GPTs Scraper
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Use this scraper to collect data about GPTs url, title, description and more.
1# configurations
4# crawlee and apify storage folders
9# installed files
12# git folder
1root = true
4indent_style = space
5indent_size = 4
6charset = utf-8
7trim_trailing_whitespace = true
8insert_final_newline = true
9end_of_line = lf
2 "root": true,
3 "env": {
4 "browser": true,
5 "es2020": true,
6 "node": true
7 },
8 "extends": [
9 "@apify/eslint-config-ts"
10 ],
11 "parserOptions": {
12 "project": "./tsconfig.json",
13 "ecmaVersion": 2020
14 },
15 "ignorePatterns": [
16 "node_modules",
17 "dist",
18 "**/*.d.ts"
19 ],
20 "rules": {
21 "@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": false
22 }
1# This file tells Git which files shouldn't be added to source control
10# Added by Apify CLI
1<!doctype html>
2<html itemscope itemtype="" lang="en">
5 <meta charset="UTF-8">
6 <meta content="origin" name="referrer">
7 <meta content="/images/branding/googleg/1x/googleg_standard_color_128dp.png" itemprop="image">
8 <title>site:// - Google Search</title>
9 <script nonce="y2OjbVllSX8ctIpIzyZ8iw">(function () { var b = window.addEventListener; window.addEventListener = function (a, c, d) { "unload" !== a && b(a, c, d) }; }).call(this); (function () { var _g = { kEI: 'ACBTZerqGPmo5NoPwbyGmAI', kEXPI: '31', kBL: 'N9iZ', kOPI: 89978449 }; (function () { var a; (null == (a = ? 0 : a.stvsc) ? google.kEI = _g.kEI : = _g; }).call(this); })(); (function () { = 'web'; google.kHL = 'en'; })(); (function () {
10 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.837Z var h = this || self; function l() { return void 0 !== && void 0 !== && 0 !== ? : null }; var m, n = []; function p(a) { for (var b; a && (!a.getAttribute || !(b = a.getAttribute("eid")));)a = a.parentNode; return b || m } function q(a) { for (var b = null; a && (!a.getAttribute || !(b = a.getAttribute("leid")));)a = a.parentNode; return b } function r(a) { /^http:/i.test(a) && "https:" === window.location.protocol && ( &&"a"), !1, { src: a, glmm: 1 }), a = ""); return a }
11 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.837Z function t(a, b, c, d, k) { var e = ""; -1 ==="&ei=") && (e = "&ei=" + p(d), -1 ==="&lei=") && (d = q(d)) && (e += "&lei=" + d)); d = ""; var g = -1 ==="&cshid=") && "slh" !== a, f = []; f.push(["zx",]); h._cshid && g && f.push(["cshid", h._cshid]); c = c(); null != c && f.push(["opi", c.toString()]); for (c = 0; c < f.length; c++) { if (0 === c || 0 < c) d += "&"; d += f[c][0] + "=" + f[c][1] } return "/" + (k || "gen_204") + "?atyp=i&ct=" + String(a) + "&cad=" + (b + e + d) }; m = google.kEI; google.getEI = p; google.getLEI = q; = function () { return null }; google.log = function (a, b, c, d, k, e) { e = void 0 === e ? l : e; c || (c = t(a, b, e, d, k)); if (c = r(c)) { a = new Image; var g = n.length; n[g] = a; a.onerror = a.onload = a.onabort = function () { delete n[g] }; a.src = c } }; google.logUrl = function (a, b) { b = void 0 === b ? l : b; return t("", a, b) };
12 }).call(this); (function () {
13 google.y = {}; = []; google.x = function (a, b) { if (a) var c =; else { do c = Math.random(); while (google.y[c]) } google.y[c] = [a, b]; return !1 }; = function (a) { }; google.lm = []; google.plm = function (a) {
14 google.lm.push.apply(...[line - too - long]
152023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.838Z document.documentElement.addEventListener("submit", function (b) { var a; if (a = { var c = a.getAttribute("data-submitfalse"); a = "1" === c || "q" === c && !a.elements.q.value ? !0 : !1 } else a = !1; a && (b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation()) }, !0); document.documentElement.addEventListener("click", function (b) { var a; a: { for (a =; a && a !== document.documentElement; a = a.parentElement)if ("A" === a.tagName) { a = "1" === a.getAttribute("data-nohref"); break a } a = !1 } a && b.preventDefault() }, !0);
