2 "title": "pixel-union-scraper",
3 "description": "",
4 "type": "object",
5 "schemaVersion": 1,
6 "properties": {
7 "maxRequestsPerCrawl": {
8 "title": "Max items",
9 "description": "How many items to extract from pixelunion.net",
10 "default": 20,
11 "prefill": 20,
12 "type": "integer",
13 "editor": "number"
14 },
15 "extendOutputFunction": {
16 "title": "Extend Output Function",
17 "description": "Add or remove properties on the output object or omit the output returning null",
18 "type": "string",
19 "default": "async ({ data, item, product, images, fns, name, request, variants, context, customData, input, Apify }) => {\n return item;\n}",
20 "prefill": "async ({ data, item, product, images, fns, name, request, variants, context, customData, input, Apify }) => {\n return item;\n}",
21 "editor": "javascript",
22 "sectionCaption": "Extend scraper functionality",
23 "sectionDescription": "You can change the output of the items for your dataset here, or add additional behavior on the scraper."
24 },
25 "extendScraperFunction": {
26 "title": "Extend Scraper Function",
27 "description": "Advanced function that allows you to extend the default scraper functionality, allowing you to manually perform actions on the page",
28 "type": "string",
29 "default": "async ({ fns, customData, Apify, label }) => {\n \n}",
30 "prefill": "async ({ fns, customData, Apify, label }) => {\n \n}",
31 "editor": "javascript"
32 },
33 "customData": {
34 "title": "Custom data",
35 "description": "Any data that you want to have available inside the Extend Output/Scraper Function",
36 "default": {},
37 "prefill": {},
38 "type": "object",
39 "editor": "json"
40 },
41 "fetchHtml": {
42 "title": "Fetch HTML",
43 "description": "If you decide to fetch the HTML of the pages, it will take twice as long. Make sure to only enable this if needed",
44 "default": true,
45 "editor": "checkbox",
46 "type": "boolean"
47 },
48 "maxConcurrency": {
49 "title": "Max concurrency",
50 "description": "Max concurrency to use",
51 "default": 20,
52 "prefill": 20,
53 "type": "integer",
54 "editor": "number"
55 },
56 "maxRequestRetries": {
57 "title": "Max request retries",
58 "description": "Set the max request retries",
59 "default": 3,
60 "prefill": 3,
61 "type": "integer",
62 "editor": "number"
63 },
64 "debugLog": {
65 "title": "Debug Log",
66 "description": "Enable a more verbose logging to be able to understand what's happening during the scraping",
67 "type": "boolean",
68 "default": false,
69 "editor": "checkbox"
70 }
71 }