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Airbnb Full-Year Price Tracker

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Airbnb Full-Year Price Tracker

Airbnb Full-Year Price Tracker

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This script scrapes detailed information about Airbnb listings, including SEO data, room details, and pricing breakdowns for specified check-in and check-out dates. The data is collected from multiple Airbnb URLs and saved in a CSV file for analysis.

Airbnb Data Scraper for Apify

This project is an Apify actor designed to scrape detailed data from Airbnb listings, including SEO metadata, pricing details, and other key information. The actor supports dynamic date generation for flexible booking queries and stores the extracted data in an Apify dataset.


  • Dynamic Date Generation: Automatically generates check-in and check-out dates based on user input.
  • Comprehensive Data Extraction:
    • SEO Metadata: Title, meta description, canonical URL, and more.
    • Pricing Details: Breakdown of prices, including cleaning fee, service fee, and taxes.
    • Property Information: Room type, location, capacity, rating, and reviews.
  • Error Handling: Gracefully handles API errors and continues processing other listings.
  • Data Storage:
    • Outputs data to the Apify dataset.
    • Optionally saves data to a local CSV file for offline use.

Input Parameters

The actor accepts the following input parameters:

ParameterDescriptionExample Value
startUrlsList of Airbnb listing URLs to scrape.[{"url": ""}]
checkInDateStarting date for check-in."2024-11-21"
Stay_DaysDuration of each stay in days.1
numberOfDaysTotal number of days to iterate.10
adultsNumber of adults for the booking.2
childrenNumber of children for the booking.0
petsIndicates if pets are included.0

Output Data

The scraper outputs a dataset with detailed information for each listing and date range:

Field NameDescription
Check-In DateGenerated check-in date.
Check-Out DateGenerated check-out date.
Booking AvailableIndicates if instant booking is available.
TitleSEO title of the listing.
Meta DescriptionSEO meta description of the listing.
Canonical URLCanonical URL of the listing page.
Room InfoGeneral description of the room.
Property TypeType of property (e.g., apartment, house).
Room RatingStar rating of the listing.
Total ReviewsTotal number of reviews.
LocationLocation of the listing.
CapacityMaximum number of guests the property can accommodate.
Image URLURL of the primary listing image.
Price Breakdown TitleTitle of the price breakdown section.
Strike Through PriceOriginal price before discounts.
Primary PriceCurrent price after discounts.
Cleaning FeeCleaning fee for the booking.
Service FeeService fee for the booking.
TaxesTax amount for the booking.
Total PriceTotal price for the stay, including fees and taxes.

How It Works

  1. Dynamic Date Generator:

    • Generates a sequence of check-in and check-out dates based on the input checkInDate, Stay_Days, and numberOfDays.
  2. Data Extraction:

    • Makes a GraphQL API call to Airbnb using dynamically generated queries.
    • Extracts specific SEO and pricing details using a recursive function to traverse JSON paths.
  3. Data Storage:

    • Stores data in the Apify dataset for further processing or integration.
    • Optionally saves the data to a local CSV file.

Example Input

2  "startUrls": [
3    { "url": "" },
4    { "url": "" }
5  ],
6  "checkInDate": "2024-11-21",
7  "Stay_Days": 1,
8  "numberOfDays": 5,
9  "adults": "2",
10  "children": "0",
11  "pets": "0"

Example Output

Check-In DateCheck-Out DateTitleTotal PriceRoom RatingTotal Reviews
2024-11-212024-11-22Cozy Apartment in City$1204.8120
2024-11-222024-11-23Spacious Condo by Beach$2004.985

Logging and Debugging

The script uses Python's logging module to log:

  • Progress of the scraping process.
  • Errors encountered during API calls or data processing.

Logs are displayed in the console and can be used to debug issues.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 8 monthly users

  • 2 stars

  • 92% runs succeeded

  • Created in Nov 2024

  • Modified 17 hours ago