Send Email
No credit card required
Send Email
No credit card required
The actor automatically sends an email to a specific address. This actor is useful for notifications and reporting. With only 3 lines of JavaScript code, you'll be on top of your scraping actors and never miss important results or issues.
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Get a demoHi I used the ' send email' api. It only works when I enter one email in the : "properties": { "to": { "title": "To", "type": "string", "description": "," }, "cc": { "title": "Copy", "type": "string", "description": "Email BCC same format as to."
the email does not get sent to the second address. I also tried inputting it in the cc description string but also without success.
Another thing that I did not manage to get right (after many failed attempts) is sending a mail to my slack channel. Slack gave a channel address. But emails do not arrive there. (only tried as second email address) A direct mail to the address given by slack arrives without problems in the channel.
Thanks for the report. As one error message suggests, as a free user you can only send email to one recipient and it must be the same email as you have registered here. This is to prevent spam.
Actor Metrics
173 monthly users
80 stars
84% runs succeeded
Created in Sep 2017
Modified a month ago