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Airbnb Scraper

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Airbnb Scraper

Airbnb Scraper

Try for free

1 day trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

Crawl the Airbnb site and extract data about rentals. Scrape rental details for any location with many filters. Download and use the data in whatever way you want.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 73 monthly users

  • No reviews yet


  • 99% runs succeeded

  • 42 days response time

  • Created in Feb 2024

  • Modified 3 months ago



The location to search.

Default value of this property is "Malaga, Spain"

Airbnb room URLs


A list of room URLs (e.g.,

Number of homes


The maximum number of homes to scrape.

Default value of this property is 100

Minimum price


Filter listings based on a minimum price per night.

Maximum price


Filter listings based on a maximum price per night.

Check-in date (YYYY-MM-DD)


Check-out date (YYYY-MM-DD)


Get more data


Get more data from the details page.

Default value of this property is true

Number of reviews


The maximum number of reviews per home to scrape.

Availability for next months


Scrape the host's calendar to monitor the listing's availability for future months. E.g. set 12 to get data for the whole year, set 0 to skip the calendar altogether.

Default value of this property is 0

Include host info


Scrape primary host info such as host URL and number of listings. This works in sync with the Keep the dataset Excel friendly toggle ↑

Default value of this property is false



Currency for displayed prices.

Value options:

"ADP": string"AED": string"AFA": string"AFN": string"ALK": string"ALL": string"AMD": string"ANG": string"AOA": string"AOK": string"AON": string"AOR": string"ARA": string"ARP": string"ARS": string"ARY": string"ATS": string"AUD": string"AWG": string"AYM": string"AZM": string"AZN": string"BAD": string"BAM": string"BBD": string"BDT": string"BEC": string"BEF": string"BEL": string"BGJ": string"BGK": string"BGL": string"BGN": string"BHD": string"BIF": string"BMD": string"BND": string"BOB": string"BOP": string"BOV": string"BRB": string"BRC": string"BRE": string"BRL": string"BRN": string"BRR": string"BSD": string"BTN": string"BUK": string"BWP": string"BYB": string"BYN": string"BYR": string"BZD": string"CAD": string"CDF": string"CHC": string"CHE": string"CHF": string"CHW": string"CLF": string"CLP": string"CNX": string"CNY": string"COP": string"COU": string"CRC": string"CSD": string"CSJ": string"CSK": string"CUC": string"CUP": string"CVE": string"CYP": string"CZK": string"DDM": string"DEM": string"DJF": string"DKK": string"DOP": string"DZD": string"ECS": string"ECV": string"EEK": string"EGP": string"ERN": string"ESA": string"ESB": string"ESP": string"ETB": string"EUR": string"FIM": string"FJD": string"FKP": string"FRF": string"GBP": string"GEK": string"GEL": string"GHC": string"GHP": string"GHS": string"GIP": string"GMD": string"GNE": string"GNF": string"GNS": string"GQE": string"GRD": string"GTQ": string"GWE": string"GWP": string"GYD": string"HKD": string"HNL": string"HRD": string"HRK": string"HTG": string"HUF": string"IDR": string"IEP": string"ILP": string"ILR": string"ILS": string"INR": string"IQD": string"IRR": string"ISJ": string"ISK": string"ITL": string"JMD": string"JOD": string"JPY": string"KES": string"KGS": string"KHR": string"KMF": string"KPW": string"KRW": string"KWD": string"KYD": string"KZT": string"LAJ": string"LAK": string"LBP": string"LKR": string"LRD": string"LSL": string"LSM": string"LTL": string"LTT": string"LUC": string"LUF": string"LUL": string"LVL": string"LVR": string"LYD": string"MAD": string"MDL": string"MGA": string"MGF": string"MKD": string"MLF": string"MMK": string"MNT": string"MOP": string"MRO": string"MTL": string"MTP": string"MUR": string"MVQ": string"MVR": string"MWK": string"MXN": string"MXP": string"MXV": string"MYR": string"MZE": string"MZM": string"MZN": string"NAD": string"NGN": string"NIC": string"NIO": string"NLG": string"NOK": string"NPR": string"NZD": string"OMR": string"PAB": string"PEH": string"PEI": string"PEN": string"PES": string"PGK": string"PHP": string"PKR": string"PLN": string"PLZ": string"PTE": string"PYG": string"QAR": string"RHD": string"ROK": string"ROL": string"RON": string"RSD": string"RUB": string"RUR": string"RWF": string"SAR": string"SBD": string"SCR": string"SDD": string"SDG": string"SDP": string"SEK": string"SGD": string"SHP": string"SIT": string"SKK": string"SLL": string"SOS": string"SRD": string"SRG": string"SSP": string"STD": string"SUR": string"SVC": string"SYP": string"SZL": string"THB": string"TJR": string"TJS": string"TMM": string"TMT": string"TND": string"TOP": string"TPE": string"TRL": string"TRY": string"TTD": string"TWD": string"TZS": string"UAH": string"UAK": string"UGS": string"UGW": string"UGX": string"USD": string"USN": string"USS": string"UYI": string"UYN": string"UYP": string"UYU": string"UZS": string"VEB": string"VEF": string"VNC": string"VND": string"VUV": string"WST": string"XAF": string"XAG": string"XAU": string"XBA": string"XBB": string"XBC": string"XBD": string"XCD": string"XDR": string"XEU": string"XFO": string"XFU": string"XOF": string"XPD": string"XPF": string"XPT": string"XRE": string"XSU": string"XTS": string"XUA": string"XXX": string"YDD": string"YER": string"YUD": string"YUM": string"YUN": string"ZAL": string"ZAR": string"ZMK": string"ZMW": string"ZRN": string"ZRZ": string"ZWC": string"ZWD": string"ZWL": string"ZWN": string"ZWR": string

Default value of this property is "USD"

Limit Geo points


The maximum number of geo points of location (got using nominatim API).

Default value of this property is 100

Proxy configuration


Use Apify Proxy or your custom Proxy.

Default value of this property is {"useApifyProxy":true}

Max concurrency


Defines how many pages can be processed by the scraper in parallel. The scraper automatically increases and decreases concurrency based on available system resources. Use this option to set a hard limit.

Default value of this property is 50

Timeout milliseconds


Override the timeout for request fetching.

Default value of this property is 60000