16 }).call(this); (function () { google.hs = { h: true, nhs: false, sie: false }; })(); (function () { google.c = { bfrt: false, bfrte: true, bofr: true, btfi: false, c4t: false, cap: 2000, cgp: false, di: false, fla: false, fli: false, frt: false, frvt: true, gl: false, idt: 16, inpp: 98, inpsr: 0.01, irsf: false, lhc: false, linp: true, llt: false, lsb: true, lsbsr: 0.01, mais: false, marb: false, pbph: false, raf: false, si: true, sidt: 200, sisr: 0.01, sxs: false, taf: true, timl: false, upb: false, vis: true, wfo: false, wh0: false, whu: false }; })(); (function () {
17 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.839Z var h = this || self; var k = window.performance; function m(a, b, d, c) { a: { c = void 0 === c ? !1 : c; c = void 0 === c ? !1 : c; for (var e = a; e && e !== b; e = e.parentElement)if ("hidden" === || ("G-EXPANDABLE-CONTENT" === e.tagName || c) && "hidden" === getComputedStyle(e).getPropertyValue("overflow")) { b = e; break a } b = null } if (!b) return !1; a = d(a); d = d(b); return a.bottom < || >= d.bottom || a.right < d.left || a.left >= d.right }
18 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.840Z function n(a) { return "none" === ? !0 : document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? (a = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a), !!a && ("hidden" === a.visibility || "0px" === a.height && "0px" === a.width)) : !1 }
19 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.840Z function p(a, b, d, c, e) { var f = e(a), l = f.left + (d ? 0 : window.pageXOffset), q = + (d ? 0 : window.pageYOffset), r = f.width, t = f.height, g = 0; if (!b && 0 >= t && 0 >= r) return g; b = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; 0 > q + t ? g = 2 : q >= b && (g = 4); if (0 > l + r || l >= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth)) g |= 8; else if (c) { f = f.left; if (!d) for (; a && a !== c; a = a.parentElement)f += a.scrollLeft; c = e(c); if (f + r < c.left || f >= c.right) g |= 8 } g || (g = 1, q + t > b && (g |= 4)); return g }; var u =, v = google.c.sxs, w = google.c.wfo; function x(a, b, d, c) { a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, d, c || !1) : a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + b, d) } function y(a, b, d, c) { "addEventListener" in a ? a.removeEventListener(b, d, c || !1) : a.attachEvent && a.detachEvent("on" + b, d) }; google.c.iim = google.c.iim || {}; function z(a) { a && } var A; function B() { y(document.documentElement, "load", A, !0); y(document.documentElement, "error", A, !0) }; google.timers = {}; google.startTick = function (a) { google.timers[a] = { t: { start: }, e: {}, m: {} } }; google.ti...[line - too - long]
20 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.842Z var g = this || self; function h(a) { try { a() } catch (b) {, !1) } } google.caft = function (a, b) { null === google.aftq ? h(a) : (google.aftq = google.aftq || [], google.aftq.push(a), b && window.setTimeout(function () { google.aftq && (google.aftq = google.aftq.filter(function (c) { return a !== c }), h(a)) }, b)) }; function m() { return window.performance && window.performance.navigation && window.performance.navigation.type }; var q = google.c.bfrt, aa = google.c.cgp, ba = google.c.lhc, ca = google.c.pbph, t = google.c.sxs, u = google.c.taf, v = google.c.btfi, w = google.c.frt, x = google.c.frvt, y = google.c.timl, z = google.c.upb; function A(a) { return "/gen_204?s=" + + "&t=" + a + "&atyp=csi&ei=" + google.kEI }; function B() { var a; null == (a = C("cap")) || a.sendNow(); var b; null == (b = C("aft")) || b.sendNow(); var c; null == (c = C("all")) || c.sendNow(); a = window; "addEventListener" in a ? a.removeEventListener("pagehide", B, !1) : a.attachEvent && a.detachEvent("onpagehide", B) } var D = {}; function E(a) { z && (D[a] = new PendingGetBeacon(A(a) + "&inc=1")) } function C(a) { if (z) return D[a] }; var da = window.lo...[line-too - long]
