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Apollo.io leads scraper

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Apollo.io leads scraper

Apollo.io leads scraper

Try for free

1 day trial then $45.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrape leads from apollo io search results including verified emails and phone numbers. This apollo io data scraping bot helps you to extract leads from your apollo search results without subscribing to costly apollo pricing plans

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 1.5k monthly users

  • 2.5 / 5 (7)


  • 83% runs succeeded

  • 5.5 days response time

  • Created in May 2023

  • Modified 3 days ago


Important Notice: Apollo free plan credit limit changes

Starting January 2025, Apollo has reduced the monthly email credits for new free accounts:

  • New accounts: Limited to 100 monthly email credits
  • Legacy accounts (created before Jan 2025): Still receive 10,000 monthly email credits

This significant reduction affects this scraper's utility for new free Apollo accounts. For optimal results, use an account created before January 2025.

Before renting the actor, check monthly credits available to your apollo account by visting your apollo plan overview page. We are not responsible for failure of the actor due to low credits in your apollo account

Alternatively you can consider using this apollo scraper which doesn't require apollo cookies to scrape search urls

What do you get from this scraper

Apollo gives you 10k email credits per month.

But if you want to export the emails to CSV, they limit your export credits to 120 for free plan and 3k - 12k for paid plans on YEARLY basis

Which means, even though you have access to 10k/month * 12 months = 120k email credits per year, you can only export upto 120-24k emails per year.

But with this scraper you can bypass yearly export credit limits and export up to 10k emails per month (or 120k per year) in any plan.

You can get all the available details from your apollo leads search including emails, phone numbers, etc

How does it work ?

This actor requires either cookie or login details to work.

Install Cookie-Editor chrome extension

Click on the extension and export the cookies

Paste the cookies to this actor's Cookie input field

Using login details

Input login email and password to the corresponding fields.

How it works

Search for leads on apollo, once you have finished searching, just copy the link from address bar and paste it to actor's Search Url input

If you pass the List name to the actor, it will search for given list and use it. If no lists matched the name given, it will create new list. It will save all leads to given list name as well as add all scraped info to actor's output dataset.

You can let it scrape range of pages by using Start page and Count parameters

Use proxy from same country for every run of this scraper

Apollo scraper best practices

Follow these points to get the best results from this actor:

  • Use more delay (5-60 seconds is recommended)
  • Do not scrape more than 1k records per day
  • Use same proxy country for every run, and use the country from where you normally login to your apollo account
  • Do not scrape simultaneously with same apollo account
  • Do not use free email addresses like gmail, yahoo, outlook, etc to create free apollo accounts, that will restrict your monthly email credits to 125
  • Use cookies instead of login details whenever possible
  • If the scraper fails before scraping all leads, check the Logs. Make sure you have enough monthly email credits left.

