Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company avatar

Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company

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Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company

Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company

Try for free

3 days trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrape linkedin People & Company profile urls at scale. Input can be a search url too. Get Information like: connection, follower, location, all experience, education, language, about,last activities, personal contact info (firstname, lastname, email, phone, birthday, creation date, picture url ..)

Failed There was an uncaught exception during the run of the Actor and it was not handled.

Opened a month ago by Dr_Sheldon_Cooper, last comment a month ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

missing first name

Opened a month ago by matt_75, last comment a month ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

Run does not bring the entiry search

Opened a month ago by artool_data, last comment a month ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

What's going on check logs of atached run my runs are failing and failing

Opened 2 months ago by meticulous_nainsook, last comment 2 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

I did not get last activity date

Opened 3 months ago by meticulous_nainsook, last comment 2 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

All Fields are Undefined

Opened 3 months ago by meticulous_nainsook, last comment 3 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

tous les essais sont sans recultat

Opened 3 months ago by appealing_web, last comment 3 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

dosent work

Opened 5 months ago by mprohidden.1996, last comment 5 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

Any proxy support?

Opened 6 months ago by mv90, last comment 6 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

Issue with run

Opened 6 months ago by concise_extraction, last comment 6 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

No results

Opened 6 months ago by sudha1771, last comment 6 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

Problems with URLs containing translated arabic letters

Opened 7 months ago by pluzgi, last comment 7 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

fails without even starting to run

Opened 7 months ago by volitional_kinesis, last comment 7 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

Cookie Fast Expiration

Opened 7 months ago by product_team, last comment 7 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

Shows success but no output

Opened 8 months ago by pluzgi, last comment 8 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

Cookie issue

Opened 10 months ago by thoughtful_niagara, last comment 10 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

Request limits

Opened 10 months ago by qode_test_4, last comment 10 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

Experience Extract Limitation

Opened 10 months ago by vital_float, last comment 8 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

Cookie issue

Opened a year ago by Cozy_Cob, last comment a year ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

All columns are blank

Opened a year ago by myamazonguy, last comment 10 months ago by SASWAVE (saswave)

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 62 monthly users
  • 18 stars
  • 99.0% runs succeeded
  • 19 hours response time
  • Created in Oct 2023
  • Modified 2 months ago