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All Reviews

All Reviews


Collect the latest reviews from Booking, Tripadvisor, Facebook, Yelp, Yellow Pages, Hotels, Expedia, Airbnb, OpenTable, Etsy, G2, Capterra and Product Hunt in one go!


Returns the 100 latest reviews per source for a given company.

Supported sources:

  • Booking
  • Tripadvisor
  • Facebook
  • Yelp
  • Yellow Pages
  • Hotels
  • Expedia
  • Airbnb
  • Opentable
  • Etsy
  • G2 (may take a while, set Delay to 90 or more 🛑)
  • Capterra
  • Product Hunt

Supported link types (must start with):

Example output

2	"source": "facebook",
3	"source_url": "",
4	"reviewer": "Tammy Lamrock",
5	"avatar": "",
6	"rating": 5,
7	"comment": "We had a lovely time in June of this year. The hotel was a lovely place to stay. Close to local shops and entertainment and the staff were lovely. Will definitely stay there again",
8	"url": "",
9	"title": null,
10	"language": null,
11	"timestamp": 1439251200,
12	"images": [],
13	"reply": null

How it works.

  1. Enter the links to fetch reviews from.

  2. Set a delay (waiting time between requests).

  3. Run it! 🎉

⚠ Some connectors take longer than others. If you cannot get the reviews, wait for a bit and retry the request.


The log message "Connector under maintenance" means the integration is being worked on. There is no need to contact us.

Open a new issue for bugs or feature requests. Please share the run URL.

Maintained by Community