๐Ÿฏ Twitter (X) List Scraper (Pay Per Result) avatar
๐Ÿฏ Twitter (X) List Scraper (Pay Per Result)
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๐Ÿฏ Twitter (X) List Scraper (Pay Per Result)

๐Ÿฏ Twitter (X) List Scraper (Pay Per Result)

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Pay $0.30 for 1,000 tweets

Discover the Twitter (X) List Scraper you've been looking for! Find the ultimate tool for extracting Tweets List from X / Twitter! It offers unparalleled speed and comprehensiveness, ensuring lightning-fast extraction of Tweets.

๐Ÿฏ Twitter List Scraper that you were seeking for.

Discover the Twitter List Scraper you've been looking for! Find the ultimate tool for extracting Twitter List data on x.com. It offers unparalleled speed and comprehensiveness, ensuring lightning-fast extraction of List data. Whether you're a researcher requiring extensive Twitter data for analysis or a business in search of customer sentiment and trend insights, Twitter List Scraper is your perfect solution. Plus, the best part is that it's available at a cost of only $0.30 per 1000 tweets, with the ability to scrape 30-80 tweets per second!

โ„น๏ธ Disclaimer

We are people who are experts on data extraction. This actor is overly optimized for List Scraping and we offer you an extensive set of tools. Not just that, but, we offer high maintenance and perfect support. No bullsh*t - just data. You name it, we get it.

๐Ÿ†“ Demo Mode & Free Users

The users that are on Free Plan can use the actor only on Demo Mode. Please keep in mind that the users that are on Free Plan can retrieve a maximum of 10 items, and cannot use the actor via API. If you want to use this actor without any limitation, you have to subscribe to a paid plan on Apify. You can check this link to subscribe easily.

๐ŸŽŽ Who needs this?

Twitter List Scraper is designed to provide exceptional efficiency, speed, and cost-effectiveness for a diverse range of users:

  • Twitter List Scraper is designed to effortlessly manage extensive link or user scraping tasks, making it an ideal choice for Data Analysts who need to handle large volumes of data efficiently and cost-effectively.
  • If you're passionate about detailed and filtered user scraping, Twitter List Scraper's robust filtering capabilities allow Data Enthusiasts to precisely extract the most relevant data.
  • Researchers can rely on Twitter List Scraper for comprehensive search scraping, enabling them to uncover valuable insights deep within the data.
  • Entrepreneurs working on time-sensitive tasks benefit from Twitter List Scraper's lightweight design and quick startup, ensuring rapid access to the necessary data.

Twitter List Scraper is not only proficient in managing extensive tasks but also an excellent choice for smaller projects, thanks to its adaptable settings and scalability. Whether your project is large or small, Twitter List Scraper is designed to provide optimal performance.

๐Ÿœ Output Example

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4	"url": "https://x.com/ESPNStatsInfo/status/1757983181972930764",
5	"twitterUrl": "https://twitter.com/ESPNStatsInfo/status/1757983181972930764",
6	"text": "Anthony Davis and Rui Hachimura are the 1st @Lakers duo with 35 points each in the same game since Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal in 2003. https://t.co/HgXdoJfXsm",
7	"retweetCount": 58,
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21		"name": "ESPN Stats & Info",
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238	]

๐Ÿš Input Parameters

FieldTypeDescriptionDefault value
startUrlsarrayTwitter (X) URLs. Paste the URLs and get the results immediately. List URLs are supported.[]
listIdsarrayThese are the IDs of the Twitter lists from which you wish to retrieve tweets. They correspond to the last part of the URL, as illustrated by the example: 78783491 is the ID associated with the list in the URL: https://twitter.com/i/lists/78783491.[]
maxItemsnumberMaximum number of items that you want to receive as outputInfinity
customMapFunctionStringFunction that takes each of the objects as argument and returns data that will be mapped by the function itself.null

๐Ÿ”ง Troubleshooting

  • Getting Few Results? Check "Maximum number of items on output" (maxItems) field, and "Maximum charged results" fields. These two fields enable you to handle the total number of results. Leaving both empty will result infinite results.
  • Are Some Outputs Missing? Ensure that you review all fields, not just the overview. You can navigate to the "Storage" tab and select either "Download the results" or "Open in a New Tab."
  • Getting No Results? Confirm that your parameters are not overly restrictive.
  • Not Receiving New Tweets After a Large Batch? Examine the log for messages like "Logging is too fast, some lines were skipped." If you encounter this issue, consider scraping smaller amounts of data to avoid it.

๐Ÿ“ž Contact and Feature Requests

If you need any sort of support, please send an email to apidojo10@gmail.com. You name it, we get it.

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Actor metrics
  • 18 monthly users
  • 2 stars
  • 61.2% runs succeeded
  • Created in Nov 2023
  • Modified about 11 hours ago