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Sample output data

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3	"first_name": "Marwa",
4	"last_name": "Amin",
5	"name": "Marwa Amin",
6	"linkedin_url": "http://www.linkedin.com/in/marwa-amin-21a49a91",
7	"title": "Sales Manager",
8	"email_status": "verified",
9	"photo_url": "https://static.licdn.com/aero-v1/sc/h/244xhbkr7g40x6bsu4gi6q4ry",
10	"twitter_url": null,
11	"github_url": null,
12	"facebook_url": null,
13	"extrapolated_email_confidence": null,
14	"headline": "Sales Manager",
15	"email": "****@arcoegypt.com", // <-- Manually masked to protect privacy
16	"organization_id": "5e55fa16942f650001febcab",
17	"employment_history": [
18		{
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21			"current": true,
22			"degree": null,
23			"description": null,
24			"emails": null,
25			"end_date": null,
26			"grade_level": null,
27			"kind": null,
28			"major": null,
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30			"organization_name": "ARCO Development (HR Official Page)",
31			"raw_address": null,
32			"start_date": "2019-11-01",
33			"title": "Sales Manager",
34			"updated_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:35.174Z",
35			"id": "64848ee7e5424f0001d29aa9",
36			"key": "64848ee7e5424f0001d29aa9"
37		},
38		{
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40			"created_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.175Z",
41			"current": false,
42			"degree": null,
43			"description": null,
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45			"end_date": "2019-11-01",
46			"grade_level": null,
47			"kind": null,
48			"major": null,
49			"organization_id": "5e55fa16942f650001febcab",
50			"organization_name": "ARCO Development (HR Official Page)",
51			"raw_address": null,
52			"start_date": "2016-11-01",
53			"title": "Sales Team Leader",
54			"updated_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.175Z",
55			"id": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29ab9",
56			"key": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29ab9"
57		},
58		{
59			"_id": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29aba",
60			"created_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.175Z",
61			"current": false,
62			"degree": null,
63			"description": null,
64			"emails": null,
65			"end_date": "2016-11-01",
66			"grade_level": null,
67			"kind": null,
68			"major": null,
69			"organization_id": "5e55fa16942f650001febcab",
70			"organization_name": "ARCO Development (HR Official Page)",
71			"raw_address": null,
72			"start_date": "2015-09-01",
73			"title": "Senior Sales Consultant",
74			"updated_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.175Z",
75			"id": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29aba",
76			"key": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29aba"
77		},
78		{
79			"_id": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29abb",
80			"created_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.175Z",
81			"current": false,
82			"degree": null,
83			"description": null,
84			"emails": null,
85			"end_date": "2015-09-01",
86			"grade_level": null,
87			"kind": null,
88			"major": null,
89			"organization_id": "5f3edcbf33e9b70001a24202",
90			"organization_name": "Mg Developments",
91			"raw_address": null,
92			"start_date": "2014-11-01",
93			"title": "Sales Executive",
94			"updated_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.175Z",
95			"id": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29abb",
96			"key": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29abb"
97		},
98		{
99			"_id": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29abc",
100			"created_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.175Z",
101			"current": false,
102			"degree": null,
103			"description": null,
104			"emails": null,
105			"end_date": "2014-08-01",
106			"grade_level": null,
107			"kind": null,
108			"major": null,
109			"organization_id": null,
110			"organization_name": "Trenta Real Estate Egypt",
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112			"start_date": "2013-10-01",
113			"title": "Senior Sales Consultant",
114			"updated_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.175Z",
115			"id": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29abc",
116			"key": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29abc"
117		},
118		{
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123			"description": null,
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125			"end_date": "2013-09-01",
126			"grade_level": null,
127			"kind": null,
128			"major": null,
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130			"organization_name": "Brouj Property Management",
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132			"start_date": "2013-03-01",
133			"title": "Sales Consultant",
