Udemy Courses Scraper avatar

Udemy Courses Scraper

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Udemy Courses Scraper

Udemy Courses Scraper

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2 days trial then $30.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrape data from thousands of courses available on udemy.com. Extract description, price, rating, created date, image and more. Download your data as HTML table, JSON, CSV, Excel, XML, and RSS feed.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 10 monthly users

  • 5.0 / 5 (1)


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in May 2023

  • Modified 6 months ago


About This Actor

This actor enables you to extract data from Udemy courses without having to write any code. It can extract course data, such as title, URL, price, number of subscribers, number of reviews, objectives and more. You can use this actor to extract data from a single course, a list of courses, a category page, subcategory page or topic page.

Input Parameters

course_urlsarray(Optional) A list of Course URLs to scrape.
start_urlsarray(Optional) It can be a category URL, subcategory URL, seach URL or a topic URL.
max_items_per_urlinteger(Optional) Maximum number of items you want to scrape per run. Default value is 60.
start_pageinteger(Optional) Page number to start scraping from.Default value is 1.
proxySettingsobject(Required) Select proxies to be used by your crawler.


  • To extract courses with especific filter, go to a category/subcategory/topic page and add your own filters on the Udemy website, then copy the page link and paste it on Category/Subcategory/Topic URL field on the actor input.
  • To use this actor, you need to enable proxy settings on the actor input before running it, you can use your own proxys or automatic Apify Proxies.
  • You can watch Apify Tutorials on how to use actors.

Output Example

The structure of each item returned by this actor looks like this:

2  "id": 1565838,
3  "title": "The Complete 2023 Web Development Bootcamp",
4  "url": "https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-web-development-bootcamp/",
5  "price_detail": {
6    "amount": 179.9,
7    "currency": "BRL",
8    "price_string": "R$179.90",
9    "currency_symbol": "R$"
10  },
11  "is_paid": true,
12  "visible_instructors": [
13    {
14      "title": "Dr. Angela Yu",
15      "name": "Dr. Angela",
16      "display_name": "Dr. Angela Yu",
17      "job_title": "Developer and Lead Instructor",
18      "image_50x50": "https://img-c.udemycdn.com/user/50x50/31334738_a13c_3.jpg",
19      "image_100x100": "https://img-c.udemycdn.com/user/100x100/31334738_a13c_3.jpg",
20      "initials": "DY",
21      "url": "https://www.udemy.com/user/4b4368a3-b5c8-4529-aa65-2056ec31f37e/"
22    }
23  ],
24  "locale": {
25    "locale": "en_US",
26    "title": "English (US)",
27    "english_title": "English (US)",
28    "simple_english_title": "English"
29  },
30  "description": "<p>Welcome to the Complete Web Development Bootcamp,<strong> the only course you need</strong> to learn to code and become a full-stack web developer. With 150,000+ ratings and a 4.8 average, my Web Development course is one of the HIGHEST&nbsp;RATED courses in the history of Udemy!&nbsp;</p><p>At 65+ hours, this Web Development course is without a doubt the <strong>most comprehensive </strong>web development course available online. </p>..",
31  "headline": "Become a Full-Stack Web Developer with just ONE course. HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, React, MongoDB, Web3 and DApps",
32  "created": "2018-02-22T12:02:33Z",
33  "num_subscribers": 978509,
34  "discount": {
35    "price_serve_tracking_id": "ioaq9BWWRPeyiFF8T7e_hw",
36    "price": {
37      "amount": 27.9,
38      "currency": "BRL",
39      "price_string": "R$27.90",
40      "currency_symbol": "R$"
41    },
42    "list_price": {
43      "amount": 179.9,
44      "currency": "BRL",
45      "price_string": "R$179.90",
46      "currency_symbol": "R$"
47    },
48    "saving_price": {
49      "amount": 152.0,
50      "currency": "BRL",
51      "price_string": "R$152.00",
52      "currency_symbol": "R$"
53    },
54    "has_discount_saving": true,
55    "discount_percent": 84,
56    "discount_percent_for_display": 84,
57    "buyable": {
58      "id": 1565838,
59      "type": "course"
60    },
61    "campaign": {
62      "code": "WORLDLEARN",
63      "end_time": "2023-06-01T02:20:09-07:00",
64      "is_instructor_created": false,
65      "is_public": true,
66      "start_time": "2022-12-14T15:30:00Z",
67      "campaign_type": "deal",
68      "uses_remaining": null,
69      "maximum_uses": null,
70      "show_code": false
71    },
72    "code": "WORLDLEARN",
73    "is_public": true
74  },
75  "discount_price": {
76    "amount": 28.0,
77    "currency": "BRL",
78    "price_string": "R$28",
79    "currency_symbol": "R$"
80  },
81  "rating": 4.6671677,
82  "num_reviews": 289585,
83  "num_quizzes": 12,
84  "num_lectures": 465,
85  "num_curriculum_items": 477,
86  "features": {
87    "discussions_create": true,
88    "discussions_view": true,
89    "discussions_replies_create": true,
90    "enroll": true,
91    "reviews_create": true,
92    "reviews_view": true,
93    "reviews_responses_create": true,
94    "announcements_comments_view": true,
95    "educational_announcements_create": true,
96    "promotional_announcements_create": true,
97    "promotions_create": true,
98    "promotions_view": true,
99    "students_view": true
100  },
101  "image": "https://img-c.udemycdn.com/course/750x422/1565838_e54e_16.jpg",
102  "primary_category": {
103    "id": 288,
104    "title": "Development",
105    "url": "/courses/development/",
106    "type": "category",
107    "title_cleaned": "development",
108    "channel_id": 1640
109  },
110  "primary_subcategory": {
111    "id": 8,
112    "title": "Web Development",
113    "url": "/courses/development/web-development/",
114    "type": "subcategory",
115    "title_cleaned": "web-development",
116    "channel_id": 1656
117  },
118  "requirements_data": [
119    "No programming experience needed - I'll teach you everything you need to know",
120    "A computer with access to the internet",
121    "No paid software required",
122    "I'll walk you through, step-by-step how to get all the software installed and set up"
123  ],
124  "what_you_will_learn_data": [
125    "Build 16 web development projects for your portfolio, ready to apply for junior developer jobs.",
126    "Learn the latest technologies, including Javascript, React, Node and even Web3 development.",
127    "After the course you will be able to build ANY website you want.",
128    "Build fully-fledged websites and web apps for your startup or business.",
129    "Work as a freelance web developer.",
130    "Master frontend development with React",
131    "Master backend development with Node",
132    "Learn professional developer best practices."
133  ],
134  "labels": [
135    {
136      "id": 6368,
137      "title": "JavaScript",
138      "url": "https://www.udemy.com/topic/javascript/",
139      "type": "topic",
140      "display_name": "JavaScript"
141    },
142    {
143      "id": 6804,
144      "title": "MongoDB",
145      "url": "https://www.udemy.com/topic/mongodb/",
146      "type": "topic",
147      "display_name": "MongoDB"
148    },
149    {
150      "id": 6928,
151      "title": "Node.Js",
152      "url": "https://www.udemy.com/topic/nodejs/",
153      "type": "topic",
154      "display_name": "Node.Js"
155    },
156    {
157      "id": 8322,
158      "title": "Web Development",
159      "url": "https://www.udemy.com/topic/web-development/",
160      "type": "topic",
161      "display_name": "Web Development"
162    }
163  ],
164  "target_audiences": [
165    "If you want to learn to code through building fun and useful projects, then take this course.",
166    "If you want to start your own startup by building your own websites and web apps.",
167    "If you are a seasoned programmer, then take this course to to get up to speed quickly with the latest frameworks and NodeJS",
168    "If you want to take ONE COURSE and learn everything you need to know about web development, take this course"
169  ],
170  "objectives": [
171    "Tudo que vc precisa saber para construir aplicações modernas para Web",
172    "Criar aplicações REAIS usando as mais modernas tecnologias do mercado",
173    "Últimos recursos de HTML, CSS, Javascript e vários frameworks",
174    "Aprender HTML 5 e os últimos recursos da linguagem",
175    "Aprender CSS 3 e como aplicar estilo usando as últimas tecnologias: CSS Grid, Flexbox e muito mais",
176    "Domine Javascript de verdade, não apenas aprendendo a sintaxe, mas como pensar em Javascript",
177    "Os últimos recursos do Javascript: ECMAScript 6, 7, 8. Também conhecido como ES2015, ES2016, ES2017, ES2018 ...",
178    "Os principais frameworks (e bibliotecas): React, Vue, Bootstrap 4, jQuery",
179    "Entendenda os paradigmas de programação usados na Web Moderna: Funcional, Orientação a Objeto etc",
180    "Boas práticas de programação e padrões de projeto",
181    "Aplicações Web baseadas em Componentes",
182    "Projeto de aplicações reais",
183    "Seja um desenvolvedor Fullstack dominando o frontend e o backend",
184    "Conteúdo suficiente para você conseguir um emprego como desenvolvedor Web Fullstack",
185    "Aprendenda banco de dados relacional e não relacional NoSQL",
186    "Use MySQL, Postgres e MongoDB",
187    "Desenvolva um sistema com autenticação de usuário",
188    "Use Node JS e desenvolva usando Javascript no backend",
189    "Acesse os principais bancos de dados usando Javascript e Node",
190    "Aprenda a construir builds profissionais com Gulp e Webpack",
191    "Conquistar toda a base para se tornar um desenvolvedor web de sucesso",
192    "Todo o conteúdo para se tornar um profissional capacitado para o mercado de trabalho",
193    "Aprenda as principais tecnologias da web nas últimas versões",
194    "Desenvolver uma Aplicação com Angular 9",
195    "Os principais conceitos do Angular 9: Componentes, Diretivas, Pipes, Services e muito mais",
196    "Aprender Angular na Prática de forma muito objetiva",
197    "Desenvolvimento Web"
198  ],
199  "estimated_content_length": 3968,
200  "content_info": "66 total hours",
201  "instructional_level": "All Levels"

Integrations and Udemy Courses Scraper

Last but not least, Udemy Courses Scraper can be connected with almost any cloud service or web app thanks to integrations on the Apify platform. You can integrate with Make, Zapier, Slack, Airbyte, GitHub, Google Sheets, Google Drive, and more. Or you can use webhooks to carry out an action whenever an event occurs, e.g. get a notification whenever Udemy Courses Scraper successfully finishes a run.

Using Udemy Courses Scraper with the Apify API

The Apify API gives you programmatic access to the Apify platform. The API is organized around RESTful HTTP endpoints that enable you to manage, schedule, and run Apify actors. The API also lets you access any datasets, monitor actor performance, fetch results, create and update versions, and more.

To access the API using Node.js, use the apify-client NPM package. To access the API using Python, use the apify-client PyPI package.

Check out the Apify API reference docs for full details.

Giving feedback

If you have any feature requests or bug reports, please create an issue on the Issues page.