Instagram Profile Scraper avatar

Instagram Profile Scraper

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Instagram Profile Scraper

Instagram Profile Scraper

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Scrape all Instagram profile info. Just add one or more Instagram usernames and extract number of followers&follows, URLs, bio, posts, likes, counts, related profiles, captions, highlight reels. Export scraped data, run the scraper via API, schedule and monitor runs or integrate with other tools.

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PostsCount and HighlightReelCount not showing up in Excel export


sage_ointment opened this issue
4 months ago

Hello, Had a scheduled recurring task and had no issues previously. However, on the latest run 6/16 12am Eastern Time, the output seems to have changed. I cannot find the PostsCount and HIghlightReelCount in the Excel export. The PostsCount does show up in the online browser preview though. And when selecting fields, those fields cannot be found.

Didn't want to just re-run and use up credits so wanted to check to see if anything changed on the backend first.


alexey avatar

Hi! Drop-down in export dialog is glitchy (and issue about it already reported), so sometimes it will not provide choice for the value, even if value actually there, i.e. from your run,highlightReelCount,inputUrl&format=json - all counters presented for all data items, except 10 restricted profiles like - for such profiles actor getting partial results

Also, as you can see, data naming or nesting was not changed. So nothing really else to check at the actor level. Restricted profiles now saved with partial details, before was saved just with "error" value "Restricted profile", now error value is the same but additional partial details saved as well, please check if you handle them correctly.

Other than that not sure what else to suggest.

I´m going to close the issue now, but if there would be anything else we could help with, please let us know.

Maintained by Apify
Actor metrics
  • 2.6k monthly users
  • 172 stars
  • 99.5% runs succeeded
  • 1.4 days response time
  • Created in Nov 2021
  • Modified 1 day ago