r2-bike (r2-bike.com) scraper avatar

r2-bike (r2-bike.com) scraper

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r2-bike (r2-bike.com) scraper

r2-bike (r2-bike.com) scraper


Scrapes products titles, prices, images and availability. Does NOT scrape product details. Uses Crawlee (Apify v3).


1FROM apify/actor-node-playwright-firefox:16
3COPY package.json ./
5RUN npm --quiet set progress=false \
6  && npm install aws-crt \
7  && npm install --only=prod --no-optional
9COPY . ./


2  "title": "r2-bike (r2-bike.com) scraper",
3  "description": "Scrapes products titles, prices, images and availability. Does NOT scrape product details. Uses Crawlee (Apify v3).",
4  "type": "object",
5  "schemaVersion": 1,
6  "properties": {
7    "mode": {
8      "title": "Mode",
9      "description": "",
10      "type": "string",
11      "editor": "select",
12      "default": "TEST",
13      "prefill": "TEST",
14      "enum": [
15        "TEST",
16        "FULL"
17      ],
18      "enumTitles": [
19        "TEST",
20        "FULL"
21      ]
22    },
24      "sectionCaption": "Advanced",
25      "sectionDescription": "Advanced options, use only if you know what you're doing.",
26      "title": "Use in-memory request queue instead of the native one",
27      "description": "In-memory request queue can reduce costs, but it may case issues with longer runs due to non-persistence.",
28      "type": "boolean",
29      "default": false,
30      "editor": "checkbox"
31    },
33      "title": "Don't store in dataset",
34      "description": "If set to true, the actor will not store the results in the default dataset. Useful when using alternative storage, like own database",
35      "type": "boolean",
36      "default": false,
37      "editor": "checkbox"
38    },
40      "title": "Postgres connection string for normalized data",
41      "description": "If set, actor will store normalized data in Postgres database in PG_DATA_TABLE and PG_DATA_PRICE_TABLE tables",
42      "type": "string",
43      "editor": "textfield"
44    },
45    "PG_DATA_TABLE": {
46      "title": "Postgres table name for product data",
47      "description": "Table name for storing product name, url, image, ...",
48      "type": "string",
49      "editor": "textfield"
50    },
52      "title": "Postgres table name for price data",
53      "description": "Table name for storing price, original price, stock status, ...",
54      "type": "string",
55      "editor": "textfield"
56    }
57  },
58  "required": [
59    "mode"
60  ]


2  "name": "r2-bike-r2-bike-com-scraper",
3  "version": "0.1",
4  "buildTag": "latest",
5  "env": null,
6  "defaultRunOptions": {
7    "build": "latest",
8    "timeoutSecs": 3600,
9    "memoryMbytes": 4096
10  }


1import { Actor } from "apify3";
2import {
3  CheerioCrawler,
4  createCheerioRouter,
5  utils as crawleeUtils,
6} from "crawlee";
7import { Session } from "@crawlee/core";
8import playwright from "playwright";
9import { init, parsePrice, save, toNumberOrNull } from "./_utils/common.js";
11const LABELS = {
16var MODE;
18(function (MODE) {
19  MODE["TEST"] = "TEST";
20  MODE["FULL"] = "FULL";
21})(MODE || (MODE = {}));
23async function enqueueInitial(mode, crawler) {
24  if (mode === MODE.FULL) {
25    await crawler.addRequests([
26      {
27        userData: { label: LABELS.INDEX },
28        url: `https://r2-bike.com/en/brands`,
29      },
30    ]);
31  } else if (mode === MODE.TEST) {
32    await crawler.addRequests([
33      {
34        userData: { label: LABELS.PRODUCTS },
35        url: `https://r2-bike.com/en/shimano`,
36      },
37    ]);
38  }
41const router = createCheerioRouter();
43router.addHandler(LABELS.INDEX, async ({ enqueueLinks }) => {
44  await enqueueLinks({
45    selector: `.vendor-index-group-wrapper li a`, // e.g. `en/shimano`
46    baseUrl: `https://r2-bike.com/`, // needed for correctly absolute URLs, otherwise it would be `https://r2-bike.com/en/en/shimano`, not sure why ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
47    userData: { label: LABELS.PRODUCTS },
48  });
51router.addHandler(LABELS.PRODUCTS, async ({ crawler, $, request, log }) => {
52  log.info(`[PRODUCTS] ${request.url}`);
54  if (!request.url.match(/_s(\d+)$/)) {
55    // on first page
56    const paginationText = $(`.list-pageinfo .page-current`).text().trim(); // eg. `Page 1 of 11`
57    const match = paginationText.match(/(\d+) of (\d+)/);
58    if (!match)
