YouTube and All Videos PRO Scraper avatar

YouTube and All Videos PRO Scraper

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YouTube and All Videos PRO Scraper

YouTube and All Videos PRO Scraper


YouTube, TikTok, Twitch, Vimeo and literally 1.000 more - scrape them all like a boss, get full metadata and all available formats. With single video URL you can use it as real time API with response in 5-10 seconds.

Maintained by Community

YouTube and all major video sites plus many others

Detailed information with focus on YouTube and additional support for videos from TikTok, Twitch, Vimeo and literally 1.000 more video providers.

Expected to work with any proxy, single video link should be processed in 5-10 seconds, details saved to both Dataset and KeyValue store OUTPUT.

YouTube features

  • youtube:music:search_url: YouTube music search URLs with selectable sections, e.g. #songs
  • youtube:playlist: YouTube playlists
  • youtube:search_url: YouTube search URLs with sorting and filter support

Input example

2  "startUrls": [
3    {
4        "url": ""
5    },
6    {
7        "url": ""
8    },
9    {
10        "url": ""
11    },
12    {
13        "url": ""
14    },
15    {
16        "url": ""
17    },
18    {
19        "url": ""
20    }
21  ].
22  "maxRequestRetries": 5

Cost of usage


If URL is playlist, then videos scraped in less details. For example 1500 list items from scraped in approx 3 minutes. In order to get full video details, please run again with direct video URLs by sets with 200-300 URLs.

Output format

The available fields are:

  • id (string): Video identifier
  • title (string): Video title
  • fulltitle (string): Video title ignoring live timestamp and generic title
  • ext (string): Video filename extension
  • alt_title (string): A secondary title of the video
  • description (string): The description of the video
  • display_id (string): An alternative identifier for the video
  • uploader (string): Full name of the video uploader
  • license (string): License name the video is licensed under
  • creator (string): The creator of the video
  • timestamp (numeric): UNIX timestamp of the moment the video became available
  • upload_date (string): Video upload date in UTC (YYYYMMDD)
  • release_timestamp (numeric): UNIX timestamp of the moment the video was released
  • release_date (string): The date (YYYYMMDD) when the video was released in UTC
  • modified_timestamp (numeric): UNIX timestamp of the moment the video was last modified
  • modified_date (string): The date (YYYYMMDD) when the video was last modified in UTC
  • uploader_id (string): Nickname or id of the video uploader
  • channel (string): Full name of the channel the video is uploaded on
  • channel_id (string): Id of the channel
  • channel_follower_count (numeric): Number of followers of the channel
  • location (string): Physical location where the video was filmed
  • duration (numeric): Length of the video in seconds
  • duration_string (string): Length of the video (HH:mm:ss)
  • view_count (numeric): How many users have watched the video on the platform
  • like_count (numeric): Number of positive ratings of the video
  • dislike_count (numeric): Number of negative ratings of the video
  • repost_count (numeric): Number of reposts of the video
  • average_rating (numeric): Average rating give by users, the scale used depends on the webpage
  • comment_count (numeric): Number of comments on the video (For some extractors, comments are only downloaded at the end, and so this field cannot be used)
  • age_limit (numeric): Age restriction for the video (years)
  • live_status (string): One of "not_live", "is_live", "is_upcoming", "was_live", "post_live" (was live, but VOD is not yet processed)
  • is_live (boolean): Whether this video is a live stream or a fixed-length video
  • was_live (boolean): Whether this video was originally a live stream
  • playable_in_embed (string): Whether this video is allowed to play in embedded players on other sites
  • availability (string): Whether the video is "private", "premium_only", "subscriber_only", "needs_auth", "unlisted" or "public"
  • start_time (numeric): Time in seconds where the reproduction should start, as specified in the URL
  • end_time (numeric): Time in seconds where the reproduction should end, as specified in the URL
  • extractor (string): Name of the extractor
  • extractor_key (string): Key name of the extractor
  • epoch (numeric): Unix epoch of when the information extraction was completed
  • autonumber (numeric): Number that will be increased with each download, starting at --autonumber-start
  • video_autonumber (numeric): Number that will be increased with each video
  • n_entries (numeric): Total number of extracted items in the playlist
  • playlist_id (string): Identifier of the playlist that contains the video
  • playlist_title (string): Name of the playlist that contains the video
  • playlist (string): playlist_id or playlist_title
  • playlist_count (numeric): Total number of items in the playlist. May not be known if entire playlist is not extracted
  • playlist_index (numeric): Index of the video in the playlist padded with leading zeros according the final index
  • playlist_autonumber (numeric): Position of the video in the playlist download queue padded with leading zeros according to the total length of the playlist
  • playlist_uploader (string): Full name of the playlist uploader
  • playlist_uploader_id (string): Nickname or id of the playlist uploader
  • webpage_url (string): A URL to the video webpage which if given to yt-dlp should allow to get the same result again
  • webpage_url_basename (string): The basename of the webpage URL
  • webpage_url_domain (string): The domain of the webpage URL
  • original_url (string): The URL given by the user (or same as webpage_url for playlist entries)

Supported 1500+ sites, just give it a try!