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Instagram Scraper
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Instagram Scraper

Instagram Scraper

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Scrape and download Instagram posts, profiles, places, hashtags, photos, and comments. Get data from Instagram using one or more Instagram URLs or search queries. Export scraped data, run the scraper via API, schedule and monitor runs or integrate with other tools.


Instagram Profile Scraper - Run


devoted_grandeur-owner opened this issue
3 months ago

Hello, good afternoon.

I am having issues scrapping contacts in Instagram Profile Scraper. When I want to export the results, there are times that it doesn't let me export the username, other times the url and so on with the fields that are necessary for me.

It is not a problem of the number of contacts that I enter to process because I had the problem with different quantities.

I wanted to know, how this can be solved.

Thank you!

alexey avatar

Hi! Looks like its platform bug and issue in Export UI, not in data: From your run I see full details per profile when dataset opened by direct URL: If values specified directly its also works correctly:,url&format=json&limit=2&offset=1 However typeahead in Export dialog not displaying "username" for some reason, I will forward issue to the platform team.

For right now please modify direct dataset URL as necessary (please note that I added offset and limit to sample URLs above for quick preview).

zuzka avatar

Hey, I actually know what might be the issue, please confirm or contradict :). It happens to me some times when the dataset is relatively large. As the export component is "able to see" only that much info (I think in kB but maybe lines? not 100% sure here) it ends up showing only some fields in the export modal. If you know the name of the field, you can however still write the fields names to the "Select fields"/"Omit fields" and it will work, just the user experience is poor. If you sonfimr it is this issue I can push our engineering team to work on it.



3 months ago


This is not what is happening to me. Regardless of the amount of data that I load into the scrapper, when I try to export the data that is useful to me, it does not allow me to export it. Sometimes it doesn't bring me the username, other times the URL and so on with all the fields. This time it is the second time that it happens to me with the URL field in a load of 1074 data.

Is there any solution ?

El mié, 17 abr 2024 a la(s) 3:38 a.m., Zuzka Pelechová ( escribió:

zuzka avatar

Ok, so lets debug together, what do you mean by "not letting you export"? Can you walk me through the situation?



3 months ago

Yes, When I upload my data that includes only the username of an IG Profile into the scrapper of apify I expect to export the following fields:

  • Username
  • Private
  • Followers Count
  • URL

The issue is happening in the export process when the scrapper is ready. Most of the times, the scrapper won't let me export one of those fields named in the list above.

El mié, 17 abr 2024 a la(s) 10:26 a.m., Zuzka Pelechová ( escribió:

alexey avatar

Hi! Are you talking about Export dialog, i.e. when you open URL then click "Export 5883 results" (or the same steps in Apify console) or about some other export? Answers was given considering this export UI in mind, it will not show you some property names in dropdown dialog when dataset is too large. Suggested approach is to modify URL which you see after clicking "View in new tab", i.e.,private,followersCount,url&format=json for values you described. For other datasets just change dataset ID in URL from XJWgywV7W6RQoGhsB to new dataset ID

zuzka avatar

Hey, devoted_grandeur-owner, any further feedback?

alexey avatar

Follow up: please check in regards about dataset handling

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  • 4.4k monthly users
  • 192 stars
  • 100.0% runs succeeded
  • 1.8 days response time
  • Created in Apr 2019
  • Modified about 11 hours ago