🏯 Tweet Scraper V2 (Pay Per Result) - X / Twitter Scraper
Pay $0.40 for 1,000 tweets
🏯 Tweet Scraper V2 (Pay Per Result) - X / Twitter Scraper
Pay $0.40 for 1,000 tweets
⚡️ Lightning-fast search, URL, list, and profile scraping, with customizable filters. At $0.40 per 1000 tweets, and 30-80 tweets per second, it is ideal for researchers, entrepreneurs, and businesses! Get comprehensive insights from Twitter (X) now!
I've seen a couple of recent issues mentioning the "noResults" problem, so obviously that's already considered and being processed.
However, in runs like this (OHBcw2r8uI83WNm4a), I get a dataset of some number of rows that provide no information but are still charged.
This is not an angry comment at all, this tool is amazing when it works. Just wondering what the state of this is and just bringing this to your attention in case something else can be done.
I've seen in my analysis that many of those queries (in the run above) returned no results, so it's quite my fault on that end. But that usually meant that I was not charged for those.
Thanks so much for your time and effort.
We've recently introduced this feature to cover the expenses of empty result requests. We started to get lots of load due to these "monitoring" activities. This actor is not intended to be used like this and until Apify will introduce pay per event/min run cost pricing (which they are currently working on), this is what we agreed to do with Apify.
If there are no results in the actor or any error, you will receive a single object for each query that states that. "No result" is also a valuable information.
For any further questions or concerns, you can directly reach out to Apify support.
Actor Metrics
1.7k monthly users
431 stars
88% runs succeeded
3.4 hours response time
Created in Nov 2023
Modified 3 hours ago