Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company avatar
Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company
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Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company

Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company

Try for free

3 days trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrape linkedin People & Company profile urls at scale. Input can be a search url too. Get Information like: connection, follower, location, all experience, education, language, about, personal contact info (firstname, lastname, email, phone, birthday, creation date, picture url ..)


All columns are blank


myamazonguy opened this issue
8 months ago

Not being able to retrieve the emails or other profile details from linkedin urls provided.

saswave avatar

SASWAVE (saswave)

8 months ago

Thx for reporting the issue !

We updated the error handling (it was causing the process to stop and not continue to the other profiles)

Try again and let us know , we are working on more linkedin features

Your input is massive, i would split that in batches if you don't want the process to take ages (we random wait between requests to not spam linkedin server, and they also have a limit of profile views per day or weeks)



8 months ago

Hi I tried data tonight and got blank response from 650 data sets? Please advise?

saswave avatar

SASWAVE (saswave)

8 months ago

HI, Can you share the run that didn't work , so that i can check logs and check your input



8 months ago

Hi i copied and pasted 600 lines from column H

saswave avatar

SASWAVE (saswave)

8 months ago

Did you check your logs, if there is an error ? Even when error occurs i catch it , print in logs and save what has be parsed before the error (not to waste time doing it all over again)

saswave avatar

SASWAVE (saswave)

8 months ago

Oh ok got it, i tried running your input and at some point, there is an error because an url doesn't exists, and it's an error i never saw (so i wasn't prepared to handle it)

Will fix this, first thing in the morning tomorrow, thx for reporting the issue !




8 months ago


For letting me know. I will run data again tomorrow night

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8 months ago


Sent from Outlook for iOS

saswave avatar

SASWAVE (saswave)

8 months ago

It's been fixed this morning

I'm available if there is any other issues, here or just create a new one if the issue are not related

Thank you for supporting us !



8 months ago

No problem

I was on the free trail which has expired. Can you extend so I retry?

Sent from Outlook for iOS

saswave avatar

SASWAVE (saswave)

8 months ago

Already asked for a change yesterday .. and i have to wait 1 month to make a change again

Plus when we ask for change , it's effective 14 days after

sorry, i would if i could

saswave avatar

SASWAVE (saswave)

8 months ago

But i changed for 3 days trial, effective 6 december, maybe it will be good for you then

No idea



8 months ago

May I also get an extension of the free trial? I reported this error while I was on free trial.

saswave avatar

SASWAVE (saswave)

8 months ago

I asked apify for a change in trial length, it will be effective on 6 december

But i'm not sure if it's only for new users or if it will also affect previous users



8 months ago

Thank you. I will check dec. 6 for this.



8 months ago

May I ask for a picture as to how it should look like seeing as I have no way of trying it out now?

saswave avatar

SASWAVE (saswave)

8 months ago

here is a sample



7 months ago

hi hello,

this is another account as the other one would not let me restart the trial. we started a run of 8000 records but it is only outputting blanks. any way around this?



7 months ago

run ID: 6jy5Rtti8xRMQTvUW

saswave avatar

SASWAVE (saswave)

7 months ago

Even when doing it manually , i doubt linkedin will allow someone to view 8000 profiles straight

Would be easier if you split in batches

can you create a new issue and share the run that failed, so that i can check the logs

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 37 monthly users
  • 8 stars
  • 79.0% runs succeeded
  • 11 days response time
  • Created in Oct 2023
  • Modified 20 days ago