Instagram Tagged & Mentions Posts Scraper
1 day trial then $40.00/month - No credit card required now

Instagram Tagged & Mentions Posts Scraper
1 day trial then $40.00/month - No credit card required now
Instagram Tagged & Mentions Posts Scraper 📸 allows you to extract posts where specific users are tagged or mentioned. Download data in various formats for market research, sentiment analysis, or audience engagement. Identify paid partnerships, affiliates, ads, and sponsor users easily. 🎉
Actor Metrics
23 monthly users
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>99% runs succeeded
Created in Jun 2024
Modified 3 months ago
📸 Instagram Tagged & Mentions Posts Scraper
Instagram Tagged & Mentions Posts Scraper allows you to scrape posts in which a specific user is tagged or mentioned. Just enter one or more Instagram usernames, and you can extract and download all relevant posts in Excel, HTML, XML, CSV, or JSON to use in reports, data visualizations, spreadsheets, and other applications.
🤔 Why scrape Instagram tagged and mentions posts?
Instagram tagged and mentions posts data can provide valuable insights for:
- 📊 Improving market research
- 🎯 Optimizing your marketing and PR
- 💬 Conducting sentiment analysis
- 📈 Understanding audience engagement
- 🤖 Training your AI models
- 📰 Monitoring fake news
🚀 Main Features
Instagram Tagged & Mentions Posts Scraper is packed with powerful features to help you extract valuable data:
- Post Caption: Extract detailed captions from each post.
- Video URL: Retrieve URLs for any video content included in the posts.
- Comments Count: Get the number of comments for each post.
- Like Count: See how many likes each post has received.
- Video View Count: View count metrics for video posts.
- Post Date: The date when the post was published.
- Tagged Users: Identify which users are tagged in the posts.
- Is Paid Partnership: Identify posts that are part of paid partnerships, essential for marketers to analyze sponsored content.
- Is Affiliate: Determine if posts are affiliated, helping marketers track and evaluate affiliate marketing efforts.
- Is Ad: Identify posts that are ads, which is crucial for ad performance analysis.
- Sponsor Users: Identify users who are sponsors in the posts, which is important for influencer marketing and sponsorship analysis.
🛠️ How to scrape Instagram tagged and mentions posts
Instagram Tagged & Mentions Posts Scraper is designed to be fast and easy to use, with minimal parameters or settings. Just follow these steps:
- 🔑 Create a free Apify account.
- 🔍 Open Instagram Tagged & Mentions Posts Scraper.
- ✏️ Add one or more Instagram usernames to scrape.
- 🚀 Click "Save & Start" and wait for the datasets to be extracted.
- 💾 Download your data in JSON, XML, CSV, Excel, or HTML.
📈 How many results can you scrape with Instagram Tagged & Mentions Posts Scraper?
Instagram Tagged & Mentions Posts Scraper can return thousands of results on average, depending on the number of posts available and other factors. The best way to know for sure for your particular use case is to run a test scrape.
⚖️ Is it legal to scrape personal data?
Our Instagram scrapers are ethical and do not extract any private user data, such as email addresses, gender, or location. They only extract what the user has chosen to share publicly. However, be aware that your results could contain personal data protected by regulations like GDPR. Do not scrape personal data unless you have a legitimate reason.
📝 Input parameters
There are just two fields to fill out: an Instagram username (one or multiple) and the number of results you'd like to receive.
Example input:
1{ 2 "usernames": ["google"], 3 "maxResults": 15 4}
Output example
Each item will be a separate entry in the dataset. You can view the extracted data as an overview table or see all fields in different formats. Export them from the platform onto your computer or integrate with other apps directly.
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🚀 Unlock Valuable Insights
Instagram Tagged & Mentions Posts Scraper is an essential tool for extracting and analyzing Instagram data. Whether you're looking to gain insights for market research, conduct sentiment analysis, or understand audience engagement, this scraper offers a comprehensive and efficient solution. If you have any feedback or run into issues, please don't hesitate to reach out through the Actor’s Issues tab in the Apify Console. Happy scraping! 🎉