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Amazon Seller Data Extractor

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Amazon Seller Data Extractor

Amazon Seller Data Extractor

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This actor efficiently scrapes Amazon seller data, including storefront details, ratings, product listings, and contact information. It helps analyze competition and identify potential partners on the Amazon marketplace.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 10 monthly users

  • No reviews yet


  • 93% runs succeeded

  • 14 days response time

  • Created in Feb 2025

  • Modified a month ago

Amazon Seller Data Scraper

This Amazon Seller Information Scraper is a powerful tool for extracting comprehensive seller data directly from Amazon product pages, enabling users to gather critical business intelligence. It collects detailed information such as seller names, ratings, review counts, store URLs, products sold, contact information (where available), shipping policies, return policies, and potentially other store-specific details like business addresses and brand portfolios. This data is invaluable for competitor analysis, market research, identifying potential suppliers, monitoring seller performance, assessing market trends, and building comprehensive databases for targeted marketing and business development strategies within the Amazon marketplace.


  • Seller Name & Contact Information: Identify and connect with potential suppliers, competitors, or partners.
  • Seller Ratings & Reviews: Gauge seller reliability and product quality based on customer feedback for informed purchasing decisions.
  • Products Offered by Seller: Analyze product portfolios, identify potential niches, and track competitor strategies.
  • Seller Location: Understand geographical distribution of sellers for logistical and market analysis purposes.
  • Shipping Options & Policies: Get insights into delivery capabilities and customer service standards offered by different sellers.
  • Business Type (if available): Distinguish between individual sellers, small businesses, and large corporations for targeted outreach.

Output Fields

Field NameTypeDescription
profileUrlStringThe URL of the TikTok profile.
followersNumberThe number of followers the TikTok profile has.
followingNumberThe number of accounts the TikTok profile is following.
likesNumberThe total number of likes the TikTok profile has received.
bioStringThe bio/description of the TikTok profile.
usernameStringThe TikTok username of the profile.
displayNameStringThe display name of the TikTok profile.
isVerifiedBooleanIndicates whether the TikTok profile is verified.
profilePictureUrlStringThe URL of the TikTok profile picture.
videoCountNumberThe number of videos the TikTok profile has posted.
latestVideoUrlsArray of StringAn array of URLs for the most recent videos posted by the TikTok profile
latestVideoTitlesArray of StringAn array of the titles/descriptions for the most recent videos posted by the TikTok profile
latestVideoViewsArray of NumberAn array of the view counts for the most recent videos posted by the TikTok profile
latestVideoLikesArray of NumberAn array of the like counts for the most recent videos posted by the TikTok profile
latestVideoCommentsArray of NumberAn array of the comment counts for the most recent videos posted by the TikTok profile
latestVideoSharesArray of NumberAn array of the share counts for the most recent videos posted by the TikTok profile
isAmazonSellerBooleanA calculated field, indicating whether the TikTok profile promotes Amazon products or is likely an Amazon seller (based on bio, videos, etc.).
amazonSellerProfileObjectAn object containing extracted information about the seller's presence on Amazon if isAmazonSeller is true (see below).
amazonSellerProfile.amazonStorefrontUrlStringThe URL to the seller's storefront on Amazon, if found.
amazonSellerProfile.amazonBrandNameStringThe name of the Amazon brand associated with the profile, if found.
amazonSellerProfile.amazonProductExamplesArray of StringsAn array of Amazon product URLs or ASINs found in the profile or video descriptions.
amazonSellerProfile.probableNicheStringEstimated product niche that the seller is focusing on (e.g., "Kitchen Gadgets", "Clothing", "Electronics").
amazonSellerProfile.keywordsUsedArray of StringKeywords extracted from the bio and video descriptions related to Amazon products or selling.
extractedAtStringTimestamp of when the data was extracted (ISO 8601 format).
errorStringIf an error occurred during extraction, a description of the error. Null if no error.

