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3 days trial then $12.00/month - No credit card required now

Get or search for prices, artists, releases, labels and more from Discogs. It's fast and costs little!

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 2 monthly users

  • No reviews yet


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Jan 2025

  • Modified 2 months ago

⚡ For a higher maximum, pagination and more filters, please use canadesk/discogs-plus!

💡 Some data will be returned based on the IP address location, such as sales statistics and availability.

🛑 Discogs marketplace (= "Sell") is sensitive to scraping. Use your own cookies, set longer waiting times, reduce batch number and use high-quality proxies.


  • Keywords (array)

    Returns data for the keywords.

    Expected format:

  • Custom Input (object)

    Alternative to/overrides Keywords.

    You can set a different process/category combination for each keyword.

    ⭐ For 6+ entries at a time, please use canadesk/discogs-plus!

  • Process (select)

    • Get

      Returns data for the specified category. Requires a specific ID (or Name or URL).

    • Search

      Returns data for the specified category based on the search terms.

    • Sell

      Returns prices for the specified release (with statistics) or free text search.

  • Category (select)

    Each Process/Category combination must be valid.

    Possible options are:

    • Get

      "artist", "artistReleases", "release", "master", "masterVersions", "label", "labelReleases", "profile", "inventory", "listing", "collectionFolders", "collectionFolder", "collectionItemsByFolder"

    • Search

      "artist", "release", "master", "label", "all"

    • Sell

      "release", "list"

  • Media format (select)

    Only applicable to "Sell" for category LIST.

  • Ships From / Media condition (select)

    Only applicable to "Sell".

  • Currency (select)

    Only applicable to "Sell".

    • Currency filter

      Returns results sold in the specified currency.

    • Currency conversion

      Converts the total price in the specified currency (original total is still available).

  • Cookie (string)

    Only for Sell. You are less likely to be blocked by providing your own cookies from Discogs marketplace.

    Leave empty for default!

  • Maximum results (integer)

    Per keyword.

    ⭐ For pagination, please use canadesk/spotify-plus!

  • Batch (integer)

    Number of parallel requests to be executed - only relevant when there is more than 1 keyword.

    Default is 1. The higher the number, the more chances you have to be blocked.

    💡 Make sure to increase the Actor's memory and timeout for long runs!

  • Delay (integer)

    For high-volume scraping, make sure to set a reasonable waiting time.

Example Custom Input

Limited to 5 entries with this actor.

2    "input": [
3        {
4            "id": "32515302",
5            "process": "sell",
6            "category": "release"
7        },
8        {
9            "id": "00602508108556",
10            "process": "sell",
11            "category": "list"
12        },
13        {
14            "id": "https://www.discogs.com/label/1430979-Daft-Punk",
15            "process": "get",
16            "category": "label"
17        },
18        {
19            "id": "855971",
20            "process": "get",
21            "category": "artist"
22        },
23        {
24            "id": "855971",
25            "process": "get",
26            "category": "artistReleases"
27        },
28        {
29            "id": "daft punk",
30            "process": "search",
31            "category": "artist"
32        },
33        {
34            "id": "4988006799202",
35            "process": "search",
36            "category": "all"
37        },
38        {
39            "id": "32515302",
40            "process": "get",
41            "category": "release"
42        },
43        {
44            "id": "26647",
45            "process": "get",
46            "category": "master"
47        },
48        {
49            "id": "26647",
50            "process": "get",
51            "category": "masterVersions"
52        },
53        {
54            "id": "1430979",
55            "process": "get",
56            "category": "label"
57        },
58        {
59            "id": "1430979",
60            "process": "get",
61            "category": "labelReleases"
62        },
63        {
64            "id": "jamescaton",
65            "process": "get",
66            "category": "profile"
67        },
68        {
69            "id": "jamescaton",
70            "process": "get",
71            "category": "inventory"
72        },
73        {
74            "id": "3396468555",
75            "process": "get",
76            "category": "listing"
77        },
78        {
79            "id": "jamescaton",
80            "process": "get",
81            "category": "collectionFolders"
82        },
83        {
84            "id": "jamescaton",
85            "process": "get",
86            "category": "collectionFolder"
87        },
88        {
89            "id": "jamescaton",
90            "process": "get",
91            "category": "collectionItemsByFolder"
92        }
93    ]


Search/Release returns (category-dependent):

