🏯 Tiktok Scraper (Pay Per Result) avatar

🏯 Tiktok Scraper (Pay Per Result)

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Pay $0.30 for 1,000 posts

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🏯 Tiktok Scraper (Pay Per Result)

🏯 Tiktok Scraper (Pay Per Result)

Try for free

Pay $0.30 for 1,000 posts

The most complete and effective solution for extracting data from TikTok.com. User, Profile, Hashtag, Music, Location, Tag, and many other support is just the beginning. The intelligent algorithm allows TikTok Scraper to retrieve any posts/videos around the platform in the blink of an eye!

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 302 Monthly users

  • 5.0 / 5 (1)


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 15 hours response time

  • Created in Dec 2023

  • Modified 13 hours ago

You can access the 🏯 Tiktok Scraper (Pay Per Result) programmatically from your own applications by using the Apify API. You can choose the language preference from below. To use the Apify API, you’ll need an Apify account and your API token, found in Integrations settings in Apify Console.

2  "openapi": "3.0.1",
3  "info": {
4    "version": "0.0",
5    "x-build-id": "RpBP63HwtUZNotZv5"
6  },
7  "servers": [
8    {
9      "url": "https://api.apify.com/v2"
10    }
11  ],
12  "paths": {
13    "/acts/apidojo~tiktok-scraper/run-sync-get-dataset-items": {
14      "post": {
15        "operationId": "run-sync-get-dataset-items-apidojo-tiktok-scraper",
16        "x-openai-isConsequential": false,
17        "summary": "Executes an Actor, waits for its completion, and returns Actor's dataset items in response.",
18        "tags": [
19          "Run Actor"
20        ],
21        "requestBody": {
22          "required": true,
23          "content": {
24            "application/json": {
25              "schema": {
26                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/inputSchema"
27              }
28            }
29          }
30        },
31        "parameters": [
32          {
33            "name": "token",
34            "in": "query",
35            "required": true,
36            "schema": {
37              "type": "string"
38            },
39            "description": "Enter your Apify token here"
40          }
41        ],
42        "responses": {
43          "200": {
44            "description": "OK"
45          }
46        }
47      }
48    },
49    "/acts/apidojo~tiktok-scraper/runs": {
50      "post": {
51        "operationId": "runs-sync-apidojo-tiktok-scraper",
52        "x-openai-isConsequential": false,
53        "summary": "Executes an Actor and returns information about the initiated run in response.",
54        "tags": [
55          "Run Actor"
56        ],
57        "requestBody": {
58          "required": true,
59          "content": {
60            "application/json": {
61              "schema": {
62                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/inputSchema"
63              }
64            }
65          }
66        },
67        "parameters": [
68          {
69            "name": "token",
70            "in": "query",
71            "required": true,
72            "schema": {
73              "type": "string"
74            },
75            "description": "Enter your Apify token here"
76          }
77        ],
78        "responses": {
79          "200": {
80            "description": "OK",
81            "content": {
82              "application/json": {
83                "schema": {
84                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/runsResponseSchema"
85                }
86              }
87            }
88          }
89        }
90      }
91    },
92    "/acts/apidojo~tiktok-scraper/run-sync": {
93      "post": {
94        "operationId": "run-sync-apidojo-tiktok-scraper",
95        "x-openai-isConsequential": false,
96        "summary": "Executes an Actor, waits for completion, and returns the OUTPUT from Key-value store in response.",
97        "tags": [
98          "Run Actor"
99        ],
100        "requestBody": {
101          "required": true,
102          "content": {
103            "application/json": {
104              "schema": {
105                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/inputSchema"
106              }
107            }
108          }
109        },
110        "parameters": [
111          {
112            "name": "token",
113            "in": "query",
114            "required": true,
115            "schema": {
116              "type": "string"
117            },
118            "description": "Enter your Apify token here"
119          }
120        ],
121        "responses": {
122          "200": {
123            "description": "OK"
124          }
125        }
126      }
127    }
128  },
129  "components": {
130    "schemas": {
131      "inputSchema": {
132        "type": "object",
133        "properties": {
134          "startUrls": {
135            "title": "Start URLs",
136            "type": "array",
137            "description": "Paste the TikTok URLs, and get the results immediately. Video, User, Search, Tag, Music and Location URLs are supported.",
138            "items": {
139              "type": "string"
140            }
141          },
142          "maxItems": {
