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Zillow Search Scraper

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Zillow Search Scraper

Zillow Search Scraper

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7 days trial then $20.00/month - No credit card required now

Zillow Search Scraper Scrapes Zillow property listings by location. Supports For Sale, For Rent, and Sold searches. Inputs: - query: Location ("New York, NY") - searchType: "For Sale", "For Rent", or "Sold" Outputs property data in JSON including price, address, beds/baths, status, and listing ID.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 3 monthly users

  • No reviews yet

  • 1 bookmark

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Feb 2025

  • Modified 5 days ago


This Apify Actor scrapes property listings from Zillow based on a location search query. It supports searching properties that are For Sale, For Rent, or have been Sold.


  • Search properties by location query (e.g. city names, addresses)
  • Filter by listing type (For Sale, For Rent, Sold)
  • Get detailed property information
  • Handles pagination automatically
  • Robust error handling and retry mechanisms
  • Bypasses Zillow's anti-scraping protections



  • Python 3.9+
  • Apify CLI (optional, for local development)

Deployment to Apify

  1. Log in to your Apify account
  2. Create a new Actor
  3. Deploy this code to the Actor
  4. Configure the Actor's input

Input Parameters

The Actor accepts the following input parameters:

queryStringLocation to search (e.g., 'New York, NY')"New York, NY"
homeStatusesStringListing status to include (select one). Options: newConstruction, foreclosure, comingSoon, fsbo, fsba, auction, forRent, recentlySold"newConstruction"
minPriceIntegerMinimum price in USD-
maxPriceIntegerMaximum price in USD-
minBedroomsIntegerMinimum number of bedrooms-
maxBedroomsIntegerMaximum number of bedrooms-
minBathroomsIntegerMinimum number of bathrooms-
maxHoaFeesIntegerMaximum HOA fees per month in USD-
homeTypesArrayProperty types. Options: singleFamily, multiFamily, condo, manufactured, land, townhome, apartment-
includeNoHoaDataBooleanInclude homes with no HOA datatrue
sortOrderStringSort order: recentlyChanged, relevance, priceLowToHigh, priceHighToLow"recentlyChanged"
maxResultsIntegerMaximum number of results to return500