2	"discogsId": 4723572,
3	"siteUrl": "https://www.discogs.com/release/4723572-Daft-Punk-Get-Lucky-Daft-Punk-Remix",
4	"title": "Get Lucky (Daft Punk Remix)",
5	"formats": [
6		{
7			"name": "Vinyl",
8			"quantity": "1",
9			"description": [
10				"12\"",
11				"33 ⅓ RPM",
12				"Single"
13			],
14			"text": "180 gram"
15		}
16	],
17	"primaryArtists": [
18		{
19			"displayName": "Daft Punk",
20			"nameVariation": null,
21			"joiningText": "",
22			"artist": {
23				"discogsId": 1289,
24				"name": "Daft Punk"
25			}
26		}
27	],
28	"inWantlist": null,
29	"collectionItems": null,
30	"myListings": {
31		"totalCount": 0
32	},
33	"listings": {
34		"totalCount": 58
35	},
36	"lowestPrice": {
37		"converted": {
38			"amount": 41.13,
39			"currency": "USD"
40		}
41	},
42	"images": {
43		"edges": [
44			{
45				"node": {
46					"thumbnail": {
47						"width": 149,
48						"height": 150,
49						"sourceUrl": "https://i.discogs.com/3JWdFDUGrNy21wEx55oPI2w8ZDAAyKugc2egyGaP7sg/rs:fit/g:sm/q:40/h:300/w:300/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTQ3MjM1/NzItMTM3MzUzNTc3/OS03OTk2LmpwZWc.jpeg",
50						"webpUrl": "https://i.discogs.com/3JWdFDUGrNy21wEx55oPI2w8ZDAAyKugc2egyGaP7sg/rs:fit/g:sm/q:40/h:300/w:300/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTQ3MjM1/NzItMTM3MzUzNTc3/OS03OTk2LmpwZWc.jpeg"
51					},
52					"nsfw": false
53				}
54			}
55		]
56	},
57	"type": "Release"

Get/LabelReleases returns:

2	"data": [
3		{
4			"status": "Accepted",
5			"format": "12\", Single, Promo",
6			"catno": "7087 6 16491 1 6, SPRO-16491",
7			"thumb": "",
8			"resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/20045",
9			"title": "Harder Better Faster Stronger",
10			"id": 20045,
11			"year": 2001,
12			"artist": "Daft Punk",
13			"uri": "https://www.discogs.com/release/20045-Harder-Better-Faster-Stronger"
14		},
15		{
16			"status": "Accepted",
17			"format": "DVD-V, Multichannel, PAL",
18			"catno": "VDVD8, 7243 4909529 8",
19			"thumb": "",
20			"resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/251953",
21			"title": "Interstella 5555 (The 5tory Of The 5ecret 5tar 5ystem)",
22			"id": 251953,
23			"year": 2003,
24			"artist": "Daft Punk & Leiji Matsumoto",
25			"uri": "https://www.discogs.com/release/251953-Interstella-5555-(The-5tory-Of-The-5ecret-5tar-5ystem)"
26		},
27		...
28	]

Sell/Release returns:

Statistics are available for Sell/Release. Details are available for Sell/List.

2	"keyword": "32515302",
3	"category": "release",
4	"data": {
5		"statistics": {
6			"have": 3315,
7			"want": 1334,
8			"avg_rating": 4.91,
9			"ratings": 167,
10			"last_sold": "06 Jan 25",
11			"lowest": 111.12,
12			"median": 159.4,
13			"highest": 201.25,
14			"demand_level": "medium"
15		},
16		"prices": [
17			{
18				"uri": "https://www.discogs.com/sell/item/3398619150",
19				"name": "Daft Punk = ダフト・パンク* - Discovery = ディスカバリー (2xLP, Album, Ltd, RE)",
20				"media_condition": "Mint (M)",
21				"sleeve_condition": "Mint (M)",
22				"description": "Label:Daft Life, ADA France",
23				"seller": "ABpaolinobeatbitAB",
24				"seller_rating": 4.91,
25				"seller_reviews": 3315,
26				"ships_from": "Italy",
27				"price": 740,
28				"shipping_fee": null,
29				"shipping_fee_exists": "yes, but not specified",
30				"total_estimate": 740,
31				"total_estimate_currency": 1099.5675,
32				"currency": "EUR",
33				"details": {							// Only available when Statistics are not provided
34					"availability_ip": null,			// True = Can be sent to the IP location
35                    "unavailability_location_ip": null,	// If availability_ip is False, shows the current IP location
36					"label": null,
37					"gtin": null,
38					"release_link": null,
39					"rating": null,
40					"have": null,
41					"want": null
42				}
43			},
44			{
45				"uri": "https://www.discogs.com/sell/item/3387500613",
46				"name": "Daft Punk = ダフト・パンク* - Discovery = ディスカバリー (2xLP, Album, Ltd, RE)",
47				"media_condition": "Mint (M)",
48				"sleeve_condition": "Mint (M)",
49				"description": "Factory sealed. Hype sticker. All in perfect conditions. Fast and secured shipment. Shipping with tracking.",
50				"seller": "27max",
51				"seller_rating": 4.91,
52				"seller_reviews": 3315,
53				"ships_from": "Portugal",
54				"price": 204,
55				"shipping_fee": 23.8023,
56				"shipping_fee_exists": "yes",
57				"total_estimate": 227.8023,
58				"total_estimate_currency": 338.4919,
59				"currency": "EUR",
60				"details": {
61					"availability_ip": null,			// True = Can be sent to the IP location
62                    "unavailability_location_ip": null,	// If availability_ip is False, shows the current IP location
63					"label": null,
64					"gtin": null,
65					"release_link": null,
66					"rating": null,
67					"have": null,
68					"want": null
69				}
70			},
71			...
72		]
73	}


Always use high-quality proxies and set a reasonable waiting time.

Open a new issue for bugs or feature requests. Please share the run URL.
