Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company avatar

Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company

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Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company

Linkedin Profile Scraper - People & Company

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3 days trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrape linkedin People & Company profile urls at scale. Input can be a search url too. Get Information like: connection, follower, location, all experience, education, language, about,last activities, personal contact info (firstname, lastname, email, phone, birthday, creation date, picture url ..)


Failed There was an uncaught exception during the run of the Actor and it was not handled.


Dr_Sheldon_Cooper opened this issue
a month ago

hi, dont know what was going wrong.

saswave avatar

Did you try refreshing your cookie session ? I used the same input and got a success status with the 20 profiles

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 62 monthly users
  • 18 stars
  • 99.0% runs succeeded
  • 19 hours response time
  • Created in Oct 2023
  • Modified 2 months ago