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Jumia Scraper
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Jumia Scraper

Jumia Scraper

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3 days trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

Jumia Scraper extracts data from any Jumia product, catalog, or category pages - parses and converts the data to structured formats: HTML table, JSON, CSV, Excel, and XML.

Jumia Scraper extracts data from any Jumia product, catalog or category pages - parses and converts the data to structured formats: HTML table, JSON, CSV, Excel and XML.

By providing a search term (keyword) and/or category URL, you can extract prices, product descriptions, images, stock availability, brand, category, sku, etc.

Why scrape Jumia products?

The extracted data can be useful in the following ways:

  • Optimize product prices
  • Monitor practices employed by your competitors
  • Understand market dynamics to boost productivity
  • Harness the power of prevailing trends, etc.

Cost of usage

Apify generously offers you $5 free usage credits monthly. From our tests, you can scrape upto 400,000 results. This should be good enough for most of your use cases but you can upgrade to a higher plan to extract even more data.

Sample input parameter

Below is a sample of the input

2  "searchTerms": ["microwave"],
3  "maxCrawledProducts": 2000,
4  "country": "nigeria",
5  "proxyConfig": {
6    "useApifyProxy": false
7  },
8  "maxConcurrency": 1,
9  "handlePageTimeoutSecs": 30000,
10  "maxRequestRetries": 3,
11  "startUrls": [
12    {
13      "url": "https://www.jumia.com.ng/catalog/?q=laptop&price_discount=40-100&page=3#catalog-listing"
14    },
15  ]
  • searchTerms: An array of the keywords you want to scrape.
  • maxCrawledProducts: this specifies the maximum number or results you want to extract for a given run.
  • country: Jumia has presence in a number of countries. This field allows you to select any of those supported countries.
  • proxyConfig: This field provides you with the option to use a proxy for the run or not. You can set the value to {"useApifyProxy": true} if you are getting blocked. By default, the scraper will use Apify's datacenter proxies but you can provide one instead, manually.
  • maxConcurrency: This specifies the number of concurrent operations. To get your results quickly, set this to a higher number.
  • handlePageTimeoutSecs: Number of seconds elapsed to mark a page as timeout.
  • maxRequestRetries: Number of times the scraper will retry handling a failed page. The default value is 3 times.
  • startUrls: This is an array of static URLs to be added to the request queue. It can be a product or category page.

Sample output

2	"sku": "HP246CL18EREXNAFAMZ",
3	"name": "Notebook 15 Intel Core I3 (12GB RAM, 1TB HDD)-Win 10 + MOUSE",
4	"displayName": "Hp Notebook 15 Intel Core I3 (12GB RAM, 1TB HDD)-Win 10 + MOUSE",
5	"brand": "Hp",
6	"sellerId": "<redacted>",
7	"categories": "Computing/Computers & Accessories/Computers & Tablets/Laptops",
8	"prices": {
9		"rawPrice": "259999.00",
10		"price": "₦ 259,999",
11		"priceEuro": "597.07",
12		"taxEuro": "41.66",
13		"oldPrice": "₦ 290,000",
14		"oldPriceEuro": "665.96",
15		"discount": "10%"
16	},
17	"rating": {
18		"average": 4,
19		"totalRatings": 54
20	},
21	"image": "https://ng.jumia.is/unsafe/fit-in/300x300/filters:fill(white)/product/74/591817/1.jpg?4227",
22	"url": "https://www.jumia.com.ng/hp-notebook-15-intel-core-i3-12gb-ram-1tb-hdd-win-10-mouse-71819547.html",
23	"isBuyable": true,
24	"simples": [
25		{
26			"sku": "HP246CL18EREXNAFAMZ-100123623",
27			"isBuyable": true,
28			"name": "",
29			"prices": {
30				"rawPrice": "259999.00",
31				"price": "₦ 259,999",
32				"priceEuro": "597.07",
33				"taxEuro": "41.66",
34				"oldPrice": "₦ 290,000",
35				"oldPriceEuro": "665.96",
36				"discount": "10%"
37			}
38		}
39	],
40	"selectedVariation": "HP246CL18EREXNAFAMZ-100123623",
41	"price": "₦ 259,999"

Supported URL types

Limitation and solution

Category and Catalog pages can return a maximum of 2,000 results (this is a hard limit by Jumia). To extract more data, you can apply several filters e.g by price, brand, etc.


The scraper handles category and catalog pages pagination automatically, in a bid to extract as much data as possible. You can then use the maxCrawledProducts parameter to set the maximum number of the results to be obtained.

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 6 monthly users
  • 1 star
  • 94.9% runs succeeded
  • Created in Mar 2022
  • Modified 2 months ago