59      log.error(
60        `[PRODUCTS] Failed to parse pagination text: ${paginationText}`
61      );
62    const [, currentPage, totalPages] = match ?? [];
63    if (Number(totalPages) > 1)
64      log.info(`[PRODUCTS] Found ${totalPages} pages, enqueuing`);
65    for (let i = 2; i <= Number(totalPages); i++) {
66      // skip first page, that is already handled
67      void crawler.addRequests([
68        {
69          url: `${request.url}_s${i}`, // eg. https://r2-bike.com/en/shimano_s2
70          userData: { label: LABELS.PRODUCTS },
71        },
72      ]);
73    }
74  }
76  const products = [];
77  const $products = $(
78    `#product-list .product-wrapper[itemprop="itemListElement"]`
79  ); // itemprop to avoid selecting last fake tile, which is actually "Next page" link
80  log.info(`[PRODUCTS] ${request.url} - found ${$products.length} products`);
81  $products.each(async (i, el) => {
82    const pid = $(`.product-cell`, el)
83      .attr(`id`) // result-wrapper_buy_form_106016
84      ?.replace(`result-wrapper_buy_form_`, ``); // 106016
85    if (!pid)
86      return log.error(
87        `[PRODUCTS] Failed to parse pid from ${i + 1}th product on ${
88          request.url
89        }`
90      );
92    const url = $(`meta[itemprop="url"]`, el).attr(`content`);
93    const img = $(`meta[itemprop="image"]`, el).attr(`content`);
94    const name = $(`h4[itemprop="name"]`, el).text().trim();
96    const priceRaw = $(`.price_wrapper .price`, el).text().trim(); // e.g. 1,98 €*
97    const price = parsePrice(priceRaw).amount;
99    const priceOrigRaw = $(`.price-uvp`, el).text().trim(); // e.g. MSRP: 5,95 €
100    const priceOrig = parsePrice(priceOrigRaw).amount;
102    const inStock = $(`.delivery-status`, el).text().includes(`available`);
104    const product = {
105      pid,
106      name,
107      url,
108      img,
109      inStock,
110      currentPrice: toNumberOrNull(price),
111      originalPrice: toNumberOrNull(priceOrig),
112      currency: `EUR`,
113    };
114    products.push(product);
115  });
116  await save(products);
119void Actor.main(async () => {
120  const input = await Actor.getInput();
121  const { mode = MODE.FULL, ...rest } = input ?? {};
122  await init({ actorNameOverride: `r2-bike-com` }, rest);
123  const crawler = new CheerioCrawler({
124    requestHandler: router,
125    preNavigationHooks: [
126      async ({ session }, gotOptions) => {
127        const userData = session.userData;
128        gotOptions.headers = userData.headers; // real-like headers obtained from Firefox
129        gotOptions.headers.Cookie = userData.cookies
130          .map((c) => `${c.name}=${c.value}`)
131          .join(`; `); // real cookies obtained from Firefox
132        // gotOptions.proxyUrl = `` // NOTE: uncomment for local debugging
133      },
134    ],
135    maxConcurrency: 1, // not brave enough for concurrency
136    maxRequestRetries: 0, // not brave enough for concurrency
137    sessionPoolOptions: {
138      maxPoolSize: 1, // not brave enough for concurrency
139      sessionOptions: {
140        maxAgeSecs: 60 * 60 * 2, // 2 hours, default is 50m
141        maxUsageCount: 1000, // default is 50, let's use as much as possible, until we get blocked
142      },
143      createSessionFunction: async (sessionPool) => {
144        console.log(
145          `[SESSION] Creating new session, will use Firefox to unblock (should take ~10s)`
146        );
147        const session = new Session({ sessionPool });
148        await unblock(session);
149        return session;
150      },
151    },
152  });
153  await enqueueInitial(mode, crawler);
154  await crawler.run();
157async function unblock(session) {
158  const browser = await playwright.firefox.launch({
159    // headless: false, // NOTE: uncomment for debugging
160    // proxy: { server: `` }, // NOTE: uncomment for local debugging
161  });
162  const browserContext = await browser.newContext({ ignoreHTTPSErrors: true });
163  await browserContext.addCookies([
164    {
165      name: `eu_cookie_store`,
166      value: `{"b209404849c0357500f7a82a6899961a":true,"3940b498c8a17157f69d757a80ff3421":true,"1d3c65b2b03ef35e14df6b163ea3a1f6":false,"0a3fbfc21a86a28c8961999929c374f3":true,"9b88c95a15e018c3f8038a7d0160145c":true,"dd31d974a78cdd704acaa6bf15da506c":true,"d86cf69a8b82547a94ca3f6a307cf9a6":false,"d323dff6f7de41c0b9af4c35e21dc032":false,"b83d1ac867f35569c614e298f645fffe":true,"21affb15e1316adac24b26db8e421a9d":false,"2d1fc55f933c039b2e04ff9034134b4d":true,"4d60ab2c6d11d753267484006c23e54c":false,"970cfba66b8380fb97b742e4571356c6":false}`,