134			"updated_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.176Z",
135			"id": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29abd",
136			"key": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29abd"
137		},
138		{
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152			"start_date": "2012-01-01",
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154			"updated_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.176Z",
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156			"key": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29abe"
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158		{
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163			"description": null,
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165			"end_date": "2011-12-01",
166			"grade_level": null,
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169			"organization_id": null,
170			"organization_name": "Dar Elmaghraby for construction and trade",
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172			"start_date": "2008-08-01",
173			"title": "Sales Executive",
174			"updated_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.176Z",
175			"id": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29abf",
176			"key": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29abf"
177		}
178	],
179	"state": null,
180	"city": null,
181	"country": "Egypt",
182	"organization": {
183		"id": "5e55fa16942f650001febcab",
184		"name": "ARCO Development (HR Official Page)",
185		"website_url": "http://www.arcoegypt.com",
186		"blog_url": null,
187		"angellist_url": null,
188		"linkedin_url": "http://www.linkedin.com/company/arco-hr",
189		"twitter_url": "https://twitter.com/arco_egypt",
190		"facebook_url": null,
191		"primary_phone": {
192			"number": "+20 1001975975",
193			"source": "Account"
194		},
195		"languages": [],
196		"alexa_ranking": null,
197		"phone": "+20 1001975975",
198		"linkedin_uid": "27128693",
199		"founded_year": 2005,
200		"publicly_traded_symbol": null,
201		"publicly_traded_exchange": null,
202		"logo_url": "https://zenprospect-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/pictures/63cc43998ade6100012c8131/picture",
203		"crunchbase_url": null,
204		"primary_domain": "arcoegypt.com",
205		"sanitized_phone": "+201001975975",
206		"persona_counts": {}
207	},
208	"phone_numbers": [
209		{
210			"raw_number": "+20 1001975975",
211			"sanitized_number": "+201001975975",
212			"type": "work_hq",
213			"position": 0,
214			"status": "no_status",
215			"dnc_status": null,
216			"dnc_other_info": null
217		}
218	],
219	"intent_strength": null,
220	"show_intent": false,
221	"revealed_for_current_team": true,
222	"departments": [
223		"master_sales"
224	],
225	"subdepartments": [
226		"sales"
227	],
228	"functions": [
229		"sales"
230	],
231	"seniority": "manager",
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234	"creator_id": "64a1a6c006f7ff00a32f890c",
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236	"email_needs_tickling": false,
237	"organization_name": "ARCO Development (HR Official Page)",
238	"source": "search",
239	"original_source": "search",
240	"present_raw_address": "Egypt",
241	"linkedin_uid": "326671798",
242	"salesforce_id": null,
243	"salesforce_lead_id": null,
244	"salesforce_contact_id": null,
245	"salesforce_account_id": null,
246	"crm_owner_id": null,
247	"created_at": "2023-07-03T07:25:11.770Z",
248	"emailer_campaign_ids": [],
249	"direct_dial_status": null,
250	"direct_dial_enrichment_failed_at": null,
251	"email_source": "crm_csv",
252	"account_id": "64a277d790a0b300a3014db5",
253	"last_activity_date": null,
254	"hubspot_vid": null,
255	"hubspot_company_id": null,
256	"crm_id": null,
257	"sanitized_phone": "+201001975975",
258	"merged_crm_ids": null,
259	"updated_at": "2023-07-03T07:25:22.454Z",
260	"queued_for_crm_push": null,
261	"suggested_from_rule_engine_config_id": null,
262	"email_unsubscribed": null,
263	"label_ids": [
264		"64a259350526fa00c34d7ada"
265	],
266	"has_pending_email_arcgate_request": false,
267	"has_email_arcgate_request": false,
268	"existence_level": "full",
269	"email_from_customer": null,
270	"typed_custom_fields": {},
271	"email_true_status": "Verified",
272	"updated_email_true_status": true,
273	"contact_rule_config_statuses": [],
274	"contact_campaign_statuses": [],
275	"contact_emails": [
276		{
277			"email": "****@gmail.com", // <-- Manually masked to protect privacy
278			"email_md5": "527491d86d27e612ba2a3180d3d986c6",
279			"email_sha256": "d791713d4deae8d3743f5147486ee53a2064fba08cafff0338467ca71718359f",
280			"email_status": "verified",
281			"email_source": "rampedup",
282			"extrapolated_email_confidence": null,
283			"position": 0,
284			"email_from_customer": null,
285			"free_domain": true
286		}
287	],
288	"account_phone_note": null,
289	"free_domain": false,
290	"contact_id": "64a277d790a0b300a3014d8f"