143            "title": "Maximum number of items on output",
144            "type": "integer",
145            "description": "Maximum number of items that you want as output."
146          },
147          "keywords": {
148            "title": "Search Keywords",
149            "type": "array",
150            "description": "Search keywords/terms you want to search from TikTok.",
151            "items": {
152              "type": "string"
153            }
154          },
155          "dateRange": {
156            "title": "Date Range (Only works in Search)",
157            "enum": [
158              "DEFAULT",
159              "ALL_TIME",
160              "YESTERDAY",
161              "THIS_WEEK",
162              "THIS_MONTH",
163              "LAST_THREE_MONTHS",
164              "LAST_SIX_MONTHS"
165            ],
166            "type": "string",
167            "description": "Date range for search. It uses the standard date filtering of TikTok search."
168          },
169          "location": {
170            "title": "Location / Region",
171            "enum": [
172              "AF",
173              "AL",
174              "DZ",
175              "AS",
176              "AD",
177              "AO",
178              "AI",
179              "AQ",
180              "AG",
181              "AR",
182              "AM",
183              "AW",
184              "AU",
185              "AT",
186              "AZ",
187              "BS",
188              "BH",
189              "BD",
190              "BB",
191              "BY",
192              "BE",
193              "BZ",
194              "BJ",
195              "BM",
196              "BT",
197              "BO",
198              "BQ",
199              "BA",
200              "BW",
201              "BV",
202              "BR",
203              "IO",
204              "BN",
205              "BG",
206              "BF",
207              "BI",
208              "CV",
209              "KH",
210              "CM",
211              "CA",
212              "KY",
213              "CF",
214              "TD",
215              "CL",
216              "CN",
217              "CX",
218              "CC",
219              "CO",
220              "KM",
221              "CD",
222              "CG",
223              "CK",
224              "CR",
225              "HR",
226              "CU",
227              "CW",
228              "CY",
229              "CZ",
230              "CI",
231              "DK",
232              "DJ",
233              "DM",
234              "DO",
235              "EC",
236              "EG",
237              "SV",
238              "GQ",
239              "ER",
240              "EE",
241              "SZ",
242              "ET",
243              "FK",
244              "FO",
245              "FJ",
246              "FI",
247              "FR",
248              "GF",
249              "PF",
250              "TF",
251              "GA",
252              "GM",
253              "GE",
254              "DE",
255              "GH",
256              "GI",
257              "GR",
258              "GL",
259              "GD",
260              "GP",
261              "GU",
262              "GT",
263              "GG",
264              "GN",
265              "GW",
266              "GY",
267              "HT",
268              "HM",
269              "VA",
270              "HN",
271              "HK",
272              "HU",
273              "IS",
274              "IN",
275              "ID",
276              "IR",
277              "IQ",
278              "IE",
279              "IM",
280              "IL",
281              "IT",
282              "JM",
283              "JP",
284              "JE",
285              "JO",
286              "KZ",
287              "KE",
288              "KI",
289              "KP",
290              "KR",
291              "KW",
292              "KG",
293              "LA",
294              "LV",
295              "LB",
296              "LS",
297              "LR",
298              "LY",
299              "LI",
300              "LT",
301              "LU",
302              "MO",
303              "MG",
304              "MW",
305              "MY",
306              "MV",
307              "ML",
308              "MT",
309              "MH",
310              "MQ",
311              "MR",
312              "MU",
313              "YT",
314              "MX",
315              "FM",
316              "MD",
317              "MC",
318              "MN",
319              "ME",
320              "MS",
321              "MA",
322              "MZ",
323              "MM",
324              "NA",
325              "NR",
326              "NP",
327              "NL",
328              "NC",
329              "NZ",
330              "NI",
331              "NE",
332              "NG",
333              "NU",
334              "NF",
335              "MP",
336              "NO",
337              "OM",
338              "PK",
339              "PW",
340              "PS",
341              "PA",
342              "PG",
343              "PY",
344              "PE",
345              "PH",
346              "PN",
347              "PL",
348              "PT",
349              "PR",
350              "QA",
351              "MK",
352              "RO",
353              "RU",
354              "RW",