167      domain: `r2-bike.com`,
168      path: `/`,
169    },
170    {
171      name: `r2_user_delivery_country`,
172      value: `CZ`, // TODO: make it configurable
173      domain: `r2-bike.com`,
174      path: `/`,
175    },
176    {
177      name: `r2_user_delivery_country_ip_backup`,
178      value: `CZ`, // TODO: make it configurable
179      domain: `r2-bike.com`,
180      path: `/`,
181    },
182    {
183      name: `r2_user_delivery_country_tax_1`,
184      value: `21`, // TODO: make it configurable
185      domain: `r2-bike.com`,
186      path: `/`,
187    },
188    {
189      name: `r2_user_delivery_country_tax_2`,
190      value: `10`, // TODO: make it configurable
191      domain: `r2-bike.com`,
192      path: `/`,
193    },
194    {
195      name: `ledgerCurrency`,
196      value: `EUR`,
197      domain: `r2-bike.com`,
198      path: `/`,
199    },
200  ]);
202  const page = await browserContext.newPage();
203  // page.on(`console`, msg => console.log(`⚪️ Playwright log (${msg.type()}) ${msg.text()}`))
205  let headersToSet;
207  await page.route(`**/*`, (route) => {
208    const request = route.request();
209    const url = request.url();
210    const method = request.method(); // GET, POST, etc.
211    const resourceType = request.resourceType(); // document, stylesheet, image, ...
212    // console.log(`🔵 Playwright route: ${method} ${url} (${resourceType})`)
214    // use the first main request to store the sent headers
215    if (!headersToSet) headersToSet = pickHeaders(request.headers());
217    route.continue();
218  });
220  // Go to product listing page which sets 95 products per page to current session
221  await page.goto(`https://r2-bike.com/navi.php?h=58&Sortierung=1&af=95`); // h=58 is "Shimano", Sortierung=1 is "Sort by name" – both are not important, but some values need to be set
222  // Wait for some time to pass basic Cloudflare Javascript checks
223  await crawleeUtils.sleep(5000); // TODO: Be smarter, 3000s is enough for r2-bike.com, but not for g2.com
224  // Get all cookies and store them for subsequent requests
225  const cookies = await page.context().cookies();
226  session.userData = { headers: headersToSet, cookies };
229function pickHeaders(headers) {
230  // Pick just the headers that gotScraping can correctly handle (= order)
231  // This seems to be needed mainly to avoid setting Host header, which when set, was at the end of the headers list, which Cloudflare did not like
232  //   If we skip the Host header, then gotScraping will set it automatically, and in the correct order
234  // taken from https://github.com/apify/header-generator/blob/1b0fd217b6fa0beaf42b9de321e47ac5f1d4cebf/src/data_files/headers-order.json#L62
235  const headersList = [
236    `sec-ch-ua`,
237    `sec-ch-ua-mobile`,
238    `user-agent`,
239    `User-Agent`,
240    `accept`,
241    `Accept`,
242    `accept-language`,
243    `Accept-Language`,
244    `accept-encoding`,
245    `Accept-Encoding`,
246    `dnt`,
247    `DNT`,
248    `referer`,
249    `Referer`,
250    `cookie`,
251    `Cookie`,
252    `Connection`,
253    `upgrade-insecure-requests`,
254    `Upgrade-Insecure-Requests`,
255    `te`,
256    `sec-fetch-site`,
257    `sec-fetch-mode`,
258    `sec-fetch-user`,
259    `sec-fetch-dest`,
260    `Sec-Fetch-Mode`,
261    `Sec-Fetch-Dest`,
262    `Sec-Fetch-Site`,
263    `Sec-Fetch-User`,
264  ];
265  return headersList.reduce((acc, header) => {
266    if (headers[header]) acc[header] = headers[header];
267    return acc;
268  }, {});


2  "name": "r2-bike-r2-bike-com-scraper",
3  "description": "Scrapes products titles, prices, images and availability. Does NOT scrape product details. Uses Crawlee (Apify v3).",
4  "type": "module",
5  "scripts": {
6    "start": "node ./main.js",
7    "push-to-apify-platform": "npx apify push"
8  },
9  "dependencies": {
10    "apify3": "npm:apify@^3.0.2",
11    "crawlee": "*",
12    "@crawlee/core": "*",
13    "playwright": "*",
14    "pg": "*",
15    "pg-connection-string": "*",
16    "dotenv": "*",
17    "find-config": "*",
18    "@elastic/elasticsearch": "*",
19    "filenamify": "*",
20    "@crawlee/memory-storage": "*"
21  },
22  "apify": {
23    "title": "r2-bike (r2-bike.com) scraper",