Possible Usage of the Actor

  • Competitive Pricing Analysis & Optimization: Track competitor pricing trends to dynamically adjust your own prices, maximizing profit margins and maintaining competitiveness.
  • Product Opportunity Identification: Analyze sales data and market trends to identify underserved product niches and potential new product launches.
  • Inventory Management & Forecasting: Predict future demand based on historical sales data, seasonality, and market trends to optimize inventory levels and minimize storage costs.
  • Marketing Campaign Optimization: Evaluate the effectiveness of different marketing channels by tracking sales conversions and customer behavior, refining strategies for improved ROI.
  • Supplier Performance Monitoring: Track supplier performance metrics (e.g., delivery times, product quality) to identify reliable suppliers and negotiate better terms.
  • Geographic Sales Performance Analysis: Understand which regions are driving the most sales to target marketing efforts more effectively and optimize distribution strategies.

Example Output

2  "url": "",
3  "seller_id": "AWKG3GL9X9XP2",
4  "seller_name": "J&L***ime***odu******",
5  "description": "J&L***ime***odu*********mpr*********************a c***************************************************",
6  "detailed_info": [
7    {
8      "title": "Vendedor comercial"
9    },
10    {
11      "title": "N\u00famero de IVA"
12    },
13    {
14      "title": "N\u00famero de tel\u00e9fono"
15    },
16    {
17      "title": "Correo electr\u00f3nico"
18    }
19  ],
20  "feedbacks": [
21    {
22      "date": "Por***se ***led*********6 d******************",
23      "stars": "5 de un m\u00e1ximo de 5 estrellas",
24      "text": "Bien"
25    },
26    {
27      "date": "Por***a e***1 d********* de*********",
28      "stars": "5 de un m\u00e1ximo de 5 estrellas",
29      "text": "Buena calidad de producto, llevo muy r\u00e1pido y en perfectas condiciones. \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udfff"
30    },
31    {
32      "date": "Por***ibi***el *********ubr************",
33      "stars": "5 de un m\u00e1ximo de 5 estrellas",
34      "text": "Muy bien producto"
35    }
36  ],
37  "stars": "5 de un m\u00e1ximo de 5 estrellas",
38  "return_policy": [],
39  "shipping_policies": "Este art\u00edculo lo despacha Amazon y se env\u00eda conforme a las Tarifas y pol\u00edticas de env\u00edos de .",
40  "privacy_security": "Amazon entiende tu preocupaci\u00f3n por c\u00f3mo se utiliza y comparte tu informaci\u00f3n personal y te agradecemos tu confianza en que trataremos tus datos de forma confidencial. Queremos informarte que Amazon facilitar\u00e1 a J&L Prime Products informaci\u00f3n relacionada con tu pedido cuando \u00e9ste incluya productos que hayas comprado a ese vendedor, incluyendo tu nombre, direcci\u00f3n de entrega y de facturaci\u00f3n, correo electr\u00f3nico y precio pagado.  Amazon exige a todos los vendedores que protejan tu informaci\u00f3n y que la utilicen \u00fanicamente para procesar tus pedidos de acuerdo con la normativa de protecci\u00f3n de datos aplicable y de manera consistente con el Pol\u00edtica de privacidad de .",
41  "privacy_policy": "J&L Prime Products valora la privacidad de sus datos personales.",
42  "tax_info": null,
43  "help_content": "Si tienes dudas sobre un cargo realizado a tu tarjeta de cr\u00e9dito, contacta con Amazon. Si tienes dudas sobre c\u00f3mo realizar un pedido, busca en la Ayuda de Amazon.",
44  "products_link": "",
45  "business_name__DUPLICATE": null,
46  "business_address__DUPLICATE": null,
47  "rating_positive": "100%",
48  "brands": null,
49  "feedbacks_percentages": {
50    "star_1": "0%",
51    "star_2": "0%",
52    "star_3": "0%",
53    "star_4": "0%",
54    "star_5": "100%"
55  },
56  "rating_count_m12": 3,
57  "rating_count_m3": 1,
58  "rating_count_lifetime": 3,
59  "rating_count_m1": 1,
60  "country": "ES",
61  "email": "amz***ter***gma*********",
62  "timestamp": "2025-02-05",
63  "seller_phone_number": "+34***941***"