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Get Search results, Top Companies and Company reviews from It's fast and costs little.


  • List Search Results (Services)

    This is used to find a particular skill or service, such as "Weblow" or "CRM Mobile App".

  • List Search Results (Profiles)

    This is used to find a particular company.

  • Get Top Companies

    In the background, the process "List Search Results" is ran against the keyword and returns the first match.

    Then, all companies categorized under that particular match are returned.

    You could also first run "List Search Results (Services)" separately to see potential matches and use them as the exact keyword.

  • Get Company Reviews

    This takes an exact keyword. For example, use intrepid-acquired-accenture for

    You could also chain requests. First, run "List Search Results (Profiles)" to find the Profile ID. Then, start "Get Company Reviews" using that ID as keyword.

How it works.

  1. Enter a keyword to search for.

  2. Set the maximum number of pages to fetch.

  3. Select the process to run (e.g., Get Top Companies);

  4. Run it! 🎉

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