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Amazon Deals Scraper

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Amazon Deals Scraper

Amazon Deals Scraper

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3 days trial then $15.00/month - No credit card required now

Our Amazon Deals Dataset contains all active deals from Amazon. We update this dataset several times per day to ensure the data is always fresh. Save time and money by subscribing and using our Deals Dataset instead of updating and maintaining your own.

How does Axesso Amazon Deals Scraper works?

Our Actor aggregates all available data from Amazon deals page. We are prefetching all deals on our servers and updating these deals several time per day resulting in an Actor runtime <1min! You can use this Actor by providing the respective domain code list for which you would like to fetch deals from. Currently, this Actor supports com, de and fr Amazon domains. Please find in the following an example of an input json including com domain Code:

2"domainCodes": [
3    "com"
4    ]

Sample Output

2    {
3    "domainCode": "com",
4    "id": "dd65c987",
5    "dealType": "LIGHTNING_DEAL",
6    "title": "KYX Car Bike Rack 180lbs Max Load, Tow Hitch Bike Racks for E-Bike, 5\" Fat Tire Bike, Folds Up Compactly, Tiltable Down, Double Anti-Swag System Bicycle Car Racks 2\" Receiver for SUV, Truck, RV",
7    "imageUrls": "[\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\"]",
8    "dealState": "AVAILABLE",
9    "url": "",
10    "startsAt": "2024-08-15 07:35:00 UTC",
11    "endsAt": "2024-08-15 19:05:00 UTC",
12    "price": 254.99,
13    "retailPrice": 299.99,
14    "savingAmount": 45,
15    "type": "LIGHTNING_DEAL",
16    "asin": "B0CT32C2JH",
17    "badgeMessage": "Limited time deal",
18    "departments": "[3375301]",
19    "savingPercentage": 15
20    }

How much does Axesso Amazon Deals Scraper cost?

Since we prefetch all deals on our side, this Actor is actually only loading the rows which results in very cheap cost. On the top for the rent fee, the run cost for this Actor is approx. 0.4$ per run.

What to consider when using this Actor?

Axesso - Data Service is performing Web Crawling activities since over one decade. All our expertises are included in this Actor, this means the user of this Actor is not required to deal with any inconveniences of web scraping.

In details it means we cover the whole lifecycle including

  1. Proxy Rotation: We Use our own Proxy Pool including several Millions of Proxies in all countries worldwide avoiding that our Scraper can be blocked.

  2. Geo Targeting: We determine the correct location based on the provided URL. If you would like to fetch result for domain, we only use Proxies from USA for the corresponding request. Thus, we support all Amazon domains available while using always the right Proxy location.

  3. Captchas and 503 Status Code: Captchas and temporary are completly handled by this Actor under the hood ensuring the user to get always the required data.

  4. Further rotation As already mentioned, our Actor is covering all required activities to ensure a smooth user experience at any point in time.

Where else you can find Axesso - Data Service solutions?

Our solutions are available and distributed via different channels. You can find our full API selection either on own API Portal or on Rapid API.

On RapidAPI our solutions are already available since 5 years given by track record which in sum is reflected by over 3000 subscriber split up over all our APIs. Check it out, to gain trust in our experience!

Use cases for our Axesso Actors**

  1. Market Research: Businesses can utilize our Axesso APIs to gather product information, pricing data, customer reviews, and seller details from Amazon. This information can help in understanding market trends, competitor analysis, and identifying gaps in the market.

  2. Price Monitoring: E-commerce retailers can track prices of their own products as well as competitor products on Amazon using our Axesso APIs. This enables them to adjust their pricing strategies in real-time to stay competitive and maximize profits.

  3. Inventory Management: Sellers can automate inventory management by leveraging our Axesso APIs to monitor stock levels, product availability, and any changes in product attributes on Amazon. This ensures timely restocking and prevents stockouts or overstocking.

  4. Product Catalog Management: Retailers with large product catalogs can efficiently update their product listings on Amazon using our Axesso APIs. This includes extracting product titles, descriptions, images, and specifications from their database and synchronizing them with Amazon listings.

  5. Review Monitoring and Sentiment Analysis: Brands can monitor customer reviews of their products on Amazon using our Axesso APIs. By analyzing sentiment and identifying common issues or positive feedback, brands can improve their products and customer satisfaction.

  6. Lead Generation: Businesses can leverage our Axesso APIs to scrape Amazon for contact information of sellers or manufacturers to identify potential suppliers, distributors, or partners. This data can be used for targeted outreach and business development efforts.

  7. Content Aggregation and Curation: Content creators, bloggers, and publishers can use our Axesso APIs to aggregate product information, images, and customer reviews from Amazon to create curated content such as product reviews, comparison articles, or buying guides.

  8. Price Comparison Websites: Price comparison websites can utilize our Axesso APIs to collect pricing data from Amazon and other e-commerce platforms. This enables consumers to compare prices across different retailers and make informed purchasing decisions.

  9. Ad Campaign Optimization: Advertisers can scrape Amazon using our Axesso APIs to gather insights into popular products, keywords, and advertising strategies. This data can be used to optimize Amazon PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns and maximize return on ad spend (ROAS).

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 3 monthly users


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Aug 2024

  • Modified 15 days ago