24    "description": "Scrapes products titles, prices, images and availability. Does NOT scrape product details. Uses Crawlee (Apify v3).",
25    "isPublic": true,
26    "isDeprecated": false,
27    "isAnonymouslyRunnable": true,
28    "notice": "",
29    "pictureUrl": "",
30    "seoTitle": "",
31    "seoDescription": "",
32    "categories": [
33      "ECOMMERCE"
34    ]
35  }


2  "actorSpecification": 1,
3  "name": "r2-bike-r2-bike-com-scraper",
4  "title": "r2-bike (r2-bike.com) scraper",
5  "description": "Scrapes products titles, prices, images and availability. Does NOT scrape product details. Uses Crawlee (Apify v3).",
6  "version": "0.1.0",
7  "storages": {
8    "dataset": {
9      "actorSpecification": 1,
10      "title": "r2-bike (r2-bike.com) scraper",
11      "description": "Scrapes products titles, prices, images and availability. Does NOT scrape product details. Uses Crawlee (Apify v3).",
12      "views": {
13        "overview": {
14          "title": "Overview",
15          "description": "Overview of the most important fields",
16          "transformation": {
17            "fields": [
18              "pid",
19              "name",
20              "url",
21              "img",
22              "inStock",
23              "currentPrice",
24              "originalPrice",
25              "currency"
26            ]
27          },
28          "display": {
29            "component": "table",
30            "columns": [
31              {
32                "label": "Pid",
33                "field": "pid",
34                "format": "text"
35              },
36              {
37                "label": "Name",
38                "field": "name",
39                "format": "text"
40              },
41              {
42                "label": "Url",
43                "field": "url",
44                "format": "link"
45              },
46              {
47                "label": "Img",
48                "field": "img",
49                "format": "image"
50              },
51              {
52                "label": "In Stock",
53                "field": "inStock",
54                "format": "boolean"
55              },
56              {
57                "label": "Current Price",
58                "field": "currentPrice",
59                "format": "number"
60              },
61              {
62                "label": "Original Price",
63                "field": "originalPrice",
64                "format": "number"
65              },
66              {
67                "label": "Currency",
68                "field": "currency",
69                "format": "text"
70              }
71            ]
72          }
73        }
74      }
75    }
76  }



1import { createHash } from 'crypto'
2import os from "os"
3import path from "path"
4// eslint-disable-next-line @apify/apify-actor/no-forbidden-node-internals
5import fs from "fs"
6import pg from "pg"
7import pgConnectionString from 'pg-connection-string'
8import { config } from 'dotenv'
9import findConfig from "find-config"
10import { Client as ElasticClient } from "@elastic/elasticsearch"
11import filenamify from 'filenamify'
12import { Configuration, Dataset } from 'crawlee'
13import { MemoryStorage } from '@crawlee/memory-storage'
15config({ path: findConfig(`.env`) })
17const elasticIndexName = `actors-monorepo-shops`
19const globalLogsProps = {
20  __NODE_STARTED: new Date().toISOString(),
23let actorName
24let pgClient
25let pgClientNormalized
26let elasticClient
27export async function init ({ actorNameOverride }, restInput) {
28  parseEnvFromInput(restInput)
30  if (os.platform() === `darwin`) {
31    const filePath = process.argv[1] // ~/Projects/apify-actors-monorepo/actors/foo.ts
32    const basename = path.basename(filePath) // foo.ts
33    actorName = actorNameOverride ?? basename.split(`.`)[0] // foo
34    const gitBranch = fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), `..`, `.git/HEAD`), `utf8`)
35      .split(` `)[1]
36      .trim()
37      .replace(`refs/heads/`, ``)
38    const gitCommit = fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), `..`, `.git/refs/heads/${gitBranch}`), `utf8`)
39    const gitCommitShort = gitCommit.substring(0, 7)
40    globalLogsProps.__GIT_COMMIT = gitCommitShort
41  }
43  if (process.env.APIFY_USE_MEMORY_REQUEST_QUEUE === `true`) { // dotenv -> bool-like vars are strings
44    Configuration.getGlobalConfig().useStorageClient(new MemoryStorage())
