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Crunchbase Scraper: Reliable & Easy
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Crunchbase Scraper: Reliable & Easy

Crunchbase Scraper: Reliable & Easy

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Our Crunchbase data extractor reliably extracts comprehensive organization data from Crunchbase pages. Get clean, organized Crunchbase data to identify insights and seamlessly integrate into your workflow.

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Crunchbase Scraper: Reliable & Easy to Use

Are you struggling to extract crucial business data from Crunchbase? Look no further! Our Crunchbase scraper offers a seamless solution for business professionals seeking to harness the power of company information.

Why Use a Crunchbase Scraper?

Extracting data from Crunchbase can be challenging, especially when you're dealing with:

  • Crunchbase API pricing concerns
  • Limited Crunchbase CSV export options
  • Complex Crunchbase Python and Node.js implementations
  • Restricted Crunchbase API access

ScrapeFull's Crunchbase scraper eliminates these problems, providing an efficient and cost-effective alternative to the Crunchbase API.

How Our Crunchbase Scraper Works

  1. Simply provide a list of Crunchbase organization URLs
  2. Our scraper extracts and structures the data
  3. Receive clean, organized information ready for analysis

Key Features:

  • Easy-to-use: No need to ask, "Can you scrape Crunchbase?" – We've got you covered!
  • Comprehensive data: Access valuable Crunchbase company data, including funding status and event information
  • Python-friendly: Perfect for those familiar with Crunchbase scraper Python implementations

