-85b10b71b8d0.png",
116			"icon": "https://polymarket-upload.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/will-two-spacex-starship-launches-successfully-reach-outer-space-in-2024-6996ec47-7c12-4195-88ef-85b10b71b8d0.png",
117			"description": "This market will resolve to \"Yes\" if exactly two SpaceX Starship launches successfully reach an altitude of 62 miles above sea level between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024, 11:59 PM ET. Otherwise, this market will resolve to \"No\".\n\nA successful launch is defined as the Starship taking off from its launchpad and reaching a minimum altitude of 62 miles above sea level. Any subsequent anomaly (e.g., an explosion) after the vehicle reaches 62 miles will have no bearing on the outcome. \n\nThe primary resolution source for this market will be SpaceX’s official video feed of the launches (e.g. via SpaceX YouTube Channel), as well as secondary video feeds or written reports if necessary. However, a consensus of credible reporting may also be used.",
118			"outcomes": "[\"Yes\", \"No\"]",
119			"outcomePrices": "[\"0\", \"1\"]",
120			"volume": "57262.36755",
121			"active": true,
122			"closed": true,
123			"marketMakerAddress": "",
124			"createdAt": "2024-03-15T16:43:09.549672Z",
125			"updatedAt": "2024-10-14T18:56:51.372197Z",
126			"closedTime": "2024-10-13 20:29:10+00",
127			"new": true,
128			"featured": false,
129			"submitted_by": "0x91430CaD2d3975766499717fA0D66A78D814E5c5",
130			"archived": false,
131			"resolvedBy": "0x2F5e3684cb1F318ec51b00Edba38d79Ac2c0aA9d",
132			"restricted": true,
133			"groupItemTitle": "2",
134			"groupItemThreshold": "1",
135			"questionID": "0xdf7c8fe3a983dfc52969e9b811a0896d697dd81b4217d1912c28c1e9ef5f5e01",
136			"umaEndDate": "2024-10-13T20:29:10Z",
137			"enableOrderBook": true,
138			"orderPriceMinTickSize": 0.001,
139			"orderMinSize": 5,
140			"umaResolutionStatus": "resolved",
141			"volumeNum": 57262.36755,
142			"endDateIso": "2024-12-30",
143			"startDateIso": "2024-03-20",
144			"hasReviewedDates": true,
145			"clobTokenIds": "[\"777960836542754398545219713800514282743197725744578278732623718735049193613\", \"36549525600185750444746688512475057859046675671889941036060825291523228034486\"]",
146			"umaBond": "500",
147			"umaReward": "5",
148			"fpmmLive": true,
149			"volumeClob": 57262.36755,
150			"acceptingOrders": false,
151			"negRisk": true,
152			"negRiskMarketID": "0xdf7c8fe3a983dfc52969e9b811a0896d697dd81b4217d1912c28c1e9ef5f5e00",
153			"negRiskRequestID": "0xa19e31e2799325355bc143bfb5d1b2b1e2fd79586476e924fe59b38508ebd0e1",
154			"_sync": false,
155			"ready": false,
156			"funded": false,
157			"cyom": false,
158			"pagerDutyNotificationEnabled": false,
159			"approved": true,
160			"clobRewards": [
161				{
162					"id": "584",
163					"conditionId": "0x8ba020facbdb28e70792e5de86005dd98d47f29824ca602c4027b00e0e9a7e5a",
164					"assetAddress": "0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174",
165					"rewardsAmount": 0,
166					"rewardsDailyRate": 5,
167					"startDate": "2024-04-05",
168					"endDate": "2500-12-31"
169				}
170			],
171			"rewardsMinSize": 200,
172			"rewardsMaxSpread": 3.5,
173			"spread": 0.001,
174			"automaticallyResolved": true,
175			"oneDayPriceChange": -0.0705,
176			"lastTradePrice": 1,
177			"bestAsk": 0.001,
178			"automaticallyActive": true,
179			"clearBookOnStart": true,
180			"manualActivation": false,
181			"negRiskOther": false
182		},
183		{
184			"id": "500191",
185			"question": "Will three SpaceX Starship launches successfully reach outer space in 2024?",
186			"conditionId": "0xcd919e15574e7757ad705cf69ad4639aa3dee3cd7c4000fce7e8d42a76361eef",
187			"slug": "will-three-spacex-starship-launches-successfully-reach-outer-space-in-2024",
188			"resolutionSource": "",
189			"endDate": "2024-12-30T12:00:00Z",
190			"startDate": "2024-03-20T22:17:33.373Z",
191			"image": "https://polymarket-upload.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/will-three-spacex-starship-launches-successfully-reach-outer-space-in-2024-9b40baf1-95ea-4663-9430-7f382c8da9ed.png",
