Linkedin Job Details (No Cookies)
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Linkedin Job Details (No Cookies)
No credit card required
Extract comprehensive LinkedIn job details including full description, company information, salary insights, and application statistics. Get detailed data from any LinkedIn job ID.
LinkedIn Job Detail Scraper
Get comprehensive LinkedIn job details including full description, company information, salary insights, and application statistics.
Our LinkedIn Scraping Suite
Get comprehensive LinkedIn data with our specialized actors:
- LinkedIn Jobs Scraper - Search and filter job listings with advanced criteria
- LinkedIn Job Detail Scraper - Extract comprehensive details about specific job postings
- LinkedIn Profile Detail Scraper - Get detailed public profile informations
- More actors coming soon !
Each actor is designed to work independently or in combination for advanced use cases.
🔍 Features
- Full job descriptions
- Company information and details
- Salary insights (when available)
- Application statistics
- Easy Apply status
Provide a LinkedIn job ID to get complete job details. You can find job IDs from job URLs or using our LinkedIn Jobs Scraper.
📊 Output Data
1{ 2 "job_info": { 3 "title": "Software Engineer", 4 "description": "Detailed job description...", 5 "location": "New York, NY", 6 "employment_status": "Full-time", 7 "experience_level": "Mid-Senior level", 8 "is_remote_allowed": true 9 }, 10 "company_info": { 11 "name": "Example Corp", 12 "description": "Company description...", 13 "staff_count": 1000, 14 "industries": ["Technology"], 15 "logo_url": "https://..." 16 }, 17 "salary_info": { 18 "min_salary": 100000, 19 "max_salary": 150000, 20 "currency_code": "USD" 21 }, 22 "apply_details": { 23 "total_applies": 50, 24 "total_views": 500, 25 "is_easy_apply": true 26 } 27}
Actor Metrics
14 monthly users
6 stars
98% runs succeeded
Created in Nov 2024
Modified 6 days ago