Crunchbase Scraped Data Fields

Field NameData StructureDescription
Company NameStringCompany's primary name (extracted from other fields)
Company DescriptionStringBrief description of the company and what it does
WebsiteString (URL)Company's primary website address
Contact EmailStringCompany's publicly listed contact email address
LinkedIn URLString (URL)Link to the company's LinkedIn profile
Twitter URLString (URL)Link to the company's Twitter profile
Facebook URLString (URL)Link to the company's Facebook page
Company TypeStringLegal structure of the company (e.g., "for_profit", "non_profit")
Founded DateDateApproximate date the company was founded
Founded Date PrecisionStringLevel of precision for the founding date
Operating StatusStringCurrent operational status of the company (e.g., "active", "acquired")
Company CategoriesList of ObjectsIndustry categories associated with the company. Each object contains:
    Category NameStringName of the category (e.g., "Artificial Intelligence (AI)", "Software")
    Category LinkString (URL)Link to a Crunchbase search for that category
Headquarter RegionsList of ObjectsBroad geographic regions where the company's headquarters is located. Each object contains:
    Region NameStringName of the region (e.g., "West Coast")
    Region LinkString (URL)Link to a Crunchbase search for companies in that region
    Region TypeStringType of region (e.g., "group" for broader regions)
Headquarter LocationList of ObjectsMore specific details about the company's headquarters location. Each object contains:
    Location NameStringName of the city, region, country, or continent
    Location LinkString (URL)Link to a Crunchbase search for companies in that location
    Location TypeStringType of location (e.g., "city", "country")
FoundersList of ObjectsInformation about the company's founders. Each object contains:
    Founder NameStringName of the founder
    Founder LinkString (URL)Link to the founder's Crunchbase profile
    Founder ImageString (URL)Link to the founder's image
ProductsList of ObjectsProducts or services offered by the company. Each object contains:
    Product NameStringName of the product or service
    Product DescriptionStringBrief description of the product or service
Number of InvestorsNumberTotal number of investors who have funded the company
InvestorsList of ObjectsDetails about each investor. Each object contains:
    Lead Investor?Boolean (true/false or null)Indicates if the investor led a particular funding round
    Investment TitleStringShort description of the investment (e.g., "[Investor Name] investment in [Funding Round]")
    Investment LinkString (URL)Link to the Crunchbase page with investment details
    Partners InvolvedList of ObjectsNames and links to Crunchbase profiles of individuals from the investment firm involved in the deal
    Funding Round TitleStringTitle of the funding round in which the investment was made
    Funding Round LinkString (URL)Link to the Crunchbase page for that funding round
    Investor NameStringName of the investing organization or individual
    Investor ImageString (URL)Link to the investor's logo or image
    Investor LinkString (URL)Link to the Crunchbase profile of the investor
Similar CompaniesList of ObjectsList of companies deemed similar by Crunchbase. Each object contains:
    Company NameStringName of the similar organization
    Company ImageString (URL)Link to the company's logo
    Company LinkString (URL)Link to the company's Crunchbase profile
Organization Similarity InsightStringCrunchbase's insights into why the listed similar companies are considered related
Total FundingNumberTotal amount of funding raised by the company (in USD)
Funding CurrencyStringCurrency in which the total funding is represented
Number of Funding RoundsNumberTotal number of funding rounds the company has gone through
Last Funding TypeStringType of the most recent funding round (e.g., "seed", "series_a")
Last Funding DateDateDate when the last funding round was announced
Funding RoundsList of ObjectsDetails about each funding round. Each object contains:
    Round TitleStringTitle of the funding round
    Round LinkString (URL)Link to the Crunchbase page for the funding round
    Announced DateDateDate the funding round was publicly announced
    Money RaisedNumberAmount of money raised in this round
    Money Raised CurrencyStringCurrency of the money raised
    Number of InvestorsNumberNumber of investors who participated in this round
    Lead InvestorsList of ObjectsInformation about the lead investors in the round
Company TimelineList of ObjectsA chronological list of significant events, including funding rounds, acquisitions, and press mentions. Each object contains:
    Event TypeStringType of event (e.g., "funding_round", "press_reference")
    AuthorStringAuthor of a press reference or news article
    URLString (URL)Link to the original source of the event (if available)
    PublisherStringName of the publication or source
    ThumbnailString (URL)Link to an image related to the event
    Investment TypeStringType of investment for funding events
    Money Raised (USD)NumberAmount raised for funding events (in USD)
    Money Raised (Currency)StringOriginal currency of the money raised
    Money Raised (Value)NumberAmount raised for funding events (in original currency)
    TitleStringTitle of the event or article
    DateDateDate of the event
Global Rank (SEMrush)NumberWebsite's global ranking according to SEMrush data
Monthly Visits (SEMrush)NumberEstimated monthly website visits based on SEMrush data
Location Data (SEMrush)List of ObjectsBreakdown of website traffic by geographic location. Each object in the list contains:
    Location RankNumberWebsite's ranking within that specific location
    LocationStringName of the location (e.g., "United States, North America")
    Visits PercentNumberPercentage of total website visits coming from this location
    Visits MoM PercentNumberMonth-over-month percentage change in visits from this location
    Rank MoM PercentNumberMonth-over-month percentage change in the website's rank within this location
Technologies Used (BuiltWith)List of ObjectsTechnologies identified by BuiltWith as being used on the company's website. Each object contains:
    TechnologyStringName of the technology (e.g., "nginx", "Cloudflare Hosting")
    CategoryList of StringsCategories the technology belongs to (e.g., "web server", "hosting")
    Number of Companies UsingNumberApproximate number of companies BuiltWith has identified as using this technology
Current AdvisorsList of ObjectsInformation about individuals currently advising the company. Each object contains:
    Advisor NameStringName of the advisor
    Advisor ImageString (URL)Link to the advisor's image
    Advisor LinkString (URL)Link to the advisor's Crunchbase profile
    Job TitleStringAdvisor's role or title within the company
    Job LinkString (URL)Link to the advisor's job profile on Crunchbase
    Job TypeStringGeneral type of advisory role (e.g., "advisor", "board_member")
    Start DateDateApproximate date the advisor started in this role
    Start Date PrecisionStringLevel of precision for the start date (e.g., "month", "year")
AcquisitionsList of ObjectsList of companies acquired by this company. Each object contains:
    Acquired Company NameStringName of the acquired company
    Acquired Company ImageString (URL)Link to the acquired company's image
    Acquired Company LinkString (URL)Link to the acquired company's Crunchbase profile
    Announcement DateDateDate the acquisition was publicly announced
    Announcement Date PrecisionStringLevel of precision for the announcement date
    Acquisition LinkString (URL)Link to the Crunchbase page for the acquisition
Current Employees (Featured)List of ObjectsInformation about key employees. Each object contains:
    Employee NameStringName of the employee
    Employee LinkString (URL)Link to the employee's Crunchbase profile
    Employee ImageString (URL)Link to the employee's image
    Job TitleStringEmployee's job title at the company
    Job LinkString (URL)Link to the employee's job on Crunchbase
    Start DateDateApproximate date the employee started in this role
    Start Date PrecisionStringLevel of precision for the start date
Number of Sub-OrganizationsNumberThe number of subsidiaries or child organizations the company has
Sub-OrganizationsList of ObjectsInformation about the company's sub-organizations. Each object contains:
    Ownership LinkString (URL)Link to the ownership relationship on Crunchbase
    Sub-Organization NameStringName of the sub-organization
    Sub-Organization LinkString (URL)Link to the sub-organization's Crunchbase profile
    Ownership TypeStringType of ownership relationship (e.g., "subsidiary")
Visits MoM Percent (SEMrush)NumberMonth-over-month percentage change in the website's total visits
Total Apps (Apptopia)NumberTotal number of mobile apps associated with the company (according to Apptopia)
Total Downloads (Apptopia)NumberTotal downloads of the company's apps (Apptopia data)
App Overview (Apptopia)List of ObjectsDetails about each mobile app. Each object contains:
    App Link (Crunchbase)String (URL)Link to the app on Crunchbase (if available)
    App Link (Apptopia)String (URL)Link to the app on Apptopia
    App NameStringName of the app
    App StoresList of StringsList of app stores where the app is available (e.g., "google_play", "itunes_connect")
    Monthly DownloadsNumberEstimated monthly downloads for the app
Downloads MoM Percent (Apptopia)NumberMonth-over-month percentage change in total app downloads
Acquired ByStringName of the acquiring company (if applicable)
Acquired By ImageString (URL)Link to the acquiring company's image
Acquired By LinkString (URL)Link to the acquiring company's Crunchbase profile
Acquisition DateDateDate the acquisition was announced
Acquisition Date PrecisionStringLevel of precision for the acquisition date
Acquisition LinkString (URL)Link to the acquisition on Crunchbase
Acquisition PriceNumberPrice of the acquisition (in original currency)
Acquisition Price CurrencyStringOriginal currency of the acquisition price
Acquisition Price (USD)NumberAcquisition price converted to USD
Patents Granted (IPqwery)NumberNumber of patents granted to the company (from IPqwery data)
Trademarks Registered (IPqwery)NumberNumber of trademarks registered by the company (IPqwery data)
Popular Trademark Class (IPqwery)StringThe most common trademark class for the company's registered trademarks (IPqwery data)
Contacts SummaryList of ObjectsSummary information about contacts associated with the company. Each object contains:
    Contact NameStringName of the contact
    Contact LinkedInString (URL)Link to the contact's LinkedIn profile
    Contact Job LevelsList of StringsHierarchy levels of the contact's job title
    Contact Job TitlesList of StringsList of the contact's job titles
    Contact DepartmentsList of StringsCompany departments the contact is associated with
Growth InsightStringCrunchbase's analysis of potential growth factors for the company
IT Spend (Aberdeen)NumberEstimated IT spending by the company (from Aberdeen data)
IT Spend Currency (Aberdeen)StringCurrency of the IT spend data
IT Spend (USD) (Aberdeen)NumberIT spending converted to USD
News HeadlinesNumberNumber of recent news articles about the company
Technologies Used (BuiltWith)NumberTotal number of technologies identified by BuiltWith for the company's website
Total Funding ValueNumberTotal amount of funding raised (in the original currency)
Total Funding CurrencyStringCurrency of the total funding
Total Funding (USD)NumberTotal funding converted to USD
Number of Funding RoundsNumberTotal number of funding rounds
Number of InvestorsNumberTotal number of investors
Number of Lead InvestorsNumberTotal number of times investors acted as lead investors
Number of AcquisitionsNumberNumber of companies acquired by this company
IPO StatusStringPublic offering status (e.g., "private", "public", "delisted")
Organization RankNumberCrunchbase's internal ranking for the company
News InsightStringSummary of key insights from recent news about the company
Last Updated (SEMrush)DateDate when SEMrush data was last updated for this company
Legal NameStringCompany's official registered name
Hub TagsList of StringsTags or labels assigned to the company by Crunchbase, often indicating its status or potential (e.g., "emerging_unicorn")