You can use Make to integrate apollo leads to any other SaaS platform by designing your own automation flows.

Apollo Data fields Documentation

This document provides a description of the JSON data from Apollo.io. The data represents information about a person, including their contact details, employment history, and organizational details.

Person Information

  • id: Unique identifier for the person.
  • first_name: First name of the person.
  • last_name: Last name of the person.
  • name: Full name of the person (combination of first name and last name).
  • linkedin_url: URL of the person's LinkedIn profile.
  • title: Job title of the person.
  • email_status: Status of the person's email verification (e.g., "verified").
  • photo_url: URL of the person's photo.
  • twitter_url: URL of the person's Twitter profile (null if not available).
  • github_url: URL of the person's GitHub profile (null if not available).
  • facebook_url: URL of the person's Facebook profile (null if not available).
  • extrapolated_email_confidence: Confidence level of extrapolated email (null if not available).
  • headline: A brief description of the person's job role or headline.
  • email: Masked email address of the person for privacy protection.
  • organization_id: Unique identifier of the organization the person is associated with.
  • employment_history: Array of objects representing the person's employment history (see details below).
  • state: State/region of the person.
  • city: City of the person.
  • country: Country of the person.

Employment History

Each object in the employment_history array represents a past or current job position of the person.

  • _id: Unique identifier for the employment record.
  • created_at: Date and time when the record was created.
  • current: Boolean value indicating if the employment is the current job (true) or a past job (false).
  • degree: Degree obtained by the person during this employment (null if not available).
  • description: Description of the job role (null if not available).
  • emails: Array of emails associated with the job role (null if not available).
  • end_date: Date when the person left the job (null for current jobs).
  • grade_level: Grade level of the person in the job (null if not available).
  • kind: Type of employment (null if not available).
  • major: Major subject studied during this employment (null if not available).
  • organization_id: Unique identifier of the organization associated with this employment.
  • organization_name: Name of the organization associated with this employment.
  • raw_address: Raw address of the organization (null if not available).
  • start_date: Date when the person started this job.
  • title: Job title during this employment.
  • updated_at: Date and time when the record was last updated.
  • id: Unique identifier for the employment record (same as _id).
  • key: Key identifier for the employment record (same as _id).

Organization Information

  • organization: Object representing details of the organization the person is associated with (see details below).

Organization Details

  • id: Unique identifier of the organization.
  • name: Name of the organization.
  • website_url: URL of the organization's website.
  • blog_url: URL of the organization's blog (null if not available).
  • angellist_url: URL of the organization's AngelList profile (null if not available).
  • linkedin_url: URL of the organization's LinkedIn page.
  • twitter_url: URL of the organization's Twitter profile.
  • facebook_url: URL of the organization's Facebook page (null if not available).
  • primary_phone: Object containing the primary phone number of the organization (see details below).
  • languages: Array of languages spoken by the organization (empty array if not available).
  • alexa_ranking: Alexa ranking of the organization's website (null if not available).
  • phone: Primary phone number of the organization.
  • linkedin_uid: LinkedIn UID of the organization.
  • founded_year: Year when the organization was founded.
  • publicly_traded_symbol: Symbol of the organization's publicly traded shares (null if not available).
  • publicly_traded_exchange: Exchange where the organization's shares are publicly traded (null if not available).
  • logo_url: URL of the organization's logo.
  • crunchbase_url: URL of the organization's Crunchbase profile (null if not available).
  • primary_domain: Primary domain of the organization's website.
  • sanitized_phone: Sanitized version of the primary phone number.
  • persona_counts: Object containing counts of different personas associated with the organization.

Phone Numbers

  • phone_numbers: Array of objects representing phone numbers associated with the person (see details below).

Phone Number Details

  • raw_number: Raw phone number (with country code) associated with the person.
  • sanitized_number: Sanitized version of the phone number (without country code).
  • type: Type of the phone number (e.g., "work_hq").
  • position: Position of the phone number in the array.
  • status: Status of the phone number (e.g., "no_status").
  • dnc_status: DNC (Do Not Call) status of the phone number (null if not available).
  • dnc_other_info: Additional information related to DNC status (null if not available).

