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🏯 Instagram Scraper (Pay Per Result)

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🏯 Instagram Scraper (Pay Per Result)

🏯 Instagram Scraper (Pay Per Result)

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Pay $0.50 for 1,000 posts

Famous for its blazing-fast speed and completeness, it offers rapid and efficient scraping of many URLs such as; location, audio, tag, and profile. It's incredibly cost-effective at only $0.50 for every 1000 posts, capable of scraping 100-200 posts each second!


Request to Add Input URL to Output Values

myfriendai opened this issue
a month ago

I’ve noticed an issue when scraping Reels that have multiple owners or are part of a collaboration. In such cases, the output values display the username of the account that posted the Reel, rather than the account or URL that was originally provided for scraping.

To address this, could you please add an input URL field to the output values? This field would indicate the account or URL used to initiate the scraping process, ensuring that the results can be traced back to the original input.

This addition would make the output more transparent and easier to interpret. Thank you in advance!

apidojo avatar


You can leverage customMapFunction function to add these URLs to the output objects. It is a very simple javascript function where you can basically add anything to the objects.




a month ago

thank you! Should it look something like this? But I don't quite understand how to extract the links from startUrls.

(object) => { return { ...object, newfield: startUrls.startUrl || null, }; }

apidojo avatar


You don't need to extract them, you can just set them while running the actor.




a month ago

Hello! Thank you for your help!

I just want to make sure I’ve explained my issue correctly: For example:

  1. In the input, I provide "https://www.instagram.com/rocktown.media/".
  2. I run the Actor.
  3. In the results for some Reels, the owner/username key shows a different username, not "rocktown.media" (the one I provided in startUrls). This happens when "rocktown.media" collaborates with another account on a Reel, and "rocktown.media" is listed as a collaborator, not the owner.

It would be perfect if the original startUrl (e.g., "https://www.instagram.com/rocktown.media/") could be included in the Reel info. This would help me trace back to the username I provided in the input.

I’ve tried several variations of customMapFunction, but without success. I’m not sure how to add startUrls to the results.


apidojo avatar


When you are providing rocktown.media to the startUrl, you can also provide it to the customMapFunction so you get it with the output. Does that make sense?




a month ago

I guess it will work just for one username, but I am sending hundreds of usernames by one run each day =)

I tried something like this. But I think i can't change index inside customMapFunction and change the username link. (function() { const urls_array = [ 'https://www.instagram.com/username1', 'https://www.instagram.com/username2' ];

1return (object) => {
2    const index = object.index !== undefined ? object.index : 0;
4    //const inputUrl = urls_array[index % urls_array.length] || 'No URL Found';
5    const inputUrl = request.userData.index || 'No URL Found';
8    return {
9        ...object,
10        inputUrl,
11        index: index + 1
12    };


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