21 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.843Z function G(a, b) { var c = google.timers[b || "load"]; b = c.m; if (!b || !b.prs) { var d = m() ? 0 : F("qsubts"); 0 < d && (b = F("fbts"), 0 < b && (c.t.start = Math.max(d, b))); var e = c.t, f = e.start; b = { wsrt: c.wsrt || 0 }; if (f) for (var r = 0, n; n = ea[r++];) { var k = e[n]; k && (b[n] = Math.max(k - f, 0)) } 0 < d && (b.gsasrt = c.t.start - d); d = c.e; c = A(a) + "&rt="; e = ""; for (var p in b) c += "" + e + p + "." + b[p], e = ","; for (var l in d) c += "&" + l + "=" + d[l]; p = c; l = ""; c = []; g._cshid && c.push(["cshid", g._cshid]); d = void 0 !== && void 0 !== && 0 !== ? : null; null != d && c.push(["opi", d.toString()]); for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { if (0 === d || 0 < d) l += "&"; l += c[d][0] + "=" + c[d][1] } c = p + l; 2 === m() && (c += "&bb=1"); 1 === m() && (c += "&r=1"); "gsasrt" in b && (b = F("qsd"), 0 < b && (c += "&qsd=" + b)); b = c; (a = C(a)) ? (a.setURL(b), a.sendNow()) : "function" === typeof navigator.sendBeacon ? navigator.sendBeacon(b, "") : google.log("", "", b) } }; function H(a) { a && google.tick("load", "cbs", a); google.tick("load", "cbt"); G("cap") }; var I = "src bsrc url ll image img-url".split(" "); function fa(a) {...[line - too - long]
22 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.845Z function ha(a) { var b; for (b = a; b && "center_col" !==;)b = b.parentElement; if (!b && aa) a: { for (b = a; b; b = b.parentElement)if ("G-SCROLLING-CAROUSEL" === b.tagName) break a; b = null } var c = a.parentElement; if (c && ("G-IMG" === c.tagName || c.classList.contains("uhHOwf")) && ( || { var d = c.getBoundingClientRect(), e = a.getBoundingClientRect(); if (d.height <= e.height || d.width <= e.width) a = c } return, !1, void 0, b) } google.c.iim = google.c.iim || {}; var J = window.performance; var K = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight, L = 0, M = 0, N = 0, O = 0, ia = 0, la = 0, P = 0, Q = 0, ma = 0, na = 0, R = !0, S = !0, T = -1, U, V = t ? "load2" : "load"; function W(a, b, c, d) { var e = google.timers[V].t[a]; e && (c || d && null != b && b < e) || google.tick(V, a, b) } function X(a, b, c) { var d = "1" === a.getAttribute("data-frt"); w && d && (W("frt", c, !1, !0), ++O, Y()); b && (x && d && (W("frvt", c, !1, !0), ++la), W("aft", c, !1, !0), W("afti", c, !1, !0), ++Q, R || (T = K), Y()); y && W("iml", c, !1, !0); ++M; a.setAttribute("data-frt", "0"); (y || b || q && d) && oa() }
23 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.846Z function oa() { var a = Q === P, b = O === N; a = q ? a && b : a; a = y ? M === L : a; !S && a && google.c.u("il", V) }
24 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.847Z function Y() {
25 if (!R) {
26 var a = Q === P, b = O === N, c = x && la === ia; a && (google.c.e(V, "aft", "1"), google.c.e(V, "aftp", String(Math.round(T)))); if (a && b) { U && clearTimeout(U); var d; null == (d = C("cap")) || d.deactivate(); G(t ? "aft2" : "aft", V); if (!t && google.c.c4t && J && J.mark && J.timing) { var e = google.timers.load; d = e.wsrt; e = e.t.aft; d && 0 < d && e && 0 < e && (e -= J.timing.navigationStart, 0 < e && (J.mark("SearchAFTStart", { startTime: d }), J.mark("trigger:SearchAFTEnd", { startTime: e }))) } } "hidden" === document.visibilityState && google.c.e(V, "hddn", "1"); if (!t &&
