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Tollbrothers Scraper

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Tollbrothers Scraper

Tollbrothers Scraper

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2 hours trial then $15.00/month - No credit card required now

Unlock comprehensive real estate insights with the Toll Brothers Scraper – your automated pipeline to detailed property data, pricing trends, and community analytics from America's leading luxury home builder.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 1 monthly user

  • No reviews yet

  • 1 bookmark

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Feb 2024

  • Modified 4 months ago


The Toll Brothers Scraper is your key to unlocking comprehensive real estate data from America's luxury home builder. Whether you're a real estate professional, market analyst, or data scientist, this scraper provides instant access to detailed property information, pricing trends, and community insights across all 50 US states. From floor plans to mortgage rates, community amenities to school districts – capture the data you need to make informed decisions in the luxury housing market.

Key Benefits:

  • Complete coverage of Toll Brothers' nationwide property portfolio
  • Real-time access to pricing, availability, and community data
  • Detailed specifications for all home models and floor plans
  • Comprehensive community insights including amenities and school districts
  • Regular updates reflecting the latest property listings and market changes


  • Extract detailed home specifications including square footage, bedrooms, bathrooms, and garage capacity
  • Collect comprehensive community information including amenities, school districts, and property types
  • Gather rich media content including floor plans, elevation images, and community photos
  • Access sales office information and contact details for each property
  • Support for filtering properties by state and managing concurrent requests
  • Built-in proxy configuration for reliable data collection

How to Use

  1. Set Up: Ensure you have an Apify account and access to the Apify platform
  2. Configure State: Select the US state where you want to search for Toll Brothers properties
  3. Adjust Scraper Settings: Modify the concurrency and retry settings based on your needs
  4. Configure Proxy: Set up proxy settings to ensure reliable data collection
  5. Run the Scraper: Execute the scraper and receive structured data about Toll Brothers properties

Input Configuration

Here is an example of how to set up the input for the Toll Brothers Scraper:

2    "state": "Alabama",
3    "maxConcurrency": 10,
4    "minConcurrency": 1,
5    "maxRequestRetries": 3,
6    "proxy": {
7        "useApifyProxy": true
8    }

Input Fields Explanation

  • State (state): Select the US state where you want to search for Toll Brothers homes. Default is "Alabama". Supports all 50 US states.
  • Max Concurrency (maxConcurrency): Maximum number of pages that can be processed simultaneously. Default is 10.
  • Min Concurrency (minConcurrency): Minimum number of pages that will be processed simultaneously. Default is 1.
  • Max Request Retries (maxRequestRetries): Number of times the crawler will retry a failed request before giving up. Default is 3.
  • Proxy Configuration (proxy): Specifies proxy servers that will be used to ensure anonymity and bypass rate limits.

Output Structure

The scraper produces detailed property listings with three main sections: homeDetail, home, and community. Here's the complete structure:

2    "homeDetail": {
3        "acquireId": "string", // Unique identifier for the property
4        "acquireJde": "string", // JDE number for the property
5        "communityName": "string", // Name of the residential community
6        "communityTypes": ["string"], // Types of community (e.g., "Future")
7        "communityId": number, // Unique identifier for the community
8        "city": "string", // City location
9        "state": "string", // State abbreviation
10        "county": "string", // County name
11        "cpRegion": "string", // Regional designation
12        "description": "string", // Detailed home description
13        "homeType": "string", // Type of home (e.g., "Townhome")
14        "modelName": "string", // Model name of the home
15        "minSqft": number, // Minimum square footage
16        "maxSqft": number, // Maximum square footage
17        "minBed": number, // Minimum number of bedrooms
18        "maxBed": number, // Maximum number of bedrooms
19        "minBath": number, // Minimum number of bathrooms
20        "maxBath": number, // Maximum number of bathrooms
21        "minHalfBath": number, // Minimum number of half bathrooms
22        "maxHalfBath": number, // Maximum number of half bathrooms
23        "minGarage": "string", // Minimum garage capacity
24        "maxGarage": "string", // Maximum garage capacity
25        "stories": number, // Number of stories
26        "masterBedroomLocation": "string", // Location of master bedroom
27        "modelBullets": ["string"], // Key features of the model
28        "isFuture": boolean, // Whether the property is a future development
29        "isQMI": boolean, // Whether it's a Quick Move-In home
30        "isDecoratedModel": boolean, // Whether it's a decorated model home
31        "isComingSoon": boolean, // Whether the property is coming soon
32        "jumboMortgageRate": "string", // Current jumbo mortgage rate
33        "standardMortgageRate": "string", // Current standard mortgage rate
34        "loanLimit": number, // Loan limit for the property
35        "lat": "string", // Latitude coordinates
36        "lon": "string", // Longitude coordinates
37        "elevations": [{
38            "title": "string",
39            "type": "string",
40            "url": "string"
41        }],
42        "floorplans": [{
43            "title": "string",
44            "type": "string",
45            "url": "string"
46        }],
47        "salesOffice": {
48            "street": "string",
49            "city": "string",
50            "state": "string",
51            "zip": "string",
52            "salesOfficePhone": "string",
53            "byAppointmentOnly": boolean,
54            "onlineConcierge": [{
55                "firstName": "string",
56                "lastName": "string",
57                "phone": "string",
58                "sms": "string"
59            }]
60        },
61        "siteplan": {
62            "type": "string",
63            "url": "string",
64            "urlMobile": "string"
65        },
66        "communityUrl": "string", // URL to community page
67        "url": "string", // URL to specific home
68        "address": null | "string", // Property address if available
69        "amenities": {
70            "amenityGroups": [] // Community amenities
71        },
72        "communityE1id": "string", // Community E1 identifier
73        "communityJdeNum": "string", // Community JDE number
74        "commPlanID": number, // Community plan identifier
75        "designerAppointed": [], // Designer appointed features
76        "downloadables": [], // Downloadable resources
77        "dyohLink": "string", // Design your own home link
78        "events": null | [], // Community events
79        "features": null | {}, // Property features
80        "gallery": {
81            "externalImages": [],
82            "mediaGroups": [],
83            "title": null | "string",
84            "walkThroughs": []
85        },
86        "hbqMarketInterest": "string", // Market interest designation
87        "headShot": {
88            "media": {
89                "description": null | "string",
90                "representative": boolean,
91                "title": "string",
92                "url": "string"
93            },
94            "title": "string"
95        },
96        "hidePlusSignForSqft": boolean, // Square footage display option
97        "isBiddableLot": boolean, // Indicates if lot is biddable
98        "isBiddableQMI": boolean, // Quick move-in biddable status
99        "isDesignerAppointed": boolean, // Designer appointment status
100        "isFormerDecorated": boolean, // Former decoration status
101        "lotNumber": null | "string", // Lot identifier
102        "masterPlanID": number, // Master plan identifier
103        "media": null | {}, // Media content
104        "mls": null | "string", // MLS listing number
105        "moveInDate": null | "string", // Available move-in date
106        "options": [{ // Available options
107            "id": "string",
108            "name": "string"
109        }],
110        "qmis": [], // Quick move-in properties
111        "showMortgageCalculator": boolean, // Mortgage calculator display option
112        "tour": null | {}
113    },
114    "home": {
115        "acquireId": null | "string", // Unique acquisition identifier
116        "acquireJde": null | "string", // JDE acquisition number
117        "address": null | "string", // Property address
118        "city": "string", // City location
119        "communityE1id": "string", // Community E1 identifier
120        "communityId": number, // Community unique identifier
121        "communityJdeNum": "string", // Community JDE number
122        "communityName": "string", // Community name
123        "commPlanID": number, // Community plan identifier
124        "county": "string", // County name
125        "designerAppointed": null | [], // Designer appointed features
126        "description": null | "string", // Home description
127        "dyohLink": null | "string", // Design your own home link
128        "features": null | {}, // Property features
129        "floorplans": [{
130            "url": "string",
131            "type": "string",
132            "title": "string",
133            "representative": boolean,
134            "link": null | "string",
135            "description": null | "string"
136        }],
137        "gallery": {
138            "externalImages": [],
139            "walkThroughs": []
140        },
141        "hbqMarketInterest": "string", // Market interest designation
142        "headShot": {
143            "media": {
144                "description": null | "string",
145                "link": null | "string",