355              "RE",
356              "BL",
357              "SH",
358              "KN",
359              "LC",
360              "MF",
361              "PM",
362              "VC",
363              "WS",
364              "SM",
365              "ST",
366              "SA",
367              "SN",
368              "RS",
369              "SC",
370              "SL",
371              "SG",
372              "SX",
373              "SK",
374              "SI",
375              "SB",
376              "SO",
377              "ZA",
378              "GS",
379              "SS",
380              "ES",
381              "LK",
382              "SD",
383              "SR",
384              "SJ",
385              "SE",
386              "CH",
387              "SY",
388              "TW",
389              "TJ",
390              "TZ",
391              "TH",
392              "TL",
393              "TG",
394              "TK",
395              "TO",
396              "TT",
397              "TN",
398              "TR",
399              "TM",
400              "TC",
401              "TV",
402              "UG",
403              "UA",
404              "AE",
405              "GB",
406              "UM",
407              "US",
408              "UY",
409              "UZ",
410              "VU",
411              "VE",
412              "VN",
413              "VG",
414              "VI",
415              "WF",
416              "EH",
417              "YE",
418              "ZM",
419              "ZW",
420              "AX"
421            ],
422            "type": "string",
423            "description": "Enables the actor to retrieve the results from that specific region/location, given by an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code."
424          },
425          "customMapFunction": {
426            "title": "Custom map function",
427            "type": "string",
428            "description": "Function that takes each of the objects as argument and returns data that will be mapped by the function itself. This function is not intended for filtering, please don't use it for filtering purposes or you will get banned automatically."
429          }
430        }
431      },
432      "runsResponseSchema": {
433        "type": "object",
434        "properties": {
435          "data": {
436            "type": "object",
437            "properties": {
438              "id": {
439                "type": "string"
440              },
441              "actId": {
442                "type": "string"
443              },
444              "userId": {
445                "type": "string"
446              },
447              "startedAt": {
448                "type": "string",
449                "format": "date-time",
450                "example": "2025-01-08T00:00:00.000Z"
451              },
452              "finishedAt": {
453                "type": "string",
454                "format": "date-time",
455                "example": "2025-01-08T00:00:00.000Z"
456              },
457              "status": {
458                "type": "string",
459                "example": "READY"
460              },
461              "meta": {
462                "type": "object",
463                "properties": {
464                  "origin": {
465                    "type": "string",
466                    "example": "API"
467                  },
468                  "userAgent": {
469                    "type": "string"
470                  }
471                }
472              },
473              "stats": {
474                "type": "object",
475                "properties": {
476                  "inputBodyLen": {
477                    "type": "integer",
478                    "example": 2000
479                  },
480                  "rebootCount": {
481                    "type": "integer",
482                    "example": 0
483                  },
484                  "restartCount": {
485                    "type": "integer",
486                    "example": 0
487                  },
488                  "resurrectCount": {
489                    "type": "integer",
490                    "example": 0
491                  },
492                  "computeUnits": {
493                    "type": "integer",
494                    "example": 0
495                  }
496                }
497              },
498              "options": {
499                "type": "object",
500                "properties": {
501                  "build": {
502                    "type": "string",
503                    "example": "latest"
504                  },
505                  "timeoutSecs": {
506                    "type": "integer",
507                    "example": 300
508                  },
509                  "memoryMbytes": {
510                    "type": "integer",
511                    "example": 1024
512                  },
513                  "diskMbytes": {
514                    "type": "integer",
515                    "example": 2048
516                  }
517                }
518              },
519              "buildId": {
520                "type": "string"
521              },
522              "defaultKeyValueStoreId": {
523                "type": "string"
524              },
525              "defaultDatasetId": {
526                "type": "string"
