Tiktok Scraper
3 days trial then $35.00/month - No credit card required now

Tiktok Scraper
3 days trial then $35.00/month - No credit card required now
An advanced TikTok scraper that lets you collect videos, profiles, posts, and other publicly available data on TikTok. Download TikTok data as a HTML, JSON, CSV, Excel, or XML
Actor Metrics
14 monthly users
5.0 / 5 (1)
81% runs succeeded
Created in Oct 2022
Modified a day ago
What is TikTok Scraper
This Scraper crawls Tiktok and extracts information on the videos hosted on the website. The video information is very detailed and can be exported to the following formats CSV,EXCEL,HTML, JSON,XML
Scraper allows you to scrape:
- Individual Video Posts - by using a specific video URL.
- Account - Results from individual Tiktok account names.
- Hashtag - Videos that contain a specific hashtag.
Sample Input
1{ 2 "maxCommentsPerPost": 20, 3 "maxVideosPerPage": 20, 4 "proxyConfig": { 5 "useApifyProxy": true 6 }, 7 "profiles": [ 8 "khaby.lame" 9 ], 10 "hashtags": [ 11 "tiktokshortfilm" 12 ] 13}
The output can be be set to contain or ignore comments to the videos.
The default output has been set to a maximum of 20 videos and 20 comments. Changing the number of maximum comments in the Input allows for increase/decrease the number of comments per video.
Sample output;
1{ 2 "id": "7167271500058234139", 3 "desc": "Apa?? Ternyata pacarku kelly…😱@Kelly 🍒 #drama #dramatiktok #tiktokviral #tiktokshortfilm #romantis #romance #fyptiktok #anhong @Anhong Media International ", 4 "createTime": 1668760442, 5 "duetInfo": { 6 "duetFromId": "0" 7 }, 8 "commentCount": 11400, 9 "diggCount": 3600000, 10 "playCount": 53200000, 11 "shareCount": 12900, 12 "originCover": "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/obj/tos-useast2a-p-0037-aiso/0ec5a3c9ecee4252a8927756e8ed51fd_1668760536?x-expires=1674644400&x-signature=CAoZ29sxfOTVVxJFyCB85ULqaTM%3D", 13 "streamVideoUrl": 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The 3 finalists, selected amongst 3 awards by renowned judges, will also have the chance to travel to Cannes to receive their prize during our TikTok Awards Ceremony, and attend exclusive screenings during the Festival. 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Ternyata pacarku kelly…😱@Kelly 🍒 #drama #dramatiktok #tiktokviral #tiktokshortfilm #romantis #romance #fyptiktok #anhong @Anhong Media International " 231 }, 232 "user": { 233 "uid": "7167311497546236954", 234 "unique_id": "juragan.sellerindo", 235 "nickname": "juragan.sellerindo" 236 } 237 } 238 ], 239 "secret": false, 240 "shareEnabled": true, 241 "showNotPass": false, 242 "forFriend": false 243}
The actor requires access to proxies (.i.e proxies provided by Apify or custom proxies provided by the user).
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this section. There are no breaking changes to the project.
- Added an optional input field
that simplifies the comments. When the input field is enabled the decrease structure of comments is replaced with the format
1{ 2 "cid": "7118984082901631770", 3 "text": "Khaby you are legend...And love from Nepal❤️", 4 "uid": "7115738522267632646", 5 "unique_id": "pra.jwol", 6 "nickname": "Lol" 7}
Added an optional input field
that is used to filter videos posted after the latest Date of Oldest Video -
Fixed a bug with post engagement data.