Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company avatar
Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company
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Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company

Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company

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3 days trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrape linkedin People & Company profile urls at scale. Input can be a search url too. Get Information like: connection, follower, location, all experience, education, language, about, personal contact info (firstname, lastname, email, phone, birthday, creation date, picture url ..)


Cookie issue


Cozy_Cob opened this issue
8 months ago

Receiving the following error: "Valid Linkedin session cookies need to be updated in input". When using the cookie extractor recommended i get "bcookie: bcookie "Bscookie": Bscookie Please advise about how to properly format the cookies to run the actor. Thanks/

saswave avatar

SASWAVE (saswave)

8 months ago

You need to:

  • login to your linkedin account
  • be on your feed page
  • export the cookie to your clipboard (check screenshot)
  • paste the cookies as input (clean everything present in input before pasting the cookies)
Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 37 monthly users
  • 8 stars
  • 79.0% runs succeeded
  • 11 days response time
  • Created in Oct 2023
  • Modified 20 days ago