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Tripadvisor Reviews Scraper

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Tripadvisor Reviews Scraper

Tripadvisor Reviews Scraper

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Pay $2.00 for 1,000 reviews

Get and download reviews for chosen places on Tripadvisor. Extract the review text, URL, rating, date of travel, published date, basic reviewer info, owner's response, helpful votes, images, review language, place details. Download reviews in XML, JSON, CSV.

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This changelog summarizes all changes of the TripAdvisor Actors provided by Maximillian Copelli. The specific Actors that are affected are listed for each change.


Fixes (tripadvisor)

  • Fixed top-category restaurant search crawling from tourism page locationFullName input


Features (tripadvisor)

  • Added output field input to make it easier to match results with the requested scrape URLs


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed extraction of listing images to fetch more results
    • All types of listings affected: hotels, restaurants, attractions, vacation rentals


Features (tripadvisor-places)

  • Added extraction of online order providers for restaurant listings
    • New output field orderOnline which is an array of objects with the following properties:
      • providerType, canProvideTimeslots, buttonText, offerURL, logoUrl, provider, providerId, providerDisplayName, headerText


Features (tripadvisor-places)

  • Added extraction of isClaimed info for restaurant listings. New output fields:
    • isClaimedIcon - is true when the isClaimed icon with a green checkmark was discovered on the page
    • isClaimedText - localized text such as Claimed / Unclaimed


Features (tripadvisor-places)


Fixes (All TripAdvisor Actors)

  • Fixed crawling issues that was causing the scraper to crash often


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Optimized requests enqueueing (total number of processed requests decreased)


Features (tripadvisor-places)

  • Added extraction of nearby results for hotels, vacation rentals and restaurants
    • New output field isNearbyResult
    • New input field includeNearbyResults (false by default)


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed parsing of vacation rentals
  • Removed no longer available output fields from rental results: bedroomInfo, bathroomInfo, baseDailyRate.currency


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Significantly improved the success rate of requests, which were being blocked by TripAdvisor's recent anti-scraping measures
  • Fixed Tourism search pages crawling not working due to a change on the website


Features (tripadvisor-places)

  • Added extraction for TripAdvisor's "Traveler's Choice Award" badge under the new travelerChoiceAward output field


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed location search query failing for specific less common locations


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed restaurants price range extraction, for cases where the price range is not available and a secondary page layout
  • Fixed restaurants preview photos extraction on secondary page layout
  • Fixed ranking denominator data extraction on secondary restaurants page layout
  • Fixed cuisines extraction for restaurants


Features (tripadvisor-places)

  • Added support for find restaurants URL filters, which are now used during the search
    • e.g.

Features (tripadvisor-reviews)

  • Improved Actor to Actor integration from the full Tripadvisor Scraper to now output the scraped placeInfo data, which essentially merges the two datasets together


BREAKING CHANGES (All TripAdvisor Actors)

  • Added custom "error" results in cases, where the input configuration results in 0 results found. For example:
    • inputted a location that doesn't exist
    • scrape reviews for a place that has no reviews
    • scrape review in only a specific language, but the place has no reviews in that language


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed extraction of price range and photos for restaurants
  • Fixed extraction of ranking denominator data

Fixes (tripadvisor-reviews)

  • Fixed review owner response extraction


Hot fixes (All TripAdvisor Actors)

  • Fixed crawling issues on various pages caused by a major Tripadvisor update

Hot fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed restaurant search pages crawling, also caused by a Tripadvisor update


Fixes (tripadvisor-reviews)

  • Fixed specific reviews which were being incorrectly translated to English


Hot fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed extraction and crawling for location search pages (caused by a Tripadvisor update)
  • Improved blocking rate for tourism search pages


Features (tripadvisor-places)

  • Added extraction of property detail preview photos under the photos field
    • added for hotels, restaurants, and attractions

Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed handling of a very rare TripAdvisor server error, which was causing the Actor to stop crawling


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed extraction of hotel's category review scores (categoryReviewScores) for certain hotel pages
  • Fixed crawling of tourism search pages


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed extraction of ranking data for hotels and restaurants
  • Fixed extraction of restaurants price range data


Hot fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed restaurant search pages failing to crawl. This was caused by Tripadvisor's updated blocking.


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed categoryReviewScores extraction not working
  • Fixed listing pages input URLs offsets being incorrectly updated if the URL parameter was already present


Hot fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed hotel and vacation rentals listing page extraction issues caused by Tripadvisor's update


Features (tripadvisor-places)

  • Added extraction of hotel's WhatsApp redirect URL - whatsAppRedirectUrl field
  • Added extraction of location's AI generated reviews summary - aiReviewsSummary field


Features (tripadvisor-places)

  • Added detection and handling of TripAdvisor's blocking for specific location detail pages
  • Added support for a different page layout of restaurant listings


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed locationFullName input field search not working for certain locations


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed a few bugs related to the extraction logic of 'vacation rentals' search/listings pages.


Features (tripadvisor-places)

  • Implemented back an updated version of the overcome 3000 results limit feature. The current version is based on a different approach and doesn't get all the results, but still gets a way larger portion than the default search.


