Send Email
No credit card required
Send Email
No credit card required
The actor automatically sends an email to a specific address. This actor is useful for notifications and reporting. With only 3 lines of JavaScript code, you'll be on top of your scraping actors and never miss important results or issues.
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Get a demoHi Please bro I want to test send 20 email to 20 email without pay if good will pay plan ok ?
Hi, That's what a free usage is for, you get to use $5 of prepaid usage for every month of the billing cycle. Note that unused prepaid usage will not be credited or carried forward to the next billing cycle. Is it clear? I'm going to close the issue, but again, if anything else comes up, please let us know.
Actor Metrics
174 monthly users
80 stars
84% runs succeeded
Created in Sep 2017
Modified a month ago