Additional Information

  • departments: Array of department names associated with the person.
  • subdepartments: Array of subdepartment names associated with the person.
  • functions: Array of function names associated with the person.
  • seniority: Seniority level of the person's job role (e.g., "manager").
  • contact_stage_id: Unique identifier of the contact stage.
  • owner_id: Unique identifier of the owner of the person's contact information.
  • creator_id: Unique identifier of the creator of the person's contact information.
  • person_id: Unique identifier of the person (same as id).
  • email_needs_tickling: Boolean value indicating if the person's email needs attention (e.g., for follow-up).
  • source: Source from where the person's information was obtained (e.g., "search").
  • original_source: Original source of the person's information (e.g., "search").
  • present_raw_address: Current address of the person.
  • linkedin_uid: LinkedIn UID of the person.
  • salesforce_id: Salesforce ID associated with the person (null if not available).
  • salesforce_lead_id: Salesforce lead ID associated with the person (null if not available).
  • salesforce_contact_id: Salesforce contact ID associated with the person (null if not available).
  • salesforce_account_id: Salesforce account ID associated with the person (null if not available).
  • crm_owner_id: CRM owner ID associated with the person (null if not available).
  • created_at: Date and time when the person's record was created.
  • emailer_campaign_ids: Array of campaign IDs associated with the person's emailer.
  • direct_dial_status: Status of the person's direct dialing option (null if not available).
  • direct_dial_enrichment_failed_at: Date and time when direct dial enrichment failed (null if not available).
  • email_source: Source of the

person's email (e.g., "crm_csv").

  • account_id: Unique identifier of the associated account.
  • last_activity_date: Date of the person's last activity (null if not available).
  • hubspot_vid: HubSpot VID associated with the person (null if not available).
  • hubspot_company_id: HubSpot company ID associated with the person (null if not available).
  • crm_id: CRM ID associated with the person (null if not available).
  • sanitized_phone: Sanitized version of the person's phone number.
  • merged_crm_ids: IDs of merged CRM records associated with the person (null if not available).
  • updated_at: Date and time when the person's record was last updated.
  • queued_for_crm_push: Date and time when the person's record was queued for CRM push (null if not available).
  • suggested_from_rule_engine_config_id: Rule engine configuration ID for suggestions (null if not available).
  • email_unsubscribed: Unsubscription status of the person's email (null if not available).
  • label_ids: Array of label IDs associated with the person.
  • has_pending_email_arcgate_request: Boolean value indicating if there are pending email arcgate requests for the person.
  • has_email_arcgate_request: Boolean value indicating if there are email arcgate requests for the person.
  • existence_level: Existence level of the person's contact information (e.g., "full").
  • email_from_customer: Email received from the customer (null if not available).
  • typed_custom_fields: Object containing custom fields associated with the person (empty if not available).
  • email_true_status: True status of the person's email (e.g., "Verified").
  • updated_email_true_status: Boolean value indicating if the true email status was updated.
  • contact_rule_config_statuses: Array of contact rule configuration statuses associated with the person.
  • contact_campaign_statuses: Array of contact campaign statuses associated with the person.
  • contact_emails: Array of objects representing contact emails associated with the person (see details below).

Contact Emails

Each object in the contact_emails array represents an email associated with the person.

  • email: Rmail address of the person
  • email_md5: MD5 hash of the email address.
  • email_sha256: SHA-256 hash of the email address.
  • email_status: Status of the email verification (e.g., "verified").
  • email_source: Source from where the email was obtained (e.g., "rampedup").
  • extrapolated_email_confidence: Confidence level of extrapolated email (null if not available).
  • position: Position of the email in the array.
  • email_from_customer: Email received from the customer (null if not available).
  • free_domain: Boolean value indicating if the email is from a free domain.

Miscellaneous Information

  • account_phone_note: Note related to the account's phone number (null if not available).
  • free_domain: Boolean value indicating if the domain of the person's email is a free domain.
  • contact_id: Unique identifier of the contact (same as id).

This JSON data provides valuable information about a person, their contact details, employment history, and the organization they are associated with. It also includes additional details related to the person's source, email status, and more. The data can be used for various purposes, such as lead generation, sales, and marketing activities. Please ensure data privacy and follow relevant regulations when using this data for any purpose.