27 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.847Z null !== google.aftq && (2 === google.fevent || 3 === google.fevent ? google.fevent : 1) & ((a ? 1 : 0) | (c || b ? 2 : 0))) { google.tick("load", "aftqf",; var f; for (a = 0; b = null == (f = google.aftq) ? void 0 : f[a++];)h(b); google.aftq = null }
28 }
29 } function pa() { R && !google.c.bofr && (R = !1, R || (google.c.e(V, "ima", String(P)), google.c.e(V, "imad", String(ma)), google.c.e(V, "imac", String(na)), google.c.e(V, "imf", String(N)), document.getElementsByClassName("Ib7Efc").length && google.c.e(V, "ddl", "1")), Y()) }
30 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.848Z function qa(a, b) { 0 === b || b & 8 || (a.setAttribute("data-frt", "1"), w && ++N) }
31 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.848Z function ra(a, b, c) {
32 var d = a.getAttribute("data-atf"); if (d) return c = Number(d), b && !a.hasAttribute("data-frt") && qa(a, c), c; var e = "string" !== typeof a.src || !a.src, f = !!a.getAttribute("data-bsrc"), r = !!a.getAttribute("data-deferred"), n = !r && fa(a); n && a.setAttribute("data-lzy_", "1"); d = ha(a); a.setAttribute("data-atf", String(d)); var k = !!(d & 1); e = (e || a.complete) && !r && !f && !(k && n); f = !ba && Number(a.getAttribute("data-iml")) || 0; ++L; if (e && !f || a.hasAttribute("data-noaft")) a.setAttribute("data-frt", "0"), ++M, k && ++na; else {
33 var p =
34 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21:36.849Z d & 4, l = v && p && f && T < K; if (l) { var ja = a.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset; !c || 0 > c || ja < c ? T = k ? K : ja : l = !1 } k && (++P, r && ++ma); b && qa(a, d); x && k && b && ++ia; l && (W("aft", f, !1, !0), W("aftb", f, !1, !0)); if (e && f) X(a, k, v ? 0 : f); else { k && (!u && !c || p || c && (0 > c || c >= K)) && (T = K); var ka = a.src; google.rll(a, !0, function () { (r || n) && ka && ka === a.src ? google.rll(a, !0, function () { X(a, k, }) : X(a, k, }) }
35 } return d
36 }
37 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.850Z if (z && "function" === typeof window.PendingGetBeacon) { E("cap"); E("aft"); E("all"); if (ca) { var Z = window; Z.addEventListener ? Z.addEventListener("pagehide", B, !1) : Z.attachEvent && Z.attachEvent("onpagehide", B) } google.c.lpb = C("all") }
38 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.850Z if (0 < google.c.cap && !t) a: { var sa = google.c.cap; if (window.performance && window.performance.timing && "navigationStart" in window.performance.timing) { var ta =, ua = sa - ta; if (0 < ua) { U = setTimeout(H, ua, Math.floor(window.performance.timing.navigationStart + ta)); break a } H() } U = void 0 } google.c.wh = Math.floor(window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight); google.c.e(V, "wh", String(google.c.wh)); google.c.b("il", V); if (google.c.sxs) { var va = google.c.setup; google.c.setup = function (a) { va(a); return ra(a) } } else google.c.setup = ra; google.c.ubr = function (a, b, c, d) { u && T < K ? (T = c || -1, W("aft", b)) : 0 > T && (c && (T = c), v && W("aft", b)); a || W("afts", b, !0); d || (W("aft", b, !0), a && S ? (W("prt", b), y && W("iml", b, !0), S = !1, pa(), oa(), google.c.setup = function () { return 0 }, google.c.ubr = function () { }) : pa()) };
39 }).call(this); (function () {
40 var b = [function () { google.tick && google.tick("load", "dcl") }]; google.dclc = function (a) { b.length ? b.push(a) : a() }; function c() { for (var a = b.shift(); a;)a(), a = b.shift() } window.addEventListener ? (document.add...[line - too - long]
41 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.851Z var e = this || self;
42 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.851Z var f = {}; function w(a, c) { if (null === c) return !1; if ("contains" in a && 1 == c.nodeType) return a.contains(c); if ("compareDocumentPosition" in a) return a == c || !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(c) & 16); for (; c && a != c;)c = c.parentNode; return c == a };
43 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.852Z var y = function (a, c) { return function (d) { d || (d = window.event); return, d) } }, z = "undefined" != typeof navigator && /Macintosh/.test(navigator.userAgent), E = function () { this._mouseEventsPrevented = !0 }; var F = function (a) { this.g = a; this.h = [] }, G = function (a) { for (var c = 0; c < a.h.length; ++c) { var d = a.g, b = a.h[c]; d.removeEventListener ? d.removeEventListener(b.eventType, b.s, b.capture) : d.detachEvent && d.detachEvent("on" + b.eventType, b.s) } a.h = [] }; var H = e._jsa || {}; H._cfc = void 0; H._aeh = void 0;
44 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.852Z var I = function () { this.h = this.g = null }, K = function (a, c) { var d = J; d.g = a; d.h = c; return d }; I.prototype.i = function () { var a = this.g; this.g && this.g != this.h ? this.g = this.g.__owner || this.g.parentNode : this.g = null; return a }; var L = function () { var a; this.j = a = void 0 === a ? [] : a; this.g = 0; this.h = null; this.l = !1 }, N = function (a, c) { var d = M; d.j = a; d.g = 0; d.h = c; d.l = !1; return d }; L.prototype.i = function () { if (this.l) return J.i(); if (this.g != this.j.length) { var a = this.j[this.g]; this.g++; a != this.h && a && a.__owner && (this.l = !0, K(a.__owner, this.h)); return a } return null }; var J = new I, M = new L;
45 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.853Z var Q = function () { this.v = []; this.g = []; this.h = []; this.l = {}; this.i = null; this.j = []; P(this, "_custom") }, R = function (a) { return String.prototype.trim ? a.trim() : a.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "") }, ia = function (a, c) {
46 return function m(b, g) {
47 g = void 0 === g ? !0 : g; var l = c; if ("_custom" == l) { l = b.detail; if (!l || !l._type) return; l = l._type } var k = l; "click" == k && (z && b.metaKey || !z && b.ctrlKey || 2 == b.which || null == b.which && 4 == b.button || b.shiftKey) ? k = "clickmod" : "keydown" == k && !b.a11ysc && (k = "maybe_click"); var u = b.srcElement ||; l = S(k, b, u, "", null); var aa = b.path ? N(b.path, this) : b.composedPath ? N(b.composedPath(), this) : K(u, this); for (var r; r = aa.i();) {
48 var h = r; var p = void 0; r = h; var q = k, ba = b; var n = r.__jsaction; if (!n) { var x; n = null; "getAttribute" in r && (n = r.getAttribute("jsaction")); if (x = n) { n = f[x]; if (!n) { n = {}; for (var A = x.split(ca), da = A ? A.length : 0, B = 0; B < da; B++) { var v = A[B]; if (v) { var C = v.indexOf(":"), O = -1 != C, fa = O ? R(v.substr(0, C)) : ea; v = O ? R(v.substr(C + 1)) : v; n[fa] = v } } f[x] = n } r.__jsaction = n } else n = ha, r.__jsaction = n } "maybe_click" == q && n.cli...[line - too - long]
49 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.854Z "pointerover" == b.type && "pointerenter" == k || "pointerout" == b.type && "pointerleave" == k)|| u && (u === h || w(h, u))) l.action = "", l.actionElement = null;else { k = {}; for (var t in b) "function" !== typeof b[t] && "srcElement" !== t && "target" !== t && (k[t] = b[t]); k.type = "mouseover" == b.type ? "mouseenter" : "mouseout" == b.type ? "mouseleave" : "pointerover" == b.type ? "pointerenter" : "pointerleave"; = k.srcElement = h; k.bubbles = !1; l.event = k; l.targetElement = h }
50 }else l.action = "", l.actionElement = null; h = l; a.i && !h.event.a11ysgd && (t = S(h.eventType, h.event, h.targetElement, h.action, h.actionElement, h.timeStamp), "clickonly" == t.eventType && (t.eventType = "click"), a.i(t, !0)); if (h.actionElement || "maybe_click" == h.eventType) {
51 if (a.i) { if (!h.actionElement || "A" != h.actionElement.tagName || "click" != h.eventType && "clickmod" != h.eventType || (b.preventDefault ? b.preventDefault() : b.returnValue = !1), (b = a.i(h)) && g) {, b, !1); return } } else { if ((g = e.document) && !g.createEvent && g.createEventObject) try { var D = g.createEventObject(b) } catch (la) { D = b } else D = b; h.event = D; a.j.push(h) } H._aeh &&
52 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.854Z H._aeh(h)
53 }
54 }
55 }, S = function (a, c, d, b, g, m) { return { eventType: a, event: c, targetElement: d, action: b, actionElement: g, timeStamp: m || } }, ja = function (a, c) { return function (d) { var b = a, g = c, m = !1; "mouseenter" == b ? b = "mouseover" : "mouseleave" == b ? b = "mouseout" : "pointerenter" == b ? b = "pointerover" : "pointerleave" == b && (b = "pointerout"); if (d.addEventListener) { if ("focus" == b || "blur" == b || "error" == b || "load" == b || "toggle" == b) m = !0; d.addEventListener(b, g, m) } else d.attachEvent && ("focus" == b ? b = "focusin" : "blur" == b && (b = "focusout"), g = y(d, g), d.attachEvent("on" + b, g)); return { eventType: b, s: g, capture: m } } }, P = function (a, c) { if (!a.l.hasOwnProperty(c)) { var d = ia(a, c), b = ja(c, d); a.l[c] = d; a.v.push(b); for (d = 0; d < a.g.length; ++d) { var g = a.g[d]; g.h.push(, g.g)) } "click" == c && P(a, "keydown") } }; Q.prototype.s = function (a) { return this.l[a] }; var W = function (a, c) { var d = new F(c); a: { for (var b = 0; b < a.g.length; b++)if (T(a.g[b].g, c)) { c = !0; break a } c = !1 } if (c) return a.h.push(d), d; U(a, d); a.g.push(d); V(a); return d }, V = function (a) {
56 for (var c = a.h.concat(a.g), d = [], b...[line-too - long]
57 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.855Z function b(c) { var a; a: { for (a =; a && a !== document.documentElement; a = a.parentElement)if ("A" === a.tagName && "1" === a.getAttribute("data-jsarwt")) break a; a = null } a && window.jsarwt(a, null, c); return !0 }; window.document.documentElement.addEventListener("mousedown", b, !0); window.document.documentElement.addEventListener("touchstart", b, !0);
58 }).call(this); (function () { window.rwt = function () { return !0 }; }).call(this); (function () {
59 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.855Z var b = this || self; var d, e; a: { for (var f = ["CLOSURE_FLAGS"], g = b, h = 0; h < f.length; h++)if (g = g[f[h]], null == g) { e = null; break a } e = g } var k = e && e[610401301]; d = null != k ? k : !1; var l, m = b.navigator; l = m ? m.userAgentData || null : null; function n(c) { return d ? l ? l.brands.some(function (a) { return (a = a.brand) && -1 != a.indexOf(c) }) : !1 : !1 } function t(c) { var a; a: { if (a = b.navigator) if (a = a.userAgent) break a; a = "" } return -1 != a.indexOf(c) }; function u() { return d ? !!l && 0 < l.brands.length : !1 } function v() { return t("Safari") && !(w() || (u() ? 0 : t("Coast")) || (u() ? 0 : t("Opera")) || (u() ? 0 : t("Edge")) || (u() ? n("Microsoft Edge") : t("Edg/")) || (u() ? n("Opera") : t("OPR")) || t("Firefox") || t("FxiOS") || t("Silk") || t("Android")) } function w() { return u() ? n("Chromium") : (t("Chrome") || t("CriOS")) && !(u() ? 0 : t("Edge")) || t("Silk") }; var x = function (c) { return String(c).replace(/\-([a-z])/g, function (a, p) { return p.toUpperCase() }) }; var z = u() ? !1 : t("Trident") || t("MSIE"); !t("Android") || w(); w(); v(); var A = !z && !v(); window.jsarwt = function (c, a, p) {