Sample output

2  "property": {
3    "zpid": 2057430830,
4    "location": {
5      "latitude": 37.74573,
6      "longitude": -122.47662
7    },
8    "address": {
9      "streetAddress": "2256 20th Ave #A",
10      "zipcode": "94116",
11      "city": "San Francisco",
12      "state": "CA",
13      "buildingId": 2082971133
14    },
15    "media": {
16      "propertyPhotoLinks": {
17        "highResolutionLink": "https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/7fb5cc0d6ed64f744cf80e1d5907ecbb-p_f.jpg"
18      },
19      "thirdPartyPhotoLinks": {
20        "streetViewLink": "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?size=1280x256&location=37.745731353759766,-122.47662353515625&key=AIzaSyBWYJWCA8FNMQvSe_k3LKfDGJaEgdKwsco&signature=g4i8FaLhoo0Ns5Ux5NNzm1rByjY=",
21        "satelliteLink": "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?mobile=false&sensor=true&maptype=satellite&size=1280x512&zoom=19&center=37.745731353759766,-122.47662353515625&key=AIzaSyBWYJWCA8FNMQvSe_k3LKfDGJaEgdKwsco&signature=vIMYpPN6GsyyZi4fMDeR8jGVxg0=",
22        "streetViewMetadataLink": "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview/metadata?location=37.745731353759766,-122.47662353515625&key=AIzaSyBWYJWCA8FNMQvSe_k3LKfDGJaEgdKwsco&signature=1umhv61ahkKyPD3U4YPpf-49mVs="
23      },
24      "hasVRModel": false,
25      "hasVideos": false,
26      "hasApprovedThirdPartyVirtualTour": false,
27      "allPropertyPhotos": {
28        "highResolution": [
29          "https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/7fb5cc0d6ed64f744cf80e1d5907ecbb-p_f.jpg",
30          "https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/243f899a4696ec0d6725c5604708c3e3-p_f.jpg",
31          "https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/2d559621800ecafc96630537061ad6c7-p_f.jpg",
32          "https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/cb7464b60d3362423f40371e114fb541-p_f.jpg",
33          "https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/121a9268eeb1aaaeee94b9f94aeec9ad-p_f.jpg",
34          "https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/5867ab8a369658ebf132aa351950caec-p_f.jpg",
35          "https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/5e0a1c153807a9b757e9445082bc3d7d-p_f.jpg",
36          "https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/cf0c3954e31995204c6d495e43532a5a-p_f.jpg",
37          "https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/eca26db691c6d06b35fb51ba2a505a6e-p_f.jpg"
38        ]
39      }
40    },
41    "isFeatured": false,
42    "isShowcaseListing": false,
43    "rental": {
44      "areApplicationsAccepted": true,
45      "isRoomForRent": false,
46      "isBuildToRent": false,
47      "isRentByBed": false,
48      "marketingTreatments": [
49        "zillowRentalManager"
50      ]
51    },
52    "currency": "usd",
53    "country": "usa",
54    "groupType": "apartmentComplex",
55    "listingDateTimeOnZillow": 1742502731012,
56    "bestGuessTimeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
57    "isUnmappable": false,
58    "listCardRecommendation": {
59      "flexFieldRecommendations": [
60        {
61          "displayString": "16 hours ago",
62          "flexFieldType": "timeOnInfo",
63          "contentType": "timeOnInfo"
64        },
65        {
66          "displayString": "Apply instantly",
67          "flexFieldType": "unknown",
68          "contentType": "frZillowApplication"
69        }
70      ],
71      "ctaRecommendations": [
72        {
73          "displayString": "Request a tour",
74          "contentType": "REQUEST_A_TOUR"
75        }
76      ]
77    },
78    "bathrooms": 1.0,
79    "bedrooms": 2,
80    "livingArea": 400,
81    "propertyType": "townhome",
82    "listing": {
83      "listingStatus": "forRent",
84      "providerListingID": "1c62p4frzp5g7",
85      "listingSubType": {}
86    },
87    "daysOnZillow": 0,
88    "isPreforeclosureAuction": false,
89    "price": {
90      "value": 2195,
91      "pricePerSquareFoot": 5
92    },
93    "estimates": {
94      "zestimate": 609800,
95      "rentZestimate": 1847
96    },
97    "zillowOwnedProperty": {
98      "isZillowOwned": false
99    },
100    "hdpView": {
101      "listingStatus": "forRent",
102      "price": 2195,
103      "hdpUrl": "/homedetail/MobileAppHDPShopperPlatformServicePage.htm?fromApp=true&p=android&variant=FOR_RENT#zpid=2057430830&homeDetailsVariant=FOR_RENT&webviewLayout=doubleScroll&showFactsAndFeatures=true&fromApp=true&gmaps=true&streetview=true"
104    },
105    "region": {},
106    "personalizedResult": {
107      "isViewed": false
108    },
109    "propertyDisplayRules": {
110      "canShowAddress": true,
111      "canShowOnMap": true,
112      "agent": {},
113      "mls": {},
114      "builder": {},
115      "soldByOffice": {},
116      "listingCategory": "category2"
117    },
118    "ssid": 100066
119  },
120  "resultType": "property"


API Usage Example

1const Apify = require('apify');
3Apify.main(async () => {
4    const input = {
5        query: "San Francisco, CA",
6    };
8    const client = Apify.newClient();
9    const run = await client.actor("your-username/zillow-search-scraper").call(input);
11    // Process results
12    const dataset = await client.dataset(run.defaultDatasetId).listItems();
13    console.log(`Found ${dataset.items.length} listings`);