192			"icon": "https://polymarket-upload.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/will-three-spacex-starship-launches-successfully-reach-outer-space-in-2024-9b40baf1-95ea-4663-9430-7f382c8da9ed.png",
193			"description": "This market will resolve to \"Yes\" if exactly three SpaceX Starship launches successfully reach an altitude of 62 miles above sea level between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024, 11:59 PM ET. Otherwise, this market will resolve to \"No\".\n\nA successful launch is defined as the Starship taking off from its launchpad and reaching a minimum altitude of 62 miles above sea level. Any subsequent anomaly (e.g., an explosion) after the vehicle reaches 62 miles will have no bearing on the outcome. \n\nThe primary resolution source for this market will be SpaceX’s official video feed of the launches (e.g. via SpaceX YouTube Channel), as well as secondary video feeds or written reports if necessary. However, a consensus of credible reporting may also be used.",
194			"outcomes": "[\"Yes\", \"No\"]",
195			"outcomePrices": "[\"0\", \"1\"]",
196			"volume": "82058.467722",
197			"active": true,
198			"closed": true,
199			"marketMakerAddress": "",
200			"createdAt": "2024-03-15T17:10:00.052397Z",
201			"updatedAt": "2024-11-21T02:06:55.932236Z",
202			"closedTime": "2024-11-20 02:15:16+00",
203			"new": true,
204			"featured": false,
205			"submitted_by": "0x91430CaD2d3975766499717fA0D66A78D814E5c5",
206			"archived": false,
207			"resolvedBy": "0x2F5e3684cb1F318ec51b00Edba38d79Ac2c0aA9d",
208			"restricted": true,
209			"groupItemTitle": "3",
210			"groupItemThreshold": "2",
211			"questionID": "0xdf7c8fe3a983dfc52969e9b811a0896d697dd81b4217d1912c28c1e9ef5f5e02",
212			"umaEndDate": "2024-11-20T02:15:16Z",
213			"enableOrderBook": true,
214			"orderPriceMinTickSize": 0.001,
215			"orderMinSize": 5,
216			"umaResolutionStatus": "resolved",
217			"volumeNum": 82058.467722,
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220			"hasReviewedDates": true,
221			"clobTokenIds": "[\"92181565785061148966252430116389764419112921446240937604805710146166854805903\", \"27376478949701377087482069611838274209652728509564482197366664918460430469688\"]",
222			"umaBond": "500",
223			"umaReward": "5",
224			"fpmmLive": true,
225			"volumeClob": 82058.467722,
226			"acceptingOrders": false,
227			"negRisk": true,
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236			"clobRewards": [
237				{
238					"id": "586",
239					"conditionId": "0xcd919e15574e7757ad705cf69ad4639aa3dee3cd7c4000fce7e8d42a76361eef",
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243					"startDate": "2024-04-05",
244					"endDate": "2500-12-31"
245				}
246			],
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250			"automaticallyResolved": true,
251			"oneDayPriceChange": -0.0465,
252			"lastTradePrice": 1,
253			"bestAsk": 0.015,
254			"automaticallyActive": true,
255			"clearBookOnStart": true,
256			"manualActivation": false,
257			"negRiskOther": false
258		},
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260			"id": "500192",
261			"question": "Will four SpaceX Starship launches successfully reach outer space in 2024?",
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270			"description": "This market will resolve to \"Yes\" if exactly four SpaceX Starship launches successfully reach an altitude of 62 miles above sea level between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024, 11:59 PM ET. Otherwise, this market will resolve to \"No\".\n\nA successful launch is defined as the Starship taking off from its launchpad and reaching a minimum altitude of 62 miles above sea level. Any subsequent anomaly (e.g., an explosion) after the vehicle reaches 62 miles will have no bearing on the outcome. \n\nThe primary resolution source for this market will be SpaceX’s official video feed of the launches (e.g. via SpaceX YouTube Channel), as well as secondary video feeds or written reports if necessary. However, a consensus of credible reporting may also be used.",
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