60 if (!a) if (A && c.dataset) a = c.dataset; else {
61 a = {};...[line - too - long]
62 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.856Z var h = this || self; var k, l = null != (k = h.mei) ? k : 1, n, p = null != (n = h.sdo) ? n : !0, q = 0, r, t = google.erd, v = t.jsr; = function (a, b, d, m, e) {
63 e = void 0 === e ? 2 : e; b && (r = a && a.message); void 0 === d && (d = {}); d.cad = "ple_" + google.ple + ".aple_" + google.aple; if (google.dl) return google.dl(a, e, d), null; if (0 > v) { window.console && console.error(a, d); if (-2 === v) throw a; b = !1 } else b = !a || !a.message || "Error loading script" === a.message || q >= l && !m ? !1 : !0; if (!b) return null; q++; d = d || {}; b = encodeURIComponent; var c = "/gen_204?atyp=i&ei=" + b(google.kEI); google.kEXPI && (c += "&jexpid=" + b(google.kEXPI)); c += "&srcpg=" + b( + "&jsr=" + b(t.jsr) + "&bver=" +
64 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.857Z b(; var f = a.lineNumber; void 0 !== f && (c += "&line=" + f); var g = a.fileName; g && (0 < g.indexOf("-extension:/") && (e = 3), c += "&script=" + b(g), f && g === window.location.href && (f = document.documentElement.outerHTML.split("\n")[f], c += "&cad=" + b(f ? f.substring(0, 300) : "No script found."))); google.ple && 1 === google.ple && (e = 2); c += "&jsel=" + e; for (var u in d) c += "&", c += b(u), c += "=", c += b(d[u]); c = c + "&emsg=" + b( + ": " + a.message); c = c + "&jsst=" + b(a.stack || "N/A"); 12288 <= c.length && (c = c.substr(0, 12288)); a = c; m || google.log(0, "", a); return a
65 }; window.onerror = function (a, b, d, m, e) { r !== a && (a = e instanceof Error ? e : Error(a), void 0 === d || "lineNumber" in a || (a.lineNumber = d), void 0 === b || "fileName" in a || (a.fileName = b),, !1, void 0, !1, "SyntaxError" === || "SyntaxError" === a.message.substring(0, 11) || -1 !== a.message.indexOf("Script error") ? 3 : 0)); r = null; p && q >= l && (window.onerror = null) };
66 }) (); var h = "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function (a, b, c) {
67 if (a == Array.prototype || a == Object.prototype) return a; a[b] = c.valu...[line - too - long]
68 2023 - 11 - 14T07: 21: 36.858Z c)) break a; c = c[e]
69 }a = a[a.length - 1]; d = c[a]; b = b(d); b != d && null != b && h(c, a, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: b })
70 }
71 }; m("String.prototype.startsWith", function (a) { return a ? a : function (b, c) { if (null == this) throw new TypeError("The 'this' value for String.prototype.startsWith must not be null or undefined"); if (b instanceof RegExp) throw new TypeError("First argument to String.prototype.startsWith must not be a regular expression"); var d = this + ""; b += ""; var e = d.length, g = b.length; c = Math.max(0, Math.min(c | 0, d.length)); for (var f = 0; f < g && c < e;)if (d[c++] != b[f++]) return !1; return f >= g } }); google.arwt = function (a) { a.href = document.getElementById("vcs") ? 3 : 1)).href; return !0 }; (function () {
72 google.eufsv = true; (function () {
73 var f = function (a) { var b = a.url; a = a.j; this.h = b; this.l = a; a = /[?&]dsh=1(&|$)/.test(b); this.i = !a && /[?&]ae=1(&|$)/.test(b); this.v = !a && /[?&]ae=2(&|$)/.test(b); if ((this.g = /[?&]adurl=([^&]*)/.exec(b)) && this.g[1]) { try { var d = decodeURIComponent(this.g[1]) } catch (c) { d = null } this.s = d } }, k = function (...[line- too -