45  }
47  if (process.env.APIFY_IS_AT_HOME) {
48    actorName = actorNameOverride ?? process.env.APIFY_ACTOR_ID // Name would be better, but it's not in ENV
49  }
51  /* ELASTIC */
52  /* ======= */
53  if (process.env.ELASTIC_CLOUD_ID) {
54    elasticClient = new ElasticClient({
55      cloud: { id: process.env.ELASTIC_CLOUD_ID },
56      auth: { apiKey: process.env.ELASTIC_CLOUD_API_KEY },
57    })
59    // const mapping = await elasticClient.indices.getMapping({ index: actorName })
61    // eslint-disable-next-line no-inner-declarations
62    async function enforceIndexMapping () {
63      const doesIndexExist = await elasticClient.indices.exists({ index: elasticIndexName })
64      if (!doesIndexExist) await elasticClient.indices.create({ index: elasticIndexName })
65      await elasticClient.indices.putMapping({
66        index: elasticIndexName,
67        body: {
68          properties: {
69            _discount: { type: `float` },
70            originalPrice: { type: `float` },
71            currentPrice: { type: `float` },
72          },
73        },
74      })
75    }
77    try {
78      await enforceIndexMapping()
79    } catch (err) {
80      if (err.message.includes(`cannot be changed from type`)) {
81        console.log(`Elastic index ${elasticIndexName} already exists with incorrect mappings. As existing mapping cannot be changed, index will be deleted and recreated.`)
82        await elasticClient.indices.delete({ index: elasticIndexName })
83        await enforceIndexMapping()
84      }
85    }
86  }
88  /* POSTGRESQL */
89  /* ========== */
90  if (process.env.PG_CONNECTION_STRING) {
91    const pgConfig = pgConnectionString(process.env.PG_CONNECTION_STRING)
92    // const pgPool = new pg.Pool(pgConfig)
94    pgClient = new pg.Client(pgConfig)
95    await pgClient.connect()
97    // Check if table exists and have proper columns
98    const { rows: tables } = await pgClient.query(`
99    SELECT table_name
100    FROM information_schema.tables
101    WHERE table_schema = 'public'
102  `)
104    // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
105    const tableExists = tables.some(({ table_name }) => table_name === process.env.PG_DATA_TABLE)
106    if (!tableExists) {
107      throw new Error(`Table ${process.env.PG_DATA_TABLE} does not exist in database ${pgConfig.database}`)
108    }
110  // TODO: Handle pgClient closing
111  }
114    const pgConfig = pgConnectionString(process.env.PG_CONNECTION_STRING_NORMALIZED)
116    pgClientNormalized = new pg.Client(pgConfig)
117    await pgClientNormalized.connect()
119    // Check if table exists and have proper columns
120    const { rows: tables } = await pgClientNormalized.query(`
121    SELECT table_name
122    FROM information_schema.tables
123    WHERE table_schema = 'public'
124  `)
126    // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
127    const tableMainExists = tables.some(({ table_name }) => table_name === process.env.PG_DATA_TABLE)
128    // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
129    const tablePricesExists = tables.some(({ table_name }) => table_name === process.env.PG_DATA_PRICE_TABLE)
130    if (!tableMainExists) throw new Error(`Table ${process.env.PG_DATA_TABLE} does not exist in database ${pgConfig.database}`)
131    if (!tablePricesExists) throw new Error(`Table ${process.env.PG_DATA_PRICE_TABLE} does not exist in database ${pgConfig.database}`)
133  // TODO: Handle pgClient closing
134  }
137// inspired by @drobnikj
138// TODO: Similar, but less obfuscated for easier debugging
139export const createUniqueKeyFromUrl = (url) => {
140  const hash = createHash(`sha256`)
141  const cleanUrl = url.split(`://`)[1] // Remove protocol
142  hash.update(cleanUrl)
143  return hash.digest(`hex`)
147 *
148 * @param {Date} datetime
149 * @return {Promise<void>}
150 */
151export const sleepUntil = async (datetime) => {
152  const now = new Date()
153  const difference = datetime - now
154  if (difference > 0) {
155    return new Promise((resolve) => {
156      setTimeout(resolve, difference)
157    })
158  }
159  return Promise.resolve()
162// TODO: Uff, nicer! But at least it's tested
163export function parsePrice (string) {
164  let amount, currency
165  const noText = string.replace(/[^\d,.]/g, ``)
166  const decimals = noText.match(/([,.])(\d{2})$/)
167  if (decimals) {
168    const decimalSeparator = decimals[1] // ?
