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StockX Scraper

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StockX Scraper

StockX Scraper


Scrape comprehensive publicly available data from including detailed product information, market state, and sales trends. Utilize detailed transaction records and time-series data to analyze market dynamics and predict trends.

Maintained by Community


  • StockX Data Access: Retrieve comprehensive publicly available data from
  • Market Insights: Gain insights into real-time and historical market conditions, tracking bids, asks, and sales data.
  • Variant Details and Media: Access specific variant information and product images.
  • Advanced Analytics: Utilize detailed transaction records and time-series data to analyze market dynamics.

What data can be extracted?

Product Informationid, urlKey, title, contentGroup, sizeDescriptor, productCategory
Market StatelowestAsk, highestBid, numberOfCustodialAsks, numberOfAsks, numberOfBids, lowestCustodialAsk
Sales InformationlastSale, salesLast72Hours
Sales Statisticsamount, changePercentage, changeValue
Variant Informationid (of each variant)
Time-Series DataxValues (date and time), yValues (price)

Depending on your data requirements, choose either the product data, or sales history graph data type. See example outputs here.

What is the input?

scrapeInputarrayList of StockX product URLs or URL keys used to scrape data["",
dataTypestringSpecifies the type of data to retrieve from StockXProduct Data, Sales History Graph Data
currencyCodestringSelect the currency code for the market you wish to scrapeAUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, KRW, MXN, NZD, SGD, USD
countryCodestringSelect the country code for the market you wish to scrapeCountry codes like US, AU, GB, etc.

Input Example

2    "scrapeInput": [
3        "",
4        "louis-vuitton-by-tyler-the-creator-multiple-wallet-chocolate-craggy-monogram"
5    ],
6    "dataType": "market",
7    "currencyCode": "USD",
8    "countryCode": "US"

Output Example

Data Type: Product Data (snippet)

2   "air-jordan-4-retro-military-blue-2024":{
3      "id":"1266ff74-49e0-4278-bda2-dfe2fdf25bbc",
4      "urlKey":"air-jordan-4-retro-military-blue-2024",
5      "listingType":"STANDARD",
6      "title":"Jordan 4 Retro Military Blue (2024)",
7      "contentGroup":"sneakers",
8      "market":{
9         "state":{
10            "lowestAsk":{
11               "amount":245
12            },
13            "highestBid":{
14               "amount":266
15            },
16            "numberOfCustodialAsks":43,
17            "numberOfAsks":1849,
18            "numberOfBids":946,
19            "lowestCustodialAsk":{
20               "amount":325
21            }
22         },
23         "salesInformation":{
24            "lastSale":276,
25            "salesLast72Hours":436
26         },
27         "statistics":{
28            "lastSale":{
29               "amount":276,
30               "changePercentage":-0.007194,
31               "changeValue":-2
32            }
33         }
34      },
35      "variants":[
36         {
37            "id":"bdf16395-2fbd-4503-9746-2dc82a57af78",
38            "market":{
39               "state":{
40                  "lowestAsk":{
41                     "amount":278
42                  },
43                  "highestBid":{
44                     "amount":240
45                  },
46                  "numberOfCustodialAsks":2,
47                  "numberOfAsks":46,
48                  "numberOfBids":23,
49                  "lowestCustodialAsk":{
50                     "amount":350
51                  }
52               },
53               "salesInformation":{
54                  "lastSale":274,
55                  "salesLast72Hours":13
56               },
57               "statistics":{
58                  "lastSale":{
59                     "amount":274,
60                     "changePercentage":-0.062114,
61                     "changeValue":-18
62                  }
63               }
64            }
65         }
66      ],
67      "sizeDescriptor":"Size",
68      "productCategory":"sneakers",
69      "media":{
70         "imageUrl":""
71      }
72   }

Data Type: Sales History Graph Data (snippet)

2  "air-jordan-4-retro-military-blue-2024": {
3    "xValues": [
4      "2024-04-22T20:30:59.000Z",
5      "2024-04-22T21:40:06.000Z",
6      "2024-04-22T22:49:13.000Z"
7    ],
8    "yValues": [
9      267,
10      264,
11      261
12    ]
13  }

Cost of Usage

The StockX Scraper incurs a charge of $4.00 for every 1,000 results obtained.
Each result counts as either product data, recent product sales data, or sales history graph data scraped for a single input (URL or URL key).

StockX Scraper API

The Apify API offers programmatic access to the capabilities of the Apify platform, specifically this Apify Actor.
It is designed with RESTful HTTP endpoints, enabling the management, scheduling, and operation of Apify Actors effectively.
For detailed guidance and additional functionalities, consult the Apify API reference documentation.

For implementation, you can view the example code for using the StockX Scraper API here.

Track Progress

While the Actor is running, it will display updates about its progress.
Should there be any issues, the Actor will halt and enter a failure state, providing a clear explanation of the error encountered.

Compute Efficiency

The Actor is designed for high-speed performance, efficiently retrieving a large volume of data.