527              },
528              "defaultRequestQueueId": {
529                "type": "string"
530              },
531              "buildNumber": {
532                "type": "string",
533                "example": "1.0.0"
534              },
535              "containerUrl": {
536                "type": "string"
537              },
538              "usage": {
539                "type": "object",
540                "properties": {
541                  "ACTOR_COMPUTE_UNITS": {
542                    "type": "integer",
543                    "example": 0
544                  },
545                  "DATASET_READS": {
546                    "type": "integer",
547                    "example": 0
548                  },
549                  "DATASET_WRITES": {
550                    "type": "integer",
551                    "example": 0
552                  },
553                  "KEY_VALUE_STORE_READS": {
554                    "type": "integer",
555                    "example": 0
556                  },
557                  "KEY_VALUE_STORE_WRITES": {
558                    "type": "integer",
559                    "example": 1
560                  },
561                  "KEY_VALUE_STORE_LISTS": {
562                    "type": "integer",
563                    "example": 0
564                  },
565                  "REQUEST_QUEUE_READS": {
566                    "type": "integer",
567                    "example": 0
568                  },
569                  "REQUEST_QUEUE_WRITES": {
570                    "type": "integer",
571                    "example": 0
572                  },
573                  "DATA_TRANSFER_INTERNAL_GBYTES": {
574                    "type": "integer",
575                    "example": 0
576                  },
577                  "DATA_TRANSFER_EXTERNAL_GBYTES": {
578                    "type": "integer",
579                    "example": 0
580                  },
582                    "type": "integer",
583                    "example": 0
584                  },
585                  "PROXY_SERPS": {
586                    "type": "integer",
587                    "example": 0
588                  }
589                }
590              },
591              "usageTotalUsd": {
592                "type": "number",
593                "example": 0.00005
594              },
595              "usageUsd": {
596                "type": "object",
597                "properties": {
598                  "ACTOR_COMPUTE_UNITS": {
599                    "type": "integer",
600                    "example": 0
601                  },
602                  "DATASET_READS": {
603                    "type": "integer",
604                    "example": 0
605                  },
606                  "DATASET_WRITES": {
607                    "type": "integer",
608                    "example": 0
609                  },
610                  "KEY_VALUE_STORE_READS": {
611                    "type": "integer",
612                    "example": 0
613                  },
614                  "KEY_VALUE_STORE_WRITES": {
615                    "type": "number",
616                    "example": 0.00005
617                  },
618                  "KEY_VALUE_STORE_LISTS": {
619                    "type": "integer",
620                    "example": 0
621                  },
622                  "REQUEST_QUEUE_READS": {
623                    "type": "integer",
624                    "example": 0
625                  },
626                  "REQUEST_QUEUE_WRITES": {
627                    "type": "integer",
628                    "example": 0
629                  },
630                  "DATA_TRANSFER_INTERNAL_GBYTES": {
631                    "type": "integer",
632                    "example": 0
633                  },
634                  "DATA_TRANSFER_EXTERNAL_GBYTES": {
635                    "type": "integer",
636                    "example": 0
637                  },
639                    "type": "integer",
640                    "example": 0
641                  },
642                  "PROXY_SERPS": {
643                    "type": "integer",
644                    "example": 0
645                  }
646                }
647              }
648            }
649          }
650        }
651      }
652    }
653  }

🏯 Tiktok Scraper (Pay Per Result) OpenAPI definition

OpenAPI is a standard for designing and describing RESTful APIs, allowing developers to define API structure, endpoints, and data formats in a machine-readable way. It simplifies API development, integration, and documentation.

OpenAPI is effective when used with AI agents and GPTs by standardizing how these systems interact with various APIs, for reliable integrations and efficient communication.

By defining machine-readable API specifications, OpenAPI allows AI models like GPTs to understand and use varied data sources, improving accuracy. This accelerates development, reduces errors, and provides context-aware responses, making OpenAPI a core component for AI applications.

You can download the OpenAPI definitions for 🏯 Tiktok Scraper (Pay Per Result) from the options below:

If you’d like to learn more about how OpenAPI powers GPTs, read our blog post.

You can also check out our other API clients: