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Task Metrics

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Task Metrics

Task Metrics


This actor provides basic metrics for each run of a given actor: Duration, ItemCount, Items Per Compute Unit, and Items Per Minute. The data can be exported for analysis.


This actor provides basic metrics for each task run for a given actor. The Actor will find all of your tasks limited by the input filter.

input / filter

You can filter data based on: last-day, last-month or this-month

metric data

1const metrix = {
2                actId: runInfo.actId,
3                actorTaskId: runInfo.actorTaskId,
4                startedAt: runInfo.startedAt,
5                finishedAt: runInfo.finishedAt,
6                status: runInfo.status,
7                memAvgMbytes: (runInfo.stats.memAvgBytes / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2),
8                memMaxMbytes: (runInfo.stats.memMaxBytes / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2),
9                cpuAvgUsage: runInfo.stats.cpuAvgUsage.toFixed(2),
10                cpuMaxUsage: runInfo.stats.cpuMaxUsage.toFixed(2),
11                runTimeMinutes: (runInfo.stats.runTimeSecs / 60).toFixed(2),
12                computeUnits: runInfo.stats.computeUnits.toFixed(2),
13                memoryMbytes: runInfo.options.memoryMbytes.toFixed(2),
14                defaultDatasetId: runInfo.defaultDatasetId,
15                itemCount: itemCount,
16                itemsPerMinute: itemsPerMinute.toFixed(2),
17                ItemsPerCU: ItemsPerCU.toFixed(2)
18            }
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