146                "title": "string",
147                "type": "string",
148                "url": "string"
149            },
150            "title": "string"
151        },
152        "hidePlusSignForSqft": boolean, // Square footage display option
153        "homeType": "string", // Type of home
154        "isBiddableLot": boolean, // Indicates if lot is biddable
155        "isBiddableQMI": boolean, // Quick move-in biddable status
156        "isComingSoon": boolean, // Coming soon status
157        "isDecoratedModel": boolean, // Decorated model status
158        "isDesignerAppointed": null | boolean, // Designer appointment status
159        "isFormerDecorated": boolean, // Former decoration status
160        "isQMI": boolean, // Quick move-in status
161        "jumboMortgageRate": "string", // Jumbo mortgage rate
162        "lat": "string", // Latitude coordinates
163        "loanLimit": number, // Loan limit amount
164        "lon": "string", // Longitude coordinates
165        "lotNumber": null | "string", // Lot identifier
166        "masterBedroomLocation": "string", // Master bedroom location
167        "masterCommunityId": null | number, // Master community identifier
168        "masterCommunityName": null | "string", // Master community name
169        "masterPlanID": number, // Master plan identifier
170        "maxBath": number, // Maximum bathrooms
171        "maxBed": number, // Maximum bedrooms
172        "maxGarage": "string", // Maximum garage capacity
173        "maxHalfBath": number, // Maximum half bathrooms
174        "maxSqft": null | number, // Maximum square footage
175        "minBath": number, // Minimum bathrooms
176        "minBed": number, // Minimum bedrooms
177        "minGarage": "string", // Minimum garage capacity
178        "minHalfBath": number, // Minimum half bathrooms
179        "minSqft": number, // Minimum square footage
180        "mls": null | "string", // MLS listing number
181        "modelBullets": null | string[], // Model highlights
182        "modelName": "string", // Model name
183        "moveInDate": null | "string", // Available move-in date
184        "name": "string", // Property name
185        "options": [{
186            "id": "string",
187            "name": "string"
188        }],
189        "pricedFrom": null | "string", // Starting price
190        "qmis": null | [], // Quick move-in properties
191        "showMortgageCalculator": boolean, // Mortgage calculator display option
192        "standardMortgageRate": "string", // Standard mortgage rate
193        "state": "string", // State abbreviation
194        "stories": number, // Number of stories
195        "tour": null | {}, // Virtual tour information
196        "url": "string" // Property URL
197    }
198    "community": {
199        "city": "string",  // City where the community is located
200        "comingSoonQMICount": number,  // Number of upcoming quick move-in homes
201        "communityId": number,  // Unique identifier for the community
202        "communityTypes": ["string"],  // Types of community (e.g., "Future Community")
203        "cpRegion": "string",  // Corporate region designation
204        "distance": number,  // Distance from search location in miles
205        "hideScheduleTour": boolean,  // Whether tour scheduling is hidden
206        "homeProperties": [{  // Array of available home models
207            "homeTypes": ["string"],  // Types of homes available
208            "isQdh": boolean,  // Quick delivery home status
209            "maxBath": number,  // Maximum number of bathrooms
210            "maxBed": number,  // Maximum number of bedrooms
211            "maxGarage": "string",  // Maximum garage capacity
212            "maxSqft": number,  // Maximum square footage
213            "minSqft": number,  // Minimum square footage
214            "name": "string",  // Model name
215            "pBedLoc": [number],  // Primary bedroom location floors
216            "stories": ["string"],  // Number of floors available
217            "schoolDistrict": "string",  // Local school district
218            "communityPricedFrom": "string",  // Starting price range
219            "filteredOut": boolean  // Search filter status
220        }],
221        "homeTypes": ["string"],  // All home types in community
222        "images": [{  // Community photo gallery
223            "description": "string",  // Image description
224            "link": { "link": "string" },  // Image URL
225            "multimediaId": number,  // Unique media identifier
226            "s920": {  // Resized image properties
227                "link": "string",  // Resized image URL
228                "height": number,  // Image height
229                "width": number  // Image width
230            }
231        }],
232        "isFuture": boolean,  // Future development status
233        "isMaster": boolean,  // Master planned community status
234        "lat": "string",  // Latitude coordinates
235        "lon": "string",  // Longitude coordinates
236        "logo": {  // Community logo
237            "link": { "link": "string" },  // Logo URL
238            "multimediaId": number  // Logo media identifier
239        },
240        "maxSqft": number,  // Maximum square footage in community
241        "metroId": number,  // Metropolitan area identifier
242        "metroName": "string",  // Metropolitan area name
243        "minSqft": number,  // Minimum square footage in community
244        "moveInReady": boolean,  // Quick move-in availability
245        "name": "string",  // Community name
246        "numQDH": number,  // Number of quick delivery homes
247        "partOfMaster": boolean,  // Part of master planned community
248        "pBedLoc": [number],  // All primary bedroom locations
249        "prePlannedCount": number,  // Number of pre-planned homes
250        "pricedFrom": "string",  // Community starting price
251        "schoolDistrict": "string",  // School district name
252        "state": "string",  // State abbreviation
253        "stories": ["string"],  // Available story configurations
254        "type": "string",  // Community type
255        "url": "string",  // Community webpage URL
256        "zipCode": "string",  // Postal code
257        "filteredOut": boolean  // Search filter status
258    }


For issues, feature requests, or customization needs:

  • Create an issue in the actor's Issues section
  • Contact the author for customization requests
  • Email for API services or custom dataset requirements

Additional Services

  • Custom scraping solutions
  • API access to Toll Brothers data
  • Bulk data collection
  • Integration support

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