169    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars, no-unused-vars
170    const decimalAmount = decimals[2] // ?
171    const mainAmount = noText.split(decimalSeparator)[0].replace(/\D/g, ``)
172    amount = parseFloat(mainAmount + `.` + decimalAmount) // ?
173  } else {
174    const justNumbers = noText.replace(/[,.]/g, ``)
175    amount = parseInt(justNumbers)
176  }
177  return { amount, currency }
180export function toNumberOrNull (str) {
181  // TODO: Handle better, but only after adding test
182  if (str === undefined) return null
183  if (str === null) return null
184  if (str === ``) return null
185  const num = Number(str)
186  if (Number.isNaN(num)) return null
187  return num
190export async function save (objs) {
191  if (!Array.isArray(objs)) objs = [objs]
192  if (objs.length === 0) return console.log(`No data to save.`)
194  const objsExtended = objs.map(async (obj) => {
195    const objExtended = {
196      ...obj,
197      actorName,
198      ...globalLogsProps,
199      // __NODE_VERSION: global.process.versions.node,
200      // __NODE_UPTIME: global.process.uptime().toFixed(2), // seconds, 2 decimals
201    }
202    // if run on Apify
203    if (process.env.APIFY_IS_AT_HOME) {
204      objExtended.__APIFY_ACTOR_ID = process.env.APIFY_ACTOR_ID
205      objExtended.__APIFY_ACTOR_RUN_ID = process.env.APIFY_ACTOR_RUN_ID
206      objExtended.__APIFY_ACTOR_BUILD_ID = process.env.APIFY_ACTOR_BUILD_ID
207      objExtended.__APIFY_ACTOR_BUILD_NUMBER = process.env.APIFY_ACTOR_BUILD_NUMBER
208      objExtended.__APIFY_ACTOR_TASK_ID = process.env.APIFY_ACTOR_TASK_ID
209      if (process.env.APIFY_DONT_STORE_IN_DATASET !== `true`) { // Note: dotenv is not casting vars, so they are strings
210        await Dataset.pushData(obj)
211      }
212    }
213    return objExtended
214  })
215  // if runs on local machine (MacOS)
216  if (os.platform() === `darwin`) {
217    const cwd = process.cwd() // ~/Projects/apify-actors-monorepo/actors
218    const storageDir = path.join(cwd, `${actorName}.storage`) // ~/Projects/apify-actors-monorepo/actors/foo.storage
219    if (!fs.existsSync(storageDir)) fs.mkdirSync(storageDir)
220    const dataDir = path.join(storageDir, `data`) // ~/Projects/apify-actors-monorepo/actors/foo.storage/data
221    if (!fs.existsSync(dataDir)) fs.mkdirSync(dataDir)
222    for (const objExtended of objsExtended) {
223      const id = String(objExtended.id ?? objExtended.pid) // ?? uuidv4()
224      const fileName = `${filenamify(id)}.json`
225      const dataFilePath = path.join(dataDir, fileName) // ~/Projects/apify-actors-monorepo/actors/foo.storage/data/foo.json
226      fs.writeFileSync(dataFilePath, JSON.stringify(objExtended, null, 2))
227    }
228  }
230  if (pgClient) {
231    const objsPg = objs.map((obj) => ({
232      ...obj,
233      // TODO: This is becoming not nice, and not clear
234      shop: actorName,
235      scrapedAt: new Date().toISOString().split(`T`)[0],
236    }))
238    const columns = getColumns(objsPg)
239    const values = getValues(objsPg)
240    const queryString = `
241        INSERT INTO public."${process.env.PG_DATA_TABLE}" (${columns})
242        VALUES (${values})
243    `
244    try {
245      const { rowCount } = await pgClient.query(queryString)
246      console.log(`[save] saved to database: ${JSON.stringify(rowCount)}`)
247    } catch (err) {
