Facebook Shares Scraper (Exclusive & Affordable) 🚀💡 avatar

Facebook Shares Scraper (Exclusive & Affordable) 🚀💡

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Facebook Shares Scraper (Exclusive & Affordable) 🚀💡

Facebook Shares Scraper (Exclusive & Affordable) 🚀💡


Collect Facebook shares data 📊 effortlessly. Get the author's URL 🔗, name 📝, ID 🆔, and profile photo 📸. Set a max number of results 🔢 and download in JSON, CSV, or Excel formats 📥. Perfect for apps, spreadsheets, or reports 📈. Unlock valuable insights with just a few clicks! 🚀

Maintained by Community

Advanced Facebook Shares Scraper 📤

🚨 We are the only ones to have developed a Facebook shares scraper on Apify, using highly effective methods to bypass Facebook’s restrictions 🔥💻. Enjoy smooth and efficient scraping like never before 🚀!

The Facebook Shares scraper is a tool designed to extract Shares data from Facebook Posts. Simply provide the post link, and this scraper will retrieve:

1All the shares from the selected post with the possibility to define max Shares 📝.
2    Detailed information such as:
3    Author name 👤
4    Profile URL 🌐
5    Author profile image 🖼️
6    And more additional information 🔍.

🚨⚠️ Also, get the massive scraped database of profiles sharing Content posts, along with your inputs and preferential pricing. Contact us by email 📧.

Description 💯

🚨 Its strength 💪 lies in its ability to scrape not only Shares from posts (with URLs containing "/posts/"), but also from image URLs, and photos 📸🎥. Even if authentication is required 🔒 to access the content!

Please note that we’ve optimized this tool to scrape up to 100 shares every 5 minutes, bypassing Facebook’s restrictions 🚀. While increasing the max number of shares too much isn’t recommended, you can set it to 50, which runs in about 1 min 30 ⏱️. Facebook content is dynamic, so if you need more shares, run it at different times ⏳.

To retrieve the link, simply click on 'Share' and then select 'Copy Link'.

🚨 For other types of URLs containing 'reel', 'video', or those with 'watch', Facebook hides their share list. That's why it's better to use URLs with '/post', '/p', or '/photo'. If you are interested in this specific need, please contact us.

How to Use Facebook Shares Scraper? 👍

Using the Facebook Shares Scraper is straightforward! It's designed to be user-friendly and accessible for all skill levels. Here's how you can use it:

  1. Sign up for an account on Apify.
  2. Open the Shares Scraper on the Apify platform.
  3. Input the Facebook post URL for which you want to scrape comments.
  4. Click the "Start" button and wait for the scraping process to complete.
  5. Download the extracted data in various formats:
    • JSON
    • CSV
    • XML
    • Excel
    • HTML

Pricing for Facebook Shares Scraper 💰

This scraper operates on a pay-per-month basis. You only pay for the successful results returned by the scraper.

  • Price: $19.99 per month.

Why scrape Facebook Shares? ✨

🚨 Detect and analyze social media trends, uncovering misinformation or harmful content.

📊 Perform market research and gain valuable insights.

🏁 Keep an eye on competitors and their activities.

💬 Measure brand sentiment and monitor changes in customer engagement.

Input for Facebook Shares Scraper 👌

The scraper accepts Facebook post URL as input. Here’s how to structure the input JSON:

2    "maxshares": 50,
3    "post_url": "https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1112848453802620&set=a.298760775211396"

Output for Facebook Shares Scraper 👌

2        "name": "Aşhå Liciøuś",
3        "Profile URL": "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61559915465382",
4        "id": "61559915465382",
5        "profile_picture": "https://scontent.frba3-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-1/467405501_122141776520330515_6301472388882214033_n.jpg?stp=c67.0.401.401a_cp0_dst-jpg_s40x40_tt6&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=0ecb9b&_nc_ohc=S_w-8KbwuDAQ7kNvgEFsrr6&_nc_zt=24&_nc_ht=scontent.frba3-2.fna&_nc_gid=A9e7cUwpVaik02T2OZxBZ4M&oh=00_AYCM3CGepsidIHDFRQX8sjLs_OTkjgYOKJKTocHL8CIcZg&oe=67588BA9"
6    }

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📫 Support

😊 Leave us a star ⭐ if you are satisfied with the product! 🌍 For any questions, specific needs or issues, please reach out through Apify's platform or via email - Storm_Scraper 🌪️🌩️