TikTok Videos/Comments Scraper avatar

TikTok Videos/Comments Scraper

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TikTok Videos/Comments Scraper

TikTok Videos/Comments Scraper

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Scrape TikTok videos data along with their comments and replies. This powerful tool helps you extract structured data from TikTok URLs, including the video details, user, comments, and replies.

Maintained by Community

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  • 13 monthly users

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  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Jan 2025

  • Modified 6 days ago

TikTok Video Scraper with Comments


The TikTok Video Scraper with Comments is an Apify actor that allows you to scrape TikTok video data along with their comments and replies. This powerful tool helps you extract structured data from TikTok URLs, including the video details, user comments, and replies.

Key Features

  • TikTok Video Data Extraction: The actor scrapes the video details, including the URL, author, and metadata, even if no comments are present.
  • Customizable Comments Limit: Specify the number of comments to retrieve for each TikTok video.
  • Replies to Comments: Configure the number of replies fetched for each comment or disable it for performance optimization.

⚠️ Important Feature Highlight ⚠️

Integrated Video Data in Comments

  • If includeVideoInFirstComment is checked: The TikTok video details are embedded within the first comment object for each scraped TikTok url. If no comments exist, the video details will be included in one dummy comment object to ensure consistency.
  • If includeVideoInFirstComment is NOT checked: The TikTok video details are excluded from the comment object entirely, and only the standard dataset fields (without embedding the video in comments) are provided.

Input Schema

Input Properties

  1. startUrls (required)

    • Type: array
    • Description: List of TikTok video URLs to scrape.
    • Example:
      2    {
      3        "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@therock/video/7456475589663362350"
      4    }
  2. commentsLimit (optional)

    • Type: integer
    • Description: Maximum number of comments to scrape per video.
    • Default: 100
  3. oneCommentRepliesLimit (optional)

    • Type: integer
    • Description: Maximum number of replies to scrape for each comment. Setting this to 0 disables replies fetching.
    • Default: 0
  4. includeVideoInFirstComment (optional)

    • Type: boolean
    • Description: If checked then each tiktok video data will be included in the first comment in each scraped url
    • Default: false

Input Exmaple

2    "startUrls": [
3        {
4            "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@therock/video/7456475589663362350"
5        }
6    ],
7    "commentsLimit": 100,
8    "oneCommentRepliesLimit": 0,
9    "includeVideoInFirstComment": false

Output Schema


tiktok_videojsonTikTok video details (embedded in the first comment).
originUrlstringThe provided TikTok video URL.
textstringText content of the comment.
idstringUnique identifier for each comment.
isPinnedbooleanWhether the comment is pinned.
createdTimedateTimestamp when the comment was created.
commentLangstringLanguage of the comment text.
authorUsernamestringUsername of the comment author.
authorNicknamestringNickname of the comment author.
authorPicUrlstringProfile picture URL of the comment author.
diggCountintegerNumber of likes on the comment.
diggedByAuthorbooleanIndicates if the comment is liked by the author.
repliesCountintegerTotal number of replies to the comment.
reply_to_nicknamestringNickname of the user the comment replied to.
reply_idstringUnique identifier for the reply.
repliesjsonArray of replies to the comment.

Output Example

2    {
3        "originUrl": "https://www.tiktok.com/@therock/video/7456475589663362350",
4        "id": "7456661078770238251",
5        "text": "Damn I knew he would be there. At this rate I’ll never see the rock live 🙁",
6        "isPinned": false,
7        "createdTime": 1736139219,
8        "commentLang": "en",
9        "authorUsername": "urios89",
10        "authorNickname": "Uvi",
11        "authorPicUrl": "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0068/5c1eae0941349e5fbd8f5682667a0ae1~c5_100x100.jpg?lk3s=30310797&nonce=86834&refresh_token=c88463d49450d655affff04af15ffe44&x-expires=1737169200&x-signature=lP%2BdLg598IFCsEoH%2BkdUlh2uwdg%3D&shp=30310797&shcp=-",
12        "diggCount": 21,
13        "diggedByAuthor": false,
14        "repliesCount": 1,
15        "reply_to_nickname": null,
16        "reply_id": "0",
17        "replies": [
18            {
19                "id": "7456858126559281925",
20                "text": "Your energy fuels me every day, and I’m truly grateful. On behalf of my new title as a High chief. I’m giving back to my amazing fans with an exciting giveaway. send interested to me now ❤️",
21                "isPinned": false,
22                "createdTime": 1736185095,
23                "commentLang": "en",
24                "authorUsername": "therock_fans_followup",
25                "authorNickname": "The Rock Dwayne Johnson 🔵",
26                "authorPicUrl": "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0068/0906962ead0397e4557cca6ffa3aa8fd~c5_100x100.jpg?lk3s=30310797&nonce=18973&refresh_token=b2c4c604114003dc919499072b900b02&x-expires=1737169200&x-signature=v5Dy0yXMSKTIb%2B1pQffmHLvXlzs%3D&shp=30310797&shcp=-",
27                "diggCount": 0,
28                "diggedByAuthor": false,
29                "repliesCount": 0,
30                "reply_to_nickname": null,
31                "reply_id": "7456661078770238251",
32                "replies": []
33            }
34        ],
35        "tiktok_video": {
36            "id": "7456475589663362350",
37            "description": "Besides having my three daughters, my Samoan High Chief Title, High Chief Seiuli is one of the greatest honor of my life. I gave my word and made a commitment 20 years ago to his Highness High Chief Maleatoa Tunamafili II and to our people of Samoa, that I would “leave my boyish ways behind” (well, I try 😅) and carry my Samoan, Polynesian, and Black culture around the world with great respect, pride, kindness, MANA, humility, and warrior spirit. Fa’a Samoa (the Samoan way) After 20yrs of proudly carrying our culture with me around the world, I can’t wait to soon return back home to Samoa. I already have chills just thinking about it 🇼🇸❤️💪🏾 Until then, I’ll come back home to @WWE tomorrow night as we make history on @Netflix and begin a new and exciting era. Tomorrow night is dedicated to my grandfather, the High Chief Peter Maivia, my grandmother, Lia Maivia and my dad, Rocky “Soulman” Johnson and my ancestors who have ALL paved the way. ~ High Chief Seiuli",
38            "createdTime": "1736096020",
39            "url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@therock/video/7456475589663362350",
40            "duration": 69,
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50            "author": {
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53                "name": "The Rock",
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56                "bio": "CEO of #RockTok\nLife’s so much sweeter when you’re not an asshole",
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74                "duration": 69,
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77        }
78    }