Linkedin Profile Details Scraper avatar
Linkedin Profile Details Scraper
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Linkedin Profile Details Scraper

Linkedin Profile Details Scraper

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Apify actor designed to extract main profile details from LinkedIn profiles. This actor provides comprehensive information, including contact details, name, cover, title, experience, education, licenses, and more.


Returns empty objects after 25 URLs.


niels_ogtal opened this issue
6 months ago

After about 25 URLs i just receive near-empty objects from the scraper, just containing either the name or just a generic "join linkedin today" kind of message. But with no error. How come? If my cookies are invalidated during the run i would like to know and for the run to be aborted.

Ahmed-Khaled avatar

Yes, after scraping large number of profiles in short time LinkedIn detect that it's an automated and expired your cookies. Good idea I will add aborting the run if the cookie expires in the next update

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 23 monthly users
  • 1 star
  • 60.4% runs succeeded
  • 2.2 days response time
  • Created in Nov 2023
  • Modified about 2 months ago