Neo4j Graph Creator
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Create a Knowledge Graph of any Website! Knowledge graphs give you a good understanding of how a website is structured and can be used for RAG applications with the new hot field of GraphRAG!
Create a Knowledge Graph of a Website
Here are the steps to get started:
Create a Neo4j account and start a new instance.
Get the instance's URI, Password, and Username (usually just 'neo4j').
Paste this information into this actor's input.
Place the start url of the desired website for where you'd like the crawler to begin and press 'start'.
Then watch as the crawler follows links on pages to crawl the website. At the same time, our actor is populating your graph with the contents of the website. In the end, you will have a graph that represents the same structure of a website, giving you key insights you can't find anywhere else!
Fields scrapped:
- Url (node)
- Markdown
- Depth
- Last Modified
- Content Length
- Etag