248      if (err.message.includes(`violates unique constraint`)) console.warn(`PostgresSQL: violates unique constraint`)
249      else throw err
250    }
251  }
253  // Only make sense for HlidacShopu
254  if (pgClientNormalized) {
255    const objsPgData = objs.map((obj) => ({
256      shop: actorName,
257      pid: obj.pid,
258      name: obj.name,
259      url: obj.url,
260      img: obj.img,
261    }))
263    const objsPgDataPrice = objs.map((obj) => ({
264      shop: actorName,
265      pid: obj.pid,
266      scrapedAt: new Date().toISOString().split(`T`)[0],
267      currentPrice: obj.currentPrice,
268      originalPrice: obj.originalPrice,
269      inStock: obj.inStock,
270    }))
272    const queryString = `
273        INSERT INTO public."${process.env.PG_DATA_TABLE}" (${getColumns(objsPgData)})
274        VALUES (${getValues(objsPgData)})
276    `
277    try {
278      const { rowCount } = await pgClientNormalized.query(queryString)
279      console.log(`[save] saved to database (data): ${JSON.stringify(rowCount)}`)
280    } catch (err) {
281      if (err.message.includes(`violates unique constraint`)) console.warn(`PostgresSQL: violates unique constraint`)
282      else throw err
283    }
285    const queryStringPrice = `
286        INSERT INTO public."${process.env.PG_DATA_PRICE_TABLE}" (${getColumns(objsPgDataPrice)})
287        VALUES (${getValues(objsPgDataPrice)})
289    `
290    try {
291      const { rowCount } = await pgClientNormalized.query(queryStringPrice)
292      console.log(`[save] saved to database (price): ${JSON.stringify(rowCount)}`)
293    } catch (err) {
294      if (err.message.includes(`violates unique constraint`)) console.warn(`PostgresSQL: violates unique constraint`)
295      else throw err
296    }
297  }
299  if (elasticClient) {
300    // .index creates or updates the document
301    // .create creates a new document if it doesn't exist, 409 if it does
302    // try {
303    //   const res = await elasticClient.index({
304    //     index: `actors-monorepo-shops`, // TODO: Consider using actorName
305    //     id, // foo-bar
306    //     document: objExtended, // {...}
307    //   })
308    // } catch (err) {
309    //   // https://discuss.elastic.co/t/elasticsearch-503-ok-false-message-the-requested-deployment-is-currently-unavailable/200583
310    //   if (err.message.includes(`requested resource is currently unavailable`)) console.log(`Elasticsearch is unavailable, skipping, but not aborting`)
311    //   else throw err
312    // }
313  }
316function getColumns (objs) {
317  return Object.keys(objs[0]).map((key) => `"${key}"`).join(`, `)
320function getValues (objs) {
321  return objs.map(objPg => Object.values(objPg).map((value) => {
322    // escape strings to prevent SQL injection
323    if (typeof value === `string`) return `'${value.replace(/'/g, `''`)}'`
324    // convert to DB specific null
325    if (typeof value === `undefined` || value === null) return `NULL`
326    return value
327  }).join(`, `)).join(`), (`)
330export function parseEnvFromInput (input) {
331  const env = {}
332  for (const key in input) {
333    if (key === key.toUpperCase()) env[key] = input[key]
334  }
335  console.log(`[parseEnvFromInput] ${JSON.stringify(env)}`)
336  Object.assign(process.env, env)
339export const isInspect =
340  process.execArgv.join().includes(`--inspect`) ||
341  // @ts-ignore
342  process?._preload_modules?.join(`|`)?.includes(`debug`)
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