Hot fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Removed the overcome 3000 results limit feature, because Tripadvisor has disabled their functionality that allowed us to overcome this limit.


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed crawling of vacation rentals search pages (caused by a Tripadvisor update)


Fixes (tripadvisor-reviews)

  • Fixed detection of last review pages for rare cases, where Tripadvisor was displaying incorrect number of reviews

Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed incorrect input validation of checkInDate and checkOutDate fields


Features (tripadvisor-places)

  • Added support for relative dates in checkInDate and checkOutDate input fields (e.g. 3 days, 1 week or 3 months)
    • note: you need to use the JSON input editor to set relative dates

Features (tripadvisor-reviews)

  • Added support for relative dates in lastReviewDate input field (e.g. 3 days, 1 week or 3 months)
    • note: you need to use the JSON input editor to set relative dates
  • Added support for Actor to Actor integration from the full Tripadvisor Scraper
    • Automatically takes the scraped place URLs from the dataset of the full scraper and appends them to the startUrls input field


Fixes (All TripAdvisor Actors)

  • Fixed pagination offsets for certain hotel pages sometimes not working


Fixes (tripadvisor-reviews)

  • Fixed Actor not exiting after extracting all reviews


Fixes (tripadvisor-reviews)

  • Fixed the default value for lastReviewDate input field
  • Fixed duplicates caused by English reviews reaching the lastReviewDate limit with 'all review languages' filter


Fixes (All TripAdvisor Actors)

  • Fixed extraction issues related to the Chinese language


BREAKING CHANGES (tripadvisor-reviews)

  • Changed/removed a few fields in the output. Most of these fields shouldn't significantly impact most users. If any of these fields are missed, please open a new issue for further consideration.

Features (tripadvisor-reviews)

  • Added review rating filters (reviewRatings)
  • Added review language filter for 'All languages' (reviewLanguages)
  • Added functionality to select multiple review languages filters simultaneously (reviewLanguages)
  • Implemented extraction of review's trip type (tripType), room tip (roomTip) and the job title of the place owner respondent (ownerResponse.connectionToSubject)
  • Improved the reviews-saving process to work continuously, instead of one large batch after scraping all reviews for a specific place

Fixes (tripadvisor-reviews)

  • Fixed review language filter targeting unwanted languages when a hotel lacked reviews in the desired language


Features (tripadvisor-places)

  • Added 'max items limit per query' input option (maxItemsPerQuery)
    • Limits the number of items that will be extracted per each start URL or search query


Fixes (All TripAdvisor Actors)

  • Fixed and adjusted to Tripadvisor's update that broke our scraping for certain pages

Other (All TripAdvisor Actors)

  • Set Actor memory to 2 GB - this value provides optimal performance and cost


Features (tripadvisor-places)

  • Added 'Category review scores' extraction for hotels - categoryReviewScores field
    • e.g.: [{"categoryName": "Location", "score": 4.9}, {"categoryName": "Cleanliness", "score": 5}, ...]


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed our duplicate results detection system getting stuck on listing pages with all search results being duplicates


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed numberOfRooms field extraction for hotels


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed 'thing to do' search stopping after 1000 results


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Fixed public trip search


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Skipping of the first pagination page for FindRestaurants start URLs


Features (tripadvisor-reviews)

  • Added place rating histogram to get the distribution of ratings for a place
  • Added average place rating


Fixes (All TripAdvisor Actors)

  • Crashes caused by a change in scraping Tripadvisor's hotel price API
  • Errors on landing pages that miss some web listing categories

Features (tripadvisor-places)

  • Deep city search, use it to overcomes Tripadvisor's 3000 results limit!
    • To activate it set 'Max search results' above 3000

BREAKING CHANGES (All TripAdvisor Actors)

  • Removed Proxy configuration options


Features (tripadvisor-reviews)

  • Added numberOfReviews to output under placeInfo field


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Switched to a full search instead of recommended locations when using locationFullName


Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Localization of vacation rentals
  • Localization of restaurant features


Features (tripadvisor-places)

  • Vacation rentals (input includeVacationRentals)
    • Separate rentals category with sublocations
    • Rental listings among hotels
  • URLs with filters
    • attractions, restaurants, hotels, vacation rentals
    • tours, tours itinery, skip the line (filtered attractions)
  • URLs with a single attraction and vacation rental
  • Listings from public trips
    • E.g.
  • Restaurant features
  • Extended output

Features (tripadvisor-reviews)

  • Added language selection

Fixes (tripadvisor-places)

  • Less results than promoted on the website (due to using an old API)
  • Inconsistent output schema (attractions were handled separately)
  • Search by location using start URL
    • e.g.
  • Number of extracted hotels was often very different from total count displayed on the website
    • Vacation rentals are included among hotel listings even though they have their own category on the website
  • Hotel prices
  • Slow hotel runs
Maintained by Apify
Actor metrics
  • 321 monthly users
  • 38 stars
  • 99.3% runs succeeded
  • 3.1 days response time
  • Created in Jan 2023
  • Modified about 9 hours ago