Flexible Data Export Options

Wondering "How to crawl data from Crunchbase?" Our solution makes it simple:

  1. The scraper stores data in datasets within Apify
  2. Export your data in various formats:
    • JSON
    • CSV
    • Excel
    • XML
    • HTML Table
    • RSS
    • JSONL

This flexibility ensures seamless integration with your existing workflows and tools.

Integrations for Crunchbase data

Maximize the value of your scraped data by integrating with other tools and services:

  • Connect via Zapier or Make
  • Automate your data processing workflows
  • Combine Crunchbase data with other business intelligence sources

9 Ways to Use Crunchbase Scraper Data for Business Growth

Wondering what you can actually do with all that Crunchbase data? Here are some practical ways businesses are putting this information to work:

  1. Crunchbase Company Data: Analyze Competitors and Market Trends

    • Spot new players in your field before they become a threat
    • See who's getting funded and how much
    • Figure out what's hot in your industry right now
  2. Crunchbase API for Lead Generation: Find Your Next Big Client

    • Build lists of potential clients based on their funding or growth stage
    • Pinpoint companies that fit your ideal customer profile
    • Reach out to freshly funded startups with relevant offers
  3. Using Crunchbase Scraper for Investment Research

    • Find promising startups in your areas of interest
    • Keep tabs on funding trends to guide your investment choices
    • Scope out potential companies to acquire
  4. Crunchbase Events API: Discover Partnership Opportunities

    • Find companies with tech or services that complement yours
    • Spot potential partners who share your investors or target markets
    • Find speaking gigs or sponsorship opportunities at upcoming events
  5. Leverage Crunchbase for Talent Acquisition

    • Keep an eye on fast-growing companies or those that just got funded
    • Find potential hires based on their roles and experience
    • Stay in the loop about layoffs or company shutdowns to snag great talent
  6. Track Industry Trends with Crunchbase API Funding Status

    • See which new technologies or sectors are attracting money
    • Track where startups are popping up and getting funded
    • Understand how economic shifts are affecting different industries
  7. How to Crawl Data from Crunchbase for Due Diligence

    • Fact-check what companies are saying about their funding and growth
    • Assess how financially stable potential partners or vendors are
    • Look into the track records of founders and key team members
  8. Create Engaging Content Using Crunchbase CSV Export

    • Put together data-driven reports on what's happening in your industry
    • Write interesting case studies about successful companies in your field
    • Make educated guesses about where your market is headed
  9. Crunchbase Scraper to Power Academic and Market Research

    • Do deep dives into startup ecosystems and innovation hubs
    • Analyze what factors lead to a company's success (or failure)
    • Compare how funding works in different regions or industries

By tapping into this Crunchbase data, you can make smarter decisions and plan your next moves more effectively. Whether you're running a startup, investing, in sales, or doing research, this info can give you an edge in your work.

Get Started Today

Don't let valuable business insights slip away. Use the power of our Crunchbase scraper and transform raw data into actionable intelligence for your business decisions.

Ready to elevate your market research? Try ScrapeFull's Crunchbase scraper now and unlock a world of business information at your fingertips

Help & Support

If you have any questions or need help with the Crunchbase Scraper, please feel free to reach out to